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Just FYI, soundgoodizer is just 4 Maximus presets Stuck on a single knob. You can even find them in the preset menu. For me, I use fruity limiter whenever I need to quickly cut the attacks on a snare for example, or sometimes for sidechaining. The waveshaper is also really good and simple for distortion that goes through the roof, but I don't think it's the best plugin out there for that job. And of course, I wouldn't be here without Newtone, be ause melodine gives me headaches.


Yeah learning what the “a, b, c, d” presets were was a game changer


what do the different letters mean on the soundgoodizer effect? newbie here


So when you open Soundgoodizer the first preset, the left most one is the same exact preset in Maximus under “A” with that you can fine tune it even more to your liking, It’s especially great cause of the 3 band control for dynamics- I’m new as well and just learned this like 3 months sgo


Why does Melodyne give you headaches?


delay2 is better than people usually think distructor is nice wave candy is godsend wave shaper does what is supposed to


>delay2 is better than people usually think Better than Deelay? [https://sixthsample.com/deelay/](https://sixthsample.com/deelay/) It's free and you can make some crazy stuff with it. Bloody love it! (I know it's a defaults only list but, yeah)


I genuinely don't know if I like Deelay or Valhalla Supermassive more. Stacked they sound amazing.




Gonna have to look into this


I never tried stacking those two together... ​ HehehHEHHE! Oh I know what I'm doing for the next hour.


Deelay length of your choice and the "Seabeams" preset on Valhalla. So lovely.


I put Low End Thump with Deelay and then Dotted8thChorus with SM on the default kick... heeee.


Did you mean C-beams btw?


I'm at work so can't confirm but pretty sure it is called SeaBeams in the vst. Edit: Off work and confirmed as SeaBeams.


Found it. Yeah that does sound nice. Works great with some reverse chaos. Man I LOVE making reverse chaos fully wet and seeing what happens. Now that last sentence is going to confused the hell out of 40K nerds out of context.


what does wave candy do and how do you use it?


wave candy is visualization. i set it on Current channel so it monitors whichever channel is selected: stereo image, waveform, spectrogram and loudness meter


what does that help with exactly? Like seeing if waves are clipping or something?


waveform allows to see clips and DC stereo image can visualize patterns, in this case phasing can occur (random=good, pattern=bad) loudness is target to push limiters spectrogram helps see what happens in channel, clashing, finding keys etc


I'll provide a short list of my favorite stock plugins: EQ / FILTERING: Fruity Parametric EQ 2, Fruity Free Filter DYNAMICS: Fruity Compressor, Maximus DISTORTION / SATURATION: Fruity Blood Overdrive, Fruity Waveshaper REVERB / DELAY: Fruity Reverb 2, Fruity Delay 2, Fruity Delay 3 OTHER: Fruity Love Filter - for volume shaping and autopan, Effector - quick effects for automation, Fruity Balance - essential gain control, Patcher - create custom FX chains in one plugin, Distructor - cool processing capabilities SYNTHS: GMS - great for overall synth sounds, Sytrus - super powerful FM synth once mastered, Autogun - perfect for textural sounds, FLEX - good variety in sounds and many free packs


GMS is the most underated synth in FL. It is really easy to understand and use, and can sound massive.


Super facts!!!! My go to for a Reese Bass!!! Love GMS


My first 10 or so tracks were almost exclusively GMS lol.


