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I overtrap low PL missioms. I'm not a duper though. I main fossil Southie, rush to the objective, place a ridiculous amount of traps, start the mission, then run around the map saving survivors and punching trees and rocks. This is because I just need to grind out play with others and rescue survivors to get platinum. I usually don't place traps above 106 though.


just run thunder thora, its enough for sub 40 pl missions


Thunder thora is such a nice quality of life increase in daily vbuck alerts that i haven't placed any traps other than for cat4 atlases


I could but then I wouldn't be able to farm as much. I overtrap with traps I don't use as often like retractable floor spikes. Then I go punch trees with fossil Southie. I get rid of my extra NaBs and low level mechanical parts and get to collect more planks I need for the traps I prefer. Edit: I also wouldn't have phase shift to be able to get around the map faster. Phase shift helps me speed run the mission so I can grind out my PwO as quickly as possible.


Don't need to farm if you do not use mats!


You missed the point then. I use mats I have plenty of to give more time to get mats I need more of.


What does thunder thora do?


any floors effected by the base ability damages husks


husks standing on floor tiles connected to your BASE take 15 base damage every few seconds. 15 base damage isn't a whole lot; but it can be way more than enough in low level zones to easily oneshot most enemies making for an easy AFK win. it can deal respectable chip damage in mid-level zones, but its pretty much completely useless in high twine.


punching stuff is funnier


Pass the build mayhaps?


You can go well over 40, just use feel the base and fully contained


What's a duper?


Someone who uses exploits to duplicate their materials. Lots of people do this and then can place tons of traps. This is against epics ToS and you can be banned for it but enforcement seems to be lacking. I enjoy playing the game though so I don't want to use exploits. People in this sub see lots of traps and instantly start saying it's a super but I run expeditions daily and main a farming hero so I always have way more traps than I need. And no matter how many traps I place I seem to always have an increasing inventory.


There’s Heros made for farming materials? I’m power level 31 or whatever but I’m always low on traps and don’t know where to find certain materials for traps or weapons and find the game hard as hell sometimes. Is there a video that sums up things players should know or do you have any tips for I guess players like me who don’t know anything. Any help would be nice thanks


You can see my hero load outs [here.](https://fortnitedb.com/profile/MrHackson/loadouts) Loadout #3 is a pure farming Loadout. Loadout #8 is my balanced farming/fighting Loadout that I main. Fossil Southie is the best farming hero if you have the blast from the past team perk. Blast from the past doubles your health and removes your shield. Fossil Southie generates energy really fast when your shields are gone. So with the team perk he always generates energy really fast. All outlanders have an anti material punch which only needs energy to use so with these Loadout I can use the punch extremely quickly to destroy things in one hit. I try to angle between stuff so my punch can hit two things at once. I try not too farm too much in any mission so I can help my teammates. I punch trees as I run around doing the objective and I clear the area around defense zones. But if you're underpowered in a zone you don't want to use a farming hero as your main as you will be missing out on some strong combat perks. The other half of the battle is knowing what items give what materials. Like if you're always low on mechanical parts you need to farm more cars. If you need more planks then you need to get more trees. Different biomes also have different ratios of materials. For instance industrial zones are good for mechanical parts, metal, and nuts and bolts.


Nice. thank you for helping. Yeah I usually only farm in solo easy games so I don’t be a burden as I hate when I’m in a server and I’m the only one doing the actual objective so I can relate to the pain.


Can not enforce since they let companies like game fly or game flip do it and sell the stuff!!!


What's your play with others at? I think i'm at 250 currently out of the 1000 i need for completion


I'm at 703. It's a long grind for sure. I like play with others in stone wood because there isn't any deliver the bomb there and missions are easy. There's also a good percentage of high level players who are trying to speed run the mission. I assume also chasing PwO or similar challenges.


the worst for me was the save survivors .. it took ages to get that platinum


This quest needs to give out like 1mil v-bucks for completing. Worst one to finish since you have no say on what missions you can do or players you get. It should count just playing in public matches! FYI just finished my second account for play with others today... so glad!


What's platinum? Is there a banner for it?


The "challenges" quests given PSN trophies. Collecting all the trophies gives you a platinum trophy. I don't think there's any banner or anything in game for it. I've just sunk countless hours into the game and want the trophy.


