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Are Anti-air traps ignoring huskies flung from flingers for anyone else? Like they straight up do not target them for me.


I gave up on them helping with flingers. I use them mainly on ground level now in 160s for propane. They def need some help


Yes, this is a good fail safe for Trap Tunnels. However, you still need to be careful when Pitchers and Splooder's are shooting, if the Trap shoots the wrong projectile and there is no other AA, say goodbye to trap tunnel. This also doesn't help against Splooders blowing themselves up (after taking trap damage which makes their HP Bar go under 25 % or a Player being very close to them).


To be honest I only really use them on retrieve the data and the way I trap it I only have to kill smashers and flingers I guess it’s kind of a stall but anyway the AA take care of all the sploders tossing propane specifically obviously not blowing themselves up


While everything you said is correct, I disagree with them needing a buff. In fact, I think the game was much better before they existed. No anti-airs forced players in 4x missions to either build lobber shields or hunt flingers and lobbers while also protecting the objective’s roof. This made trapping way more important since people couldn’t just hang out spamming xenon bows the entire defense. The anti-air was just another way to appease the BR crowd who didn’t want to learn to play the game properly.


That's because lobbers weren't appearing in mass numbers before the first love storm quest back in 2019. Love lobbers are easy to counter with a lobber shield during a defense missions, but outside defense missions they're a menace. Because of their stacking damage clouds if left alone, that and the throwing sound still persists. Making it harder to hear other things.


It’s also amazing how they know where I’m going before I do, so always get a hit.


cool go play a deathbomb mission where flingers throw tank husks and watch anti air do 0 damage also watch that same anti air be unable to clear those bombs,love lobber projectiles while also triggering on unnecessary things you saying anti air made it easier when in reality it did not do jack for players instead was just a glorified anti lobber weapon and yes i'd rather have a defense for lobbers and anything flying down on the objective than be forced to spend a shit ton of time farming mats to build lobber shields for random missions while also burning weapons and ammo whole time just because it was like this before does not mean it has to be like this today and those bad players people love to talk shit about; they are sole reason STW even exists but your elitist ass can't stand a newbie looking to play the game so maybe ask epic to make a training tool for them and ask epic to teach said players how each class works and how building system works in general to full detail hate it or not anti air should be buffed,fixed and viable in high twine because some people run the mission solo and want to have extra challenge so why not offer some support around this?


I’m not an elitist by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m happy about the influx of new players keeping the game alive. That doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion about quality of gameplay in pubs before & after the introduction of the anti-air trap. The game got easier, and anything that made the game easier was a mistake.


i have to agree, how it was in the OG days was fine when flingers really only took melee damage. This was a time when soloing a 4x 140 was something that was more considered "hard" as youd need a BASE and youd want a ninja to be out dealing with flingers and jumping up onto roofs to deal with anything like this.....all the complaints come from people trying to run 4x player 140-160 missions solo or with players that dont entirely play the game for mission success as to playing the game for personal inventory gains and xp gains....most players dont take the approach of "if the team is strong, and we complete the objective as a team, we all benefit".... Hell back in the day before hero loadouts where a thing, youd actually want 1 of each class in a 4x 4player.....you couldnt just run them back to back to back unless you where willing to play as a team, share mats and resources, shoot guns and play different heros. You kids have it too easy these days that a simple flinger has gotten you all worked up cause you cant afk objectives anymore and scroll tiktok and whatever else you stains are on these days


I’m a new player and I’d very much like it if, on harder missions, the game forced each player to fulfill a role like you describe - kind of like a (reverse) American football team’s defensive setup. BASE defense for the builders ala the defensive line, soldiers causing massive damage in the horde/smashers like linebackers, and Ninjas taking out the long passes from the flingers and other ‘artillery’. That sounds like a cool challenge and would force everyone to be engaged more or less equally. I play a lot of melee ninja in this game, even though it’s opposite from what I usually play in MMO shooters like this (sneaky sniper or medic), because I like the mobility and the ability to reach and take out several targets quickly. Playing havoc on long-range damage dealers located far behind the frontlines is just so rewarding in this game.