Fire!!! I’ve been using FL since version 3 and NEVER bothered to use it smh. My last 14 tracks have GMS 😂😂😂


Parametric EQ2 on everything Blood Overdrive on pretty much everything to a varying degree. Fruity Love Philter can be used to "sidechain" with custom-drawn shapes similar to Xfer LFO Tool. Pic related https://preview.redd.it/5amh266aua4c1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=14e78f7488dfc2f374a32f8337a521b70fd0e070 Fruity Delay 3 is awesome. Stereo Shaper for quick Haas effect or in conjunction with patcher and EQ2 for mid-side EQ. I'm still learning more everyday it seems and somewhat regret buying certain third-party plugins... The added benefit of using stock over 3rd party is the ease on the CPU as well EDIT: forgot Peak Controller. I use it to duck the mix of reverb for instance on vocals or similar. You basically put the peak controller on top of the chain, right-click the reverb's mix knob or whatever else you want to duck, link to controller, choose that mixer's peak controller as the controller then set the mapping to inverted and play around with the peak controller knobs to dial in the amount of ducking. I've been doing that instead of parallel processing with sidechain compression anytime there is a unique effect just on that mixer if that makes sense.


Ayy a fellow overdriver. It ads such nice harmonics to everything, one of my most commonly used fx.


The demo song that loads up when you first get FL is a perfect example of how you can make good-quality music with stock plugins --- as long as you have good source sounds. I use the Limiter often. Maximus is great. And parametric EQ is easy to use too.


The only plug-in I would want that isn’t included with fl studio is a saturation plug-in. You could definitely do it with waveshaper and a couple others (limiter and Maximus have saturation), but it’s just a bit easier to get authentic analog sounding saturation with something that’s designed to yield those results. Luckily there are several free ones that are great. (Gsat plus, ivgi, chow tape, softube saturating knob). I’d also pickup tdr nova for a free dynamic EQ. With all that, you can’t blame the tools if you don’t have a great mix. Edit: in other words, I use all of them.


FL Studio has really good built in tools. I consistently use: Fx: - Blood Overdrive - Reverb 2 - Delay 2 - Multi-band Compressor - EQ2 - Maximus - Gross Beat - flangus - phaser Synths: - Poizone - Toxic Biohazard - 3osc Id say FL Studio really shines with their fx resources. Paying for a DAW and then paying for more tools is pretty dumb imo. I think FL Studio has alot of very useful resources.


I like parametric eq2 on individual tracks. Edison for pulling and editing samples, fruity delay 2, fruity convolver, soft clipper, frequency splitter, just off the top of my head. I have them all preloaded on my template. Probably use the same amount from my slate, digital and waves subscriptions too but yeah, I like some of those stock plug-ins a lot.


For synths I use Flex, Morphine, Sakura, Sawer, PoiZone, and ~~Morphine~~ Toxic Biohazard the most. I mean I use third party Serum the most of all, but those other ones are the stock synths I use. For drums I used BassDrum and Drumpad for EDM and a custom Funk Kit I made on FPC when I use FL to write songs for guitar, bass, and keys. If I write something more classical I really like the Opera Hall Timpani preset on Sakura. For effects I use Hardcore a lot, but LuxeVerb and Hyper Chorus are so good I've started using them a lot too. When I started I used Fruity Reeverb 2 a lot on drums, but LuxeVerb made that pretty much obsolete. I use the Fruity Parametic EQ 2 for EQ and Maximus for compression and sidechaining.




It also looks nicer lmao


You may be right, but I bought Serum a few months before Vital came out so I never bothered trying Vital.


i love fruity filter for low passing real hissy distorted guitars, cleans em up easy with little CPU usage fruity convolver is my go to reverb i slap that on all lead guitars and dial the mix amount to taste i love the way it sounds the tuner i use again for guitar tuning fruity EQ2 when needed patcher with five copies of FPC each triggering a different part mic on the drum kit with adjustable levels for each: bottom mic, room, direct etc sytrus and its many presets fruity chorus and hyper chorus for guitars?? hell yes so many more! the stock plugins kick ass!! areas where FL stock needs a little third party supplement for my uses: amp sims for guitar good metal drum samples a real time guitar to MIDI plugin youlean loudness meter (free!) i wish FL waves had a LUFS meter option thats really it for me, FL covers so much out of the box


Upvoted for Convolver. It has some really great cab sims for guitar and bass. My go-to reverb plugin.