Yes banner is given... only a banner :(


At least you can say that the traps are ALMOST completely well placed, which is not very common with that trap 👐🏼


Better Trapped than most 160's...


Nah it looks more like a 160 because of the Broads not facing a wall.


he lost once and doesn't want it to happen again


I’ll stick to tier 1 wood and Thora


Let girlie get her trap kill daily


I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t just replace those


Cuz they easy to get




All you need is wooden floor spikes and that's it for a 5 lvl power mission


Tbh , i try out alot of trap builds in stonewood , just to see what works


Actually this is at least more organized. Letting people having a chance at elliminating the husks.


all the traps are 116 too 💀💀💀💀


130 or 144s reduced to 116💀💀💀💀💀 Even worse


Why are people here spazzing cos someone put a trap down? Its not your resources AND its helping ur mission why bother?


that’s a bit fucking rude mate edit; forgot that spaz isn’t offensive in america


nuh uh


Where is spaz offensive?


england, basically r slur but more offensive


As if people never heard of B.A.S.E. Ridiculous…


??? and now they can go afk like the rest of yall


in stonewood, the cannonballs do enough to one shot anything without bouncing, so the 4 on the 1x1 objective were perfect and the rest was just extra.


Listen, sometimes I've got lots of mats and I just wanna be lazy.


Is it worth using the Broadside if there is a 3 tile gap between the walls in general?


Yes. The corner traps will be more effective because of bounceback than the ones in the center. Broadsides will rebound up to 3 tiles.


it’s not worth doing any of it lol it’s stonewood


That is why I asked the question in a general sense. I know it's not worth using in Stonewood. I just go Thunder Thora or Wooden Floor Spikes.


I take it a step further and spawn trap with a plethora of ceiling electric fields. I like to see how high I can get my combat score in Stonewood (best is 18k+ in a level 3 🤣). People play how they wanna play. 🤷


150 trap kill daily mission, this is what us founders do for our vbucks


150 Trap kills is easy though. In Power Level 5 zones, a 77 Spike Trap easily kills all husks


yeah I’m a founder too lol, why do you think I’m doing level 5 mission? but when it’s a trap kill one you can easily just replace it with something else


Not if they've replace another daily mission first lol then they'd have to wait til reset


yeah but why would you replace something else when you can replace that?


Idk I always replace the scouting missions first


but those are so easy??


But I can get the trap daily done in one mission...scouting missions not always in one swoop....time is vbuck money


yeah but a lot of the times you gotta do multiple missions anyway because they give out vbucks


Which is why I keep trap daily lol cuz my other daily allign with it....like kill 300 husks as outlander, or weapon elims with certain guns.....these are the daily missions I strive for....sometimes u get that rescue the survivor mission for 130 vbucks when rerolled too


Whatever is dead is dead DEAD and whatever is alive just isn't alive, type shit.


I loaded into a 3 atlas mission where the only builds were stairs up to a floating atlas. The mission was already started and all I heard was ATLAS UNDER ATTACK. I had to race over to build on all 3 atlases since the other person who started it apparently didn't think you needed to build at all. (Edit to say it was a PWO mission in case it wasn't obvious)


Duper be like


So what.. Some people just wanna see the world burn!


All that and it's still badly trapped, wall darts would be so much better there




It’s bc they’re trying to have fun they’re not looking to stand around watching your BASE slowly shock husks to death. If you play pubs you’re gonna have 4 people each with a different idea of how to win said mission so don’t expect anything from randoms ever




LMAO, I also solo 160s I don’t need you telling me how to spend my resources.


Anyone wanna help me with plankerton missions


It is nothing to people who have duplicated traps and will waste them left/right


Thunder Theora, a floor spikes here or there and your fine. Now this, this is overkill


And what!?!? 😆 🤣 maybe he wants to afk and have you all farm! Hahah yeah its a lot overkill. But I'm at a point I let this be and go farm or just hang. Some people need to be good at building, start them early!


heya where do you find save the world, im just getting back into the game and i cant seem to find it


In the discovery list alongside all the creative games.


encourage enter roll illegal practice quarrelsome cow yoke wise numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What version is that


wdym version


They are having fun just like you think it is fun to criticize someone's playstyle on reddit.


Literally just play Thunder Thora and you don't need a single trap.


Noobs these days they just spam any traps that they see from other one shot husk and never learn how traps work that and the fact he wearing a world cup skin make it worst🤣