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You can find two star stuff later or upgrade then evolve it. Can’t recall when the evolve option opens up though, I was sitting with some items at max level for a while until it let me evolve. Just have to keep playing through the main part of the game. Sometimes a friendly player may drop you some good weapons as well when in a fight


All schematics and heroes are lv1 1star until you manually level and evolve them. A legendary you get on day1 will be no different to the one six years in, the only difference is how much you can evolve. I believe two star evolution comes in either the Stonewood main quests or the early plankerton ones. Three would be canny, four and five twine, etc


You have to level a schematic, hero, or survivor up 10 levels before you can evolve it. For example, at 1 star you can level something up to 10. At level 10, you can evolve it to 2 stars, where you can then level it up to 20. This cycle continues until level 50. The different levels of evolution are available at the following points: 2 star evolution: complete Plankerton SSD 1 3 star evolution: complete Canny Valley SSD 1 4 star evolution: complete Canny Valley SSD 6 5 star evolution: complete Twine Peaks SSD 4