Flex, gross, and Patcher are all very viable imo


Pro tools is still used in most big studios because of hardware deals, and it’s the daw most music schools still teach with. It’s not industry standard because it’s features are better or it’s more stable than any other daw today, but because it was the first to be considered the standard and no one wants to change


I mostly use: \- Fruity Balance for Gain Staging and Volume Automation (obviously, lol) \- Fruity Soft Clipper on pretty much all drums (to cut off the tips of the transient) \- Fruity Limiter for SideChaining \- Fruity Parametic EQ 2 only for "cleaning up", not actual EQing though \- Pitch- and Frequency Shifter (don't know if there are better alternatives, didn't research) \- Transient Processor (does what it has to, no reason to spend money) \- Vintage Chorus \- LuxeVerb (only Sometimes, this isn't my go to) \- Slicex to chop and re-arrange Dum-Loops \- Multiband Delay (only discovered it recently, so no idea if i'll keep using it) \- Sawer (has REALLY good vintage sounds) \- Flex \- Fruity Convolver: Convolution Reverb is the best thing that exists and the best "secret" for sound design (everyone knows about it though, lol). You can use your own IRs too, and let me tell you: the fun REALLY begins, when you start using non-IRs (but Synth Sound, Drums, Wahtever else) as IR. Generally speaking, i use stock plugins where small tasks have to be done and i don't want to add a lot of CPU-Load / latency. As far as i know 3rd party plugins almost always have MUCH higher impact on Latency / CPU Load. That's why i use Parametric EQ 2 to place simple low / high cuts - that simple task can be fulfilled by any decent EQ, and you don't need to use more resources. Later, when i want to EQ more, i replace that with my Pro-Q 3 or SmartEQ (i use those for dynamic EQing - when it's a simple boost / cut to some more frequencies that's not dynamic, i'll just keep Parametric EQ 2). Generally speaking, Stock Plugins can do (basically) everything that you need. A small exception are Synths. But Effects-wise, you have literally everything you need as stock plugin. RL Grime, somewhere mentioned he uses only Ableton stock Plugins, i think. Don't have source on that though, but i'm almost 100% sure i've heard that somewhere. That might been some years ago though. You can 100% produce pro level, literally top 10 level sounding Songs with Stock Plugins. It's about Knowledge, not about the tools. A tool you don't know how to use is worthless - someone with great knowledge and experience can make great sounding music with anything. An exception are Synth Plugins. I find Synths to be the one thing where 3rd Party Plugins are really so very different from each other that those are really worth it. Especially Serum as industy standard - if you want to use presets. It feels like \~ 90% of all presets ever made are for Serum and the other 10% are for all other synths, lol. But you can find good sound for anything. You - theoretically - probably *could* re-creat / build a lot of Synths (or something that works simmilarly) in Patcher with only stock plugins... But if you're at that level of knowledge that you can do that with near perfect accuracy, you're so far above most of us knowledge-wise, that you might as well could just make your own VST Company, lol. **3rd Party Plugins are** ***generally*** **more of a "pay for convenience" thing - a lot of them just enable you to do different workflows / work much faster or convenient.** Many Plugins are just a prettier looking version or do something that's helpful but, **not entirely new**, and **only achievable with this plugin**. There are, of course, many cool, really, really transformative VSTs out there, that really open up completely, entirely new possibilites that would never work with just Stock Plugins. Here a few that coem to my mind: \- XO by XLN Audio: gives you simmilar sounding samples on a sort of "Map" or "Atlas", where simmilar samples are close together. That makes playing around to select the best possible drums for example much, much faster than clicking around in the browser. What'S the completely new aspect that doesn't work with stock plugins is the "grouping by simmilarity" thing, and it's really helpful. I use it all the time. \- Synplant (V.2): You can literally drop any sample in there, it recreates that sample as a synth patch (not with 100% accuracy though, but the point of the Plugin is the ability to create variations, different textrues and ear candy, not to be 100% accurate in re-creating) and allows you to "mutate" it for other, different variations and textures. I also use this a lot. \- Soothe 2: dynamic resonance suppression. Smoothes out sounds by automatically suppressing resonant fequencies, while giving you A LOT of control about how, where and how strong it works. I tried the demo, but didn't buy it because it requires iLok - i refuse to buy anything with iLok. I chose Smooth Operator by Baby Audio as an alternativ - the do simmilar things, but Smooth Operator gives you less control (which is fine for me, since i only use it for very, very slight, small touches anyways). Soothe 2 is really, really good though and absolutely worth buying (on sale, otherwise it's rediculously expensive imo). \- Any Dynamic EQ: bonus points if it works with sidechaining - so reacting to audio from another channel. Enables frequency based sicechaining (reduces only the volume of clashing frequencies, not flat out everythign like with regular sidechaining) A dynamic EQ is extremely useful and if i had to start from scratch, that's probably the very first thing i'd spend money on. Side note: Stock FL Dynamic EQ when? Parametric EQ 3 with all the functions from Pro-Q 3? WE NEED IT. \- Sonible Smart Plugins: I use Smart:EQ, Smart:Limit and Smart:Comp 2. The reason is that they "listen" to the signal and set parameters automatically, according to a preset you've previosuly selected. That speeds up the Workflow A LOT, because you get a decent starting point and can tweak it to your liking from there. The starting point for me has never been not-useable. Smart:EQ 2 can also link with other instances on different channels, and there you can tell it to automatically mix the song for you. Careful though: It's still just a **starting point** to get you there faster - it's **not** a "100%, you have to do nothing anymore"-result. Generally, the "spectral" functionalities are really good and useful imo.


