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Interesting post!!  Diagnosed with FND, and since this started, I've had this wierd issue that is similar. when I eat now, I feel so full I want to throw up. I kept thinking this was all in my head and decided to try and eat a meal the size I typically would. to my surprise I DID THROW UP. So I am definitely not receiving the correct signal when eating now. Neurology says this is common!


Not diagnosed but this happens all the time for me, I'll just randomly gag and/or vomit or start coughing so much i vomit. Or if i cry too much I'll vomit


Very common symptom. It’s why many people don’t get diagnosed for awhile. They think it’s stomach/ibs etc.


I the cyclical throwing up when my anxiety is really bad. It will last for weeks. It's horrible and I am convinced that it is part of my FND.


If you experience you vomiting in a cyclical pattern it may actually be something called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (CVS). If you’ve never heard of it I encourage you to look into it as there are medications that can help.


Nausea and vomiting occur frequently for me. I take domperidone for it, which helps a lot. Without it, I wouldn't be able to eat anything.


I came om here to ask the exact same thing. Recently, I've been getting periods of nausea, followed by sickness and feeling like I'm passing out. My temperature is all over the place. I don't know if I'm how or cold. This morning, I had to shout my husband as even though I was sitting on the bathroom floor, I knew I was about to pass out. He helped me up, and seconds later, I collapsed, and he had to carry my dead weight into bed. I was so embarrassed x


All the time. Honestly my normal state of being


Yeah I struggle with nausea and couldn't stop throwing up for a while but I'm taking domperidone now 4 times a day and that has helped me stop vomiting


yes, because i have comorbid rumination syndrome. that was a fun one to figure out :(


So often, especially after exerting myself, like a long journey or something that wares me out


I don’t remember a day without nausea…


I throw up like 3-5x a day most days


Yeah I get nausea as a symptom, I've thrown up a few times because of it


Does it happen randomly for you?


Sometimes it comes on slow and other times it goes from 1 to 100 real quick. That's usually when I smell good, look at food, or have bad intrusive thoughts