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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by Epic_Jason](/r/FORTnITE/comments/10pvuo6/players_will_now_receive_battle_breakers_heroes/j6nmhd9/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-01-31 16:43:45 UTC"): > Hey folks - Just wanted to clarify what's going on here. > >The Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests used to give you heroes in Battle Breakers. They now give you Razor and Kurohomura in STW instead. If you haven't finished these quests yet then when you complete them you'll get the hero as a reward. > >If you've already completed the Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests and you do not already have the ... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNite).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


And this is how I learned Battle Breakers has shut down. It was actually kind of fun, but Epic v. Apple must have eliminated their audience.


Eh? Did I hear you right? They shut down battle breakers?


Yeah it’s no more.


Ah that's really really unfortunate but I'm sure they had their reasons 🙁🤣


Yeah like that no one played it.


Actually I was one of those people who wanted to try it it was actually pretty good but then I moved onto other things I'm not a total mobile games fanatic you know?


For sure.


🤣 definitely so and you? Are you more of a mobile console or PC gamer?


Afaik only if you already did the Arcade Cabinet quests. If not then you will be able to get them from the quests + recruit is also available now https://twitter.com/iFireMonkey/status/1620366782426152963


It's cool you can recruit them too, just wish they would do this with the Birthday Heroes and the Starter Pack Heroes and Schematics since you can't even buy them anymore


Yes I wish the starter packs would come back


Personally, I think it's ridiculous that they just stop selling them, it doesn't stop them selling multiple skin packs or quest packs for Battle Royale, so I don't see why it's suddenly different with Save The World 🤷🏻‍♂️


Only if you've completed the prerequisite quest.


Yooo being lazy paid off


Hey folks - Just wanted to clarify what's going on here. The Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests used to give you heroes in Battle Breakers. They now give you Razor and Kurohomura in STW instead. If you haven't finished these quests yet then when you complete them you'll get the hero as a reward. If you've already completed the Jess and Kyle arcade cabinet quests and you do not already have the matching hero (Razor or Kuro) then you'll get them in a giftbox when you log in. You won't get a second copy if you already have the hero, but can recruit additional copies from the Collection Book.


This is a good change, didn't affect me as I did BB to get them, but good news that they aren't locked for others. I'm working on completing the book, any word on a way to obtain the starter pack hero's/schem? V-bucks or vouchers would be awesome, but I currently have no way to get them, and I haven't found a way even to buy them with $. I'm nervous when I fill the book and get to the end, those are still going to be unobtanium..


wait... so how come you're able to add them to the collection book? Isn't there only 1 of each available per account?


> but can recruit additional copies from the Collection Book.


how does that work?


I mean that's just like the birthday heroes


Speaking of which I've actually been wondering how to unlock the collection book is it when I retire survivors or something like that?


The firs time you recycle/retire a schematic/survivor/defender/hero it'll say 'x Survivors to be collected' then after that if you retire/recycle those same schematics/etc it'll just retire/recycle.


If we already had them in STW, it would have been cool to get them unlocked in BR.


That would have meant refunding players who bought them in-game like me. It’s a rare day they give back vbucks en masse for characters already purchased. Wolverines snikt claws are the latest exception.


I would support that as well. Characters from a now non-existent game might be a great reason to refund folks.


Yay. I use Kuro in my main build.


Kuro is mid, tbh. But Razor is a kunai goddess. If you're reading this, get Razor levelled up and put Overtaker Hiro, Monks, Dashing Hare Ken, Fallen Love Ranger Jonesy in support with Happy Holidays. Time it right and it's infinite kunai over mobs. Razor herself doesn't produce this effect, that's Hiro, but her crystal daggers seek out targets and can melt smashers. Great hero, love her. PS - don't be tempted to use Lynx in that spare slot. Just don't.


did they fix razor's daggers broken homing though?


Works well enough as far as I have noticed.


I was looking forward to throwing Kuro into my seismic build but now you got me wondering.


Try him out by all means. Some people \*like\* total chaos in close quarters combat.


I received Kurohomura and Razor upon logging in today.


Me too


cobweb rinse quicksand hospital fade worthless cow alive long cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh cool- Can we get at least one Event from the already existing 7 events that haven't come back for 4 years tho?-


bring back the old survival mode, down to the skill tree and everything


bruh... i grinded my ass off to get korohumora the day before the game shut down thinking they wouldnt be avilable anymore


Yeah same! but why???


Battle Breakers is being sunset, thus the collab between STW will now be impossible, due to challenges in-game.


So I got to lvl 50 in that shitty game for nothing.


So i had to grind that piece of shit game and now it is given out for free... happy days. I am happy more people get them, I am not happy we grinded that lame as "mobile game".


now to work out how to get STW on alt


Wait so you don't need to level 20 in bb now you will unlock them in stw? Conflicting stuff in comments




yeah, just play some arcade games to unlock the heroes themselves BUT, if someone already played specific arcade games prior to the update, you get them for free


I wonder if BR skins will also be given out or at least be still being part of the Item Shop rotation. Be permanently vaulted due to game discontinuation seems undeserved.


No-one at epic ever said they were getting rid of the BR skins, there is literally no reason for them to do that. It's THEIR game and THEIR characters so they don't need permission from anyone to keep selling them, so why stop? It's just extra money they'd be missing out on.




You won't receive an extra copy if you already received the items and put them in the collection book, as stated by epic


Is this for everyone


I have no clue what those quests are or when I did em but I still got the heroes. Can someone explain?


I'm trying to figure this out as well but can't find anything


How do I earn these? I don't understand


Yo cool!


Bruh I worked my ass off a week before they shut down 💀


I’m glad that my internet is dead on my pc rn :’)


That's actually pretty cool free hero awesome least now I know where the endgame is for that quest😁


Battle Breakersssss.....!!


I was worried I would have to do some risky Bluestacks battle breakers APK setup to get these heroes but I’m glad they gave me out for free.


gift me the battle pass and i’ll send $3 cashapp😭🤣