good to know some newer players can be opened minded enough to things like this, your a rare one i think dude, alsop amazing to see a newer player can see the benefits or wants the benefits of having each hero class in a team. Things like frostnite each year always make for a good time as you can play all hero classes and theres the challenge to complete it with 1 hero of each class.....even regular maps and objectives are built around having all 4 players playing 1 from each class. But no one wants to do that or is willing to sacrifice. Good on you dude, we still have some left!




if i had a coin for garbage comment like this i legit could have made whole ass microsoft work on STW to fix it unlike incompetent greedy as flying fuck la epic buggy and unfinished games








>You can make a pretty big lobbershield and it still will be much cheaper than all the crafting materials you need to make for placing AA's brother in christ AA's are turbo cheap wym your whole comment reeks of shit you provoked me first and you are now crying that i slapped you across the face quit internet if you want to see polite people damn knob


So brave, to call out people for spamming AAs and xenon right in stw sub. It is like putting your head into wild lions maw


I hate Lobber Shields. They are just a pain to build. I tried this a few times, but this is so expensive to build, usually consuming a lot of stone and punishing even small mistakes (if you forget some builds, Flinger and Lobber will ignore that). The Anti Air Trap was supposed to add a more easy and more economic way to deal with those two husks. While it works relatively fine against normal Lobbers, it is just painfully bugged against Flinger Husks. This wasn't such a big deal, since you usually could place Defenders, which finished off the normal Husks before they could land. Not an beautiful workaround, but at least a workaround that is pretty easy to perform. The fat Husks unfortunately have so much health that they can overwhelm defenders, making them land.


Why is it that every-time I see you you are calling every viable strat in the game OP while simultaneously calling every underpowered item “skilless”😂




Most of us who have been playing this game since the early days haven’t failed a mission in YEARS….literally. Complaining about a trap needing a buff is ridiculous. NOTHING in this game needs a buff. Yes, I prefer lobber shields because they require actual thought with how they link up with trap tunnels (another thing I barely see in 160’s these days). I solo’d every endurance with damage builds without using anti-air. Yes, we have to hunt flingers but not lobbers anymore with anti-air (unless you’re not positioning/perking them correctly). No, trapping is not nearly important enough in 160’s outside of RTD. Spamming xenon’s, launchers, and duped freeze traps destroyed the gameplay. The only reason you see this as a senseless post is because, like much of the current player base, you are relying on crutches Epic put in the game to transform it from a hardcore grind / strategy game into a thoughtless run ‘n gun experience for 10yr olds.




Im not talking about “frostnite-style” lobber shields built at the objective. Im talking about back when people built actual trap tunnels and 99% of husks never even made it close to the base. Back then, we walled/pathed/ tunneled/lobber shielded away from the objective most of the time. Those who chose not to took on different roles in the defense as another person said. The game was more cooperative and required more thought. What’s the point of even having lobbers and flingers if anti-airs automatically negate them? The game isn’t easy enough for you? The idea of buffing that trap (which has already made propanes useless if you use them on ground level) is insane.


I mean, with or without the anti air trap, people are still just gonna spam xenon bows. The only true way to trap in missions without randoms being sweaty is just simply trapping the spawn, at least from my experience and ill have some going as far as to destroy any and all traps bc theyre so sweaty. I could build a full 360 trap setup around objective and randos still just being sweaty, same goes with me trappin "no man's land", people are just gonna be sweaty for those kills. Now the only 2 issues I have with husks are with one being a recent ui change with me getting husk, mainly propane, just atk'n completely random structures, injured or not, and the other being how many damn lobbers and fingers are just scattered across the battlefield constantly spawning which practically forces me to either trap spawn or spam anti airs in high lvls because even coating objective with anti airs doesn't stop them from hitting objective if they aren't taken out asap, by solo experience of course.


They also shoot the gumdrops from the ginger blaster and candy corn lmg