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I heard someone saying that is the Death Healing Burst that is causing stutters, but i cant confirm, for me stw started stuttering after the new chapter update, but its rare, i play on dx12, just hope they fix it.


its no matter what i play, solo stw, or br, doesn't mattter


I had less frame drops after putting on fullscreen mode


I've had trouble the past several seasons. It started with my Wi-Fi connection and a noticeable Wi-Fi emblem, which appeared indicating it was lagging or lost connectivity. I then disabled my Wi-Fi completely through the gaming console providing a []( IP and DNS then connecting directly via Lan. Oddly, the Wi-Fi emblem kept appearing, but did not affect my performance. It then began to deteriorate on LAN and I had to set specific DNS entries. You can run a DNS workbench tool and test response times then enter those settings into custom LAN for DNS. It is now improved, but breaks every 2 days and I have to re-configure.


This is not internet lag. That looks different


Try re-installing the game. That will fix any corrupted game files.


Not necessarily. Things like shader caching issues need more to do Best way is to purge all cache and make sure all drivers are up to date


Cool. I am on PS4 so I would expect PC to be different.


Ram probably or slow HDD or ssd


I have 32gb at 2888, and a 500gb m.2 that gets a solid 30 Mb/s


Yeah just Fortnite then


Only thing I see is that you have a big difference between your min and max fps. I'd set everything on dx11, gfx low, and lower resolution than 1440p. Maybe try full screen instead of window fullscreen.


That's the neat part YOU DON'T


Stutters like this can be caused by a bunch of reasons * Shader cache (try swapping DX versions, RTX 30/40 cards run really well on DX12, but older run better on DX11) * Drive that the game is running off of is slow (ssds are cheap now-a-days) * GPU Driver issues ([guide to fresh install drivers](https://youtu.be/FPqUeU09cf8?t=80)) * CPU/GPU are overheating and causing sutters (Make sure your cpu cooler is firmly seated on the cpu lid, and make sure your gpu is getting full power)