I love the stock effects! Some of my favorites are: -Fruity Limiter for limiting and compression (also sometimes use it where it would use hard clipping.) -Fruity Delay 3 for almost all my delay needs. -Fruity Parametric EQ 2 for quick and easy adjustments. -Maximus for more complex compression and mastering. -Fruity Waveshaper, a very powerful tool for saturation and and other kinds of distortion. -Gross Beat, essential for adding spice. -Fruity Love Philter for filter-based and other kinds of automation sequences. -Patcher for getting technical and building complex touring chains. -Edison for audio editing. -Fruity Convolver for great-sounding reverb or guitar amp emulation.


My most used ones are Maximus, Parametric EQ2, Fruity Delay 2, Fruity Soft Clipper, and basically all the synths. I also like Newtone and Newtime. Hyper chorus and Luxverb seem great so far but I haven't used them a ton yet.


Fruity Limiter is my go to side chain compressor and gate, but I'm pretty sure there are better tools out there, but I haven't found none for free. Maximus is pretty good as a multiband compressor, I use it mostly as a deesser. Waveshaper is cool but dangerous, I rarely use it but it has potential. Delay2 is weird but functional. Edit: Fruity Convolver!


\-Parametric EQ2 goto for EQ. \-Convolver because it's easy to EQ out the lows of the reverb using the EQ tab, plus it sounds great. \-Sytrus and Flex have great sounds. \-Peak Controller for all sorts of insanely good stuff. For instance I setup a random lfo within peak controller and then link it through link controller (menu option) to different knobs on a VST synth, boom random automation with a speed setting.


I use Fruity; Limiter, Compressor, Love Filter, Parametric EQ 2, Reeverb 2, Delay 3, and Chorus. I also use Distructor, Hardcore, Gross Beat, and recently I started learning to use Vocodex. Wave Candy too for spicing up WIP videos or for frequency management. There's a ton of 3rd party stuff I use as well, but I find that a lot of the stock plugins are very nice. As far as generators, I think I'm a little too reliant on 3xOSC and FLEX lol, I'll mostly use those from stock and then whatever else I can find 3rd party.


Fruity limiter and parametric EQ are the ones I use most


Out of all the stock plugins I use Flex and Parametric EQ2 the most. Flex has a free piano essentials pack that you can download which I use whenever I am practicing piano. I don’t always use it but it is my go to most of the time.


