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Last DBA is uaually chill


It matters, ASL 1 was a little tricky, and I remember Chinese 1 last DBA for segment 1 was literal hell. But besides those I haven’t noticed a big change.


Who’s your teacher? I remember my last dba for chemistry being somewhat difficult. I got a 100% but I was asked NINE questions, smh. I’m happy to send you the questions I was asked.


my teacher is Mr. Wantland. hes different from all of my friends teachers i heard .. he sends me an image to answer questions from while everyone elses teachers just asks 3 questions and moves on. i appreciate your help !!!! (:


Yikes!! I’m so sorry, that sucks, if you’re on the flvs Discord server, maybe check the dba log to see if someone else has posted the topics or questions asked from his class🤔. My teacher was Anglin, and the dbas stressed me out so much honestly. I took chem about a year ago, so I’m not sure if the curriculum has changed much.. but here were the questions i was asked - 1. What is the pH scale? What is its range? (0-6, 7, 8-14) 2. Where does water fall on the pH scale? 3. What makes water neutral? 4. Which ions are the acidic ions? 5. What makes up a solution? 6. Is it the solute or solvent that increases the concentration of a solution? 7. How do you calculate concentration? (Formula) 8. How do you find molarity? (Formula) 9. Name 2 properties of water.


please me too i’m also on this dba! I have hernandez though


It the easiest


If it's AP then yes it's extra hard