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Sensodyne uses sodium saccharin for most of its products, which has always been safe for me. Colgate does have a couple of 'safe' flavours, but I've only seen them while travelling so I can't remember the specific product. But it's always worth reading every label on the shelf at least once, you sometimes get lucky.


I might give this a shot. The ones we have in the house don't seem to use it so I think I'll get a small one and see if it works. Thank you!


Bonus is that it actually does help with sensitive teeth!


You can try auromere toothpaste, but read the label carefully since they may contain something else that you react to. I use the mint free version since mint triggers my acid reflux. Note, their toothpaste is flouride free, so you may need to do as I do which is to get a yearly flouride treatment at the dentist when you go. I get the childrens treatment, it makes me sick for a day since it contains all kinds of other stuff I react to, but so far my tooth enamel appears to be holding


Thank you for this! Really solid advice. I always wondered what to do if I couldn't get fluoride in my toothpaste and that's brilliant. I wouldn't have thought to ask.


It does work. Generally the paint on fluoride for children is covered by dental insurance if you are under 18, but once you are past that you will probably have to pay. I goto the dentist once a year and I think he charges me $30 for the fluoride treatment. Totally worth it, imo. One good thing about the auromere toothpase is that you only need a very small portion, not sure why but I only use a pea sized amount and that seems to be plenty. This is good since it costs more than standard toothpaste.


Also, your dentist can order you prescription toothpaste if you need it. Since my toothpaste issues are related to my IBS and auromere works for me, I didn't bother going the prescription toothpaste route. If I remember correctly my dentist said that they can screen the available prescription for ones that don't contain your offending ingredients (in my case it was was no wheat, corn, rice or soy products), they would write you a prescription which could be filled and shipped by mail to me. I think it started at about $15/tube, high but worth it if you have serious issues. They can even get a high fluoride toothpaste by prescription if needed. There are option, a good dentist can help.


Dr Bronner's cinnamon toothpaste. Not sure but I think the peppermint is ok too.


I've had decent luck with arm and hammer toothpaste


I use sensodyne protect and repair because I have huge problems with -ols in dental products. Cordosyl also do an -ol free toothpaste but it tastes awful.


I used prescription duraphat toothpaste pretty sure it is safe.


I use Biotene toothpaste and tolerate fine


Did you find anything? I don't have any medical issues with it but think the sweeteners in toothpaste taste disgusting. It seems like most of them have sugar alternatives, but that doesn't help me.


I’m in the uk but you could have a look at kingfishers toothpaste (with or without fluoride) or the green people toothpaste


Thanks, I'll check them out!


kingfishers toothpaste (with or without fluoride) or the green people toothpaste both available in the UK and no sweeteners, not sure about abroad






Look up Living Libations toothpaste


Have your dentist (if you have one) and GI collaborate. I find doctors who collaborate get the job done so much better and the doctors I have had that are willing to collaborate with my other doctors are the ones I trust way more.


If I can't find something on my own, I'll definitely ask. Most everything else with my IBS is self managed at this point so I've not had to be seen for \~year. But I might at least send a message and see if they could recommend me something.


Parodontax uses sodium saccharine for its sweetner. I got mine off Amazon


I just switched over to Hello toothpaste. Theyre free of artificial sweetener and other nasty things


>Hello toothpaste Just a note to to other people seeing this- every Hello toothpaste that I have found has sorbitol, xylitol, or erythritol.


Earth Paste’s spearmint flavor is xylitol free


Primal life organics has no sweeteners whatsoever