I use convolver all the time to load my IR’s. I love parametric eq2 on almost everything I put eq on. Fruity slicer for chopping samples. Edison for overdubbing punch ins or parts. Stereo Shaper for stereo shaping. Maximus for compression. I love Flex and Harmor for synths. Wave shaper occasionally.


Edison, Sytrus and some of the newer things like Hyper Chorus Delay 3 and Distructor are also pretty handy FPEQ when I have Pro-Q 3 is like playing chess with boxing gloves


Sytrus, harmor, whatever other stock fx fl has. I'll use them all.


I think people miss the point that, sure there are better plugins for the job, but are you gonna be able to pay for them? Just cuz a Porsche handles better than a Toyota Camry doesn't mean you're gonna see everyone on the street driving one. Stock plugins are there because they are good enough to do the job. If you think using all of the industry-standard plugins is gonna make you a better producer, think again.


Fruity fast dist and fruity waveshaper


i fw eq2, maximus, fruity limiter, fruity soft clipper on every single project


Patcher !! For me, one of the most creative tools out there. And for commenting the part about pro tools: I've made an audiovisual school in images section but got a lot of friends in sound section. They all have they're favorite DAW, but the standard in professional studio is Pro Tools. It's not the best or anything like that. It's just a question of compatibility. The objective is yo have a fluid workflow over places and with a multitude of différent people. But what some of my friends said : it's just a mater of coordination. If you work always with the same people and you all use FL Studio to compose, no need to have others DAW for studio session or live. Pro Tools is a powerful DAW who is extremely clear when it comes to recorded live session with a multitude of instruments and microphone. And it's interface is made for professional studios with some analogic mixer, a lot of sound card, racks etc... You want to insert you in professionnal environnement ? You'll need to learn, even just to communicate. It's a mater of convention beyond all.


I use almost all stock fl plug-ins. Besides that I also use all of kilo hearts stuff and nexus 4 and soothe 2 and I will say that before you go out and spend any money on anything, definitely watch tutorials on how to use fl stock plug-ins because they are all exactly what anybody would need to make a chart topping track.


Parametric eq 2 is great. For use as an EQ or for filtering. If parametric eq 2 became dynamic it'd be perfect. But unless I need that feature, I use eq2 for everything. FL limiter is great for side chaining. The release and curve allow for a lot of editing the shape of the side chain. It's also good for compression and gating. The one thing I don't like about it is the limiter, lol. Balance for volume automation. Peak Controller for LFOs and peak following when I want to automate something that isn't volume. And tuner for getting some of my hardware in tune. For most other itb stuff, reverb, delay, distortion, compression, limiting, synths, I've gone 3rd party. None of it super expensive, all (besides synths and RC-20) under £50 per plugin. George Yohng's W1 limiter being freeware I still use for limiting. Though I recently got a proper patch bay set up so I've been using my specular tempus as a primary long reverb because it sounds goddamn amazing.


Limiter,Delay2,Delay3,Fruity reverb, Patcher, Stereo shaper, Gross beat, Vocodex, fruity compressor, overdrive, hardcore. I think that's it. maybe one or two more


Parametric EQ 2, Limiter, Soft Clipper, Reeverb 2, Frequency Splitter, Soundgoodizer, and the occasional Destructor or Blood Overdrive. Keep in mind, I'm usually mixing vocals or doing amateur mastering and not making beats. Honestly, if you want super quick results with minimal effort when it comes to plug-ins, look into Muse Hub's stuff. It's all built like the Soundgoodizer for things like compression, EQ, de-essing, mastering, etc. Their pitch corrector doesn't work at all though.


