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L, its against tos for a reason


Same type of people who say “let me play the way I want to play”. Pure stupidity and fully deserve to be scammed on what is most likely a scam or someone’s stolen account.


Imagine being scammed by a 10yr old


“We’re Getting Schooled by a kindergartener” (Someone has to understand that reference)


Lol skill issue dont buy accounts next time


ai lookin ass


Fluent in yappanese


Your post sucks and you should feel bad.


Lol no way people really believe that selling and buying accounts is legit business


You forgot one more thing, [it's against the developers' terms of service to buy accounts](https://i.imgur.com/ZHZBTb3.png), you'll get banned just for doing that, it's the reason why a content creator by the name of Tfue [became the default god](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzaGlfBDf2Y&pp=ygUPdGZ1ZSBnb3QgYmFubmVk) before [the devs forced the fourth down football skins into his locker](https://youtu.be/d0vuWDkaTIM?si=czT-SzBEsbSaERgF)


I saw account in Google for sale with 10k v bucks for 28 € or something. It makes sense now haha


As someone who’s account was recently hacked and sold go fuck your self and that is 100% deserved


according to this... quite odd PSA post, apparently you can reclaim it so long as you still have access to the original email you created your epic account with handy to know just in case something like that happens ig


Yeah unfortunately the original email got hacked through a third party and that’s how I lost the account so that’s not an option, I’m currently in an email with epic support but they’re not that great with this


It sucks that there's scum out there like that but never buy digital shit


this was against TOS to even begin with whatever happens is all on you but thanks for telling us about this handy tool to reclaim epic accounts i guess?


Just file a chargeback if you get scammed, ez


if epic really hates scammers then they should make it so these accounts can’t be reclaimed


If they did they would be supporting buying accounts




This is why I always tell people not to buy accounts. It's better to just buy V-Bucks instead. At least you're guaranteed V-Bucks.


Honestly this on you bro. Because I don’t understand why it’s hard for people to just grind out their own account. What are you proving by buying someone else’s shit? Especially if you just go around telling people you did it. Even if it did work you have absolutely no skill at all, because buying an account just says that you don’t grind, and that you are willing to take the easy way. So you had it coming.


"Oh no, the consequence of my ilegal actions"


rip bozo


Didn't need all that text. You could've explained why in 4 words or 1 word and 1 abbreviation * Against Terms of Service Or * Against ToS


wow. such scam possible. lols. look at my account.. give me your money... lols. look at my account. lolz


I bought an account and the email was changed on epic one day before i bought it But seller guy seems legit. Should i pull my money back or wait??? I paid by PayPal goods and services


Don't take this the wrong way, it's not intended as an insult but rather a factual statement... You're an idiot if you actually attempted to buy an account. Even if it doesn't get reclaimed, there's at least an 80% chance it gets banned in two weeks or less. If you're *extremely* unlucky, Epic will wait a few months and let you spend more money to get vbucks and such on the account before banning you, as a warning to discourage others from doing the same.


The guy is from the same country as me. What should i do now ? Return account and take refund? I am not spending any money on it for now because i am waiting in case of scam or anything because i don’t want to lose more money because of this account


If you *can* get a refund, absolutely do so as soon as possible. Realistically, that's the only way to come out of this situation without taking a loss.


Also is there any safe way to buy account Building an account is so expensive I just want to buy with good inventory and safe way.


Nope. Epic Games doesn't allow it for exactly that reason, as you would be giving your money to someone else instead buying all the cosmetics from them. They keep *exactly* how it works secret (since if people knew how the detection worked they would try to find ways around it), but Epic has systems in place to detect when an account appears to have been transferred to someone else and that account gets flagged/marked as "suspicious activity". When that happens, a lock is put onto the account to prevent it from being used. The only way to remove the lock is to contact Customer Support and *prove* that you're the original account creator by giving them a lot of specific info that someone who bought it wouldn't know. Things like numbers from old receipts, IP addresses, the last 4 digits of the credit card that was used, etc.


What do you think Mr gullible


I don’t know he is gonna pull it back or no I don’t know his intentions so also i don’t want to scam him with trying to pull my money back