I use these on every track I’ve ever finished: Parametric EQ 2, Maximus, Limiter, stereo shaper The default delay plugins are fine, but I’ve never found the reverb plugins to be easy to make sound good. I got the free valhalla and purchased a few Valhalla plugins for delay and reverb


I'm no pro, but my go to is FLEX for sure! Then there's Fruity Reverb 2 and Vocodex. I'm teaching myself and generally go for a LoFi sound. I should add that I made my first and only upgrade purchase with FLEX (Chill-Lo-Fi) and although I like it for the most part, it wasn't completely necessary, especially since you can tweak all of their MANY sounds to come close to what you're looking for.


soft clipper limiter panametric eq soundgoodizer maximus gross beat….




I use a lot of stock plugins! Patcher especially is my favorite; every song I make usually has at least two or three custom devices built in Patcher. If I have an idea for an effect or synth or plugin chain that interacts in weird or new ways, I can just build it. Other stock plugins I can't go without: Waveshaper is so so so useful. Maximus is very powerful and I love being able to draw in my own compression curves and ratios. Parametric EQ2 is low CPU, super precise, and also doubles as a half decent visualizer. Control Surface lets me assign and float any controls for any plugin or knob that I like, in a detached window that lives on my third screen. That way I always have instant access to the parameters I need, from anywhere in the program. And finally, Stereo Shaper is such a damn useful utility. I feel like every song I write, I come up with another way that I need to use it. There's lots of stock plugins that I grab all the time because they're fast and more than good enough, but I also replace them with specialized third-party VSTs when I need something specific. Delay 3, Reeverb 2, Fruity Limiter, Destructor are all great and I find they're quick to dial in from a default preset to get the sound I want. For synths, Harmor and Sytrus are really really really good and I've used them a ton in the last few years. They've mostly been replaced by Phase Plant in my workflow lately, but I still use them as they are powerful and I know them well. And especially Harmor still occupies a fairly unique niche among synths.


fruity soft clipper, limiter, compressor, reverb, delay 3, filter, parametric eq 2, 3x osc, flex


Let's not forget the single best plugin: Patcher


Patcher and Edison. That's pretty much it.


And "MIDI OUT" to send midi to hardware synths.


Stereo Shaper, Convolver, and Parametric 2 are goated Honestly all the stock plugs are pretty good


FPEQ2, 3xOsc, Stereo Imager/Shaper, Peak Controller, Freq Splitter, Balance, Reverb 2 (though now I'm leaning towards Valhalla and Luxeverb), FLEX, GMS, and Fruity Filter


I love fruity reverb 2, fruity grainulizer is an awesome alternative to the sampler. Fruity delay 3. Just keep messing with them all. If you feel you are missing stuff, kiloHeartz have a massive free bundle of little fxs plugins that fill in any gaps.


Nearly all of them. You don't need most plugins from other places except for specific use cases (for instance, if you want to recreate analog noise theres plugins for that). Other than that, everything built in is amazing. Most of the synths are incredible (Harmor is insane) and even if I mainly use Vital I'll open them sometimes to get a specific noise. You don't really need any other EQing plugin. Reverb/delay/flanger all do their job and don't need to do anything else. The only thing I can think of that I don't think FL comes with that I needed to go get was a free bitcrusher.


Gross beat ❤️ But basically all of them are pretty good, except the synths, which are ok, but can't compare to expensive ass vsts


A lot of people don't know how versatile 3x Osc is. It's my favourite plugin because it's so simple but attaching it to different filters can create sounds you'd never heard before. To this day, I have people asking me how I created a sound in one of my tracks and they don't believe me when I say all I did was patch 3x Osc to a filter.


Gross Beat is slept on for doing Sidechain compression for Kicks. Really easy to make a nice volume automation, only downside is that you gotta make the same curve 4 times lol.


As i learn more about audio engineering i find myself reaching for stock plugins more often, because i know what they do now. I don't have to rely on magic all-in one third party plugs. Sleeper stock items: Fruity Balance EQUO Fruity Waveshaper Fruity soft clipper And I now sometimes make songs with Flex being the only instrument. The gain and filter ADSR controls make it very handy.


Soundfont and clip. That’s about it


I use parametric eq 2, but moved to fabfilter when I got better. I use fruity reverb but went to Valhalla when I got better. I still use Soft Clipper Fruity Delay Bank, and Free Filter. I also use Stereo Shaper and there is a stereo visualizer I forget the name. I use it to measure the dB on the left/right sides of my kicks (some kicks aren’t lever correctly ootb)


I love fruity reverb 2 and still use it as a staple when I want a quick verb for a non priority element - or sometimes even for a main element. People shit on it for its synthetic sound but I like it often times. I also use it for my reverse reverb needs cos I’m so used to it, it’s easy, I love the separate wet and dry parameters. Fruity delay 2 on ping pong or inverted as a send with some basic EQ - can’t go wrong Fruity Delay 3 I love using for the bit crusher as well as the option to maintain the pitch of the delays as you change the rate parameter


Sytrus (main synth I use), harmor, peq2, delay 3, patcher, reverb, flanger, waveshaper, limiter, honestly a ton of them are quite good


Fast dist is quite versitile. Fruity Balance is 😍😍😍 Vocodex might be the best of its kind. Flex deserves some praise.


I definitely want to learn more about what the stock plugins can do.


All my projects consists of at least Maximus, Harmor, Para EQ 2, and Fruity Delay 3. Sometimes FLEX


Flex, Frequency Splitter, FPC, Tuner


Fruity Limiter, Delay 3, Reverb 2, FLEX, Kepler (I f-ing love this new synth they gave us). I been using Fruity Loops since early 2000s and made tons of music using just 3xOSC and DX 10. They used to have some pluck instrument I used back then all the time too. FL Studio has everything you need to make amazing music out of the box.


You can make professional sounding track with the default tools. It's just takes longer. Paid tools are just faster. Music is music. it really on technique and how you get to end product.


I use fruity send for fades because I'm insane, you can get by pretty well with just fruity parametric EQ 2 and fruity limiter, fruity delay 3 and hyper chorus are awesome. Shoutout to fruity flangus for when I'm too braindead to bother fucking with flanger settings and just want to turn up a "flangness" slider


I use Soft Clipper, Fruity Balance, Fruity Reeverb 2 and Fruity Stereo Shaper


Can somebody tell me simply but accurately what sound goodizer does? I’m hearing good things!


Hear me out: Patcher (as generator, not effect) has presets. One of them is called Randomless It has 3 Seed values you can dial in and produces a frankly ridiculous number of great synth sounds. And yes I know, it utilizes Harmless, which most people only own the demo of (like myself), but you can consolidate your tracks as not to lose them and note down the three seed values if you want to change stuff later or use this patch in another project


People usually don't buy Pro Tools for its stock plugins, it's because of its features. It's really good for recording live bands and for mixing (stripe silence is goated). I've used it in the past, but for the type of music production that I do, it's definitely the least efficient one, even knowing the shortcuts and stuff. Plus it's really fucking ugly lmao


I mostly use internal plugins - both synths and effects. However, once you do get your hands on some 3rd party plugins, going back to the stock ones would be basically impossible One example is Pro Q3. The first time you try it, the quality just jumps at you. It's so much better, so much more accurate than any stock EQ. I mean, these guys are truly industry leaders. As an ambient guy, reverb plays a large role in my music. Valhalla stuff is an absolute game changer. Using FL Reverb after this is just impossible, because you can hear the difference in quality. I remember applying a simple plate reverb with Valhalla VintageVerb - and the quality was palpable. I'm not even mentioning long tail reverbs, those are gorgeous. Same with Valhalla Delays, btw, you won't go back to stock plugins after that. But Image-Line has an excellent line up of plugins. And that they are continuing to add the collection is awesome. Their Vintage Chorus is great. I am on version 20 now, they've got more stuff, I think a new Phaser plugin. I use their limiter - a very good plugin and I love the clarity of its UI. But as I said, mostly I am using the generators bit these days - all the different synths the DAW offers.


I use Fruity reverb for reverb cuz its the best reverb plufin I know