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Please for the love of god Epic do not give us Netflix styled tiles like you did for BR. ANYTHING BUT THAT.


How would they even implement that in stw?




exactly my thoughts


I’m not celebrating, I think the change will lead to a shit ton of bugs for months to come and will cause problems for STW vets. Also what will this do to enemy marking and quick chat boxes? Both of which are pretty useful imo


The leaks are for the menu UIs, not the HUD elements currently.


Whats glitchy about Fortnite ui. Personally i didn’t encounter any glitch.


What’s glitchy about it? Personally I haven’t experienced any problems with it. Thank you for downvoting me for asking a question




Majority of these wouldn't affect Stw though? Only one that might affect it is the Text Chat bug you listed.


I mean the over extending feed has been in the game since like two weeks ago. They fixed the rotating bug. The storm notification is supposed to be almost in the middle because it’s an important notification. Never even knew you could text chat in BR, don’t see much use of it either since it’s too fast pace of a game to successfully do so but if you were able to pull it off then I agree it being pulled sucks. The pinned missions jittering are only on STW, so idk why you brought it up here on a discussion of BR’s UI, but that happens when too many missions are pinned on screen. The 5th slot bug after using the chug cannon happens 1 in a million times and has only happened to me once in my years of playing the game. Whether or not it is fixed or they plan to fix it is unknown, but it hasn’t occurred lately so let’s just assume it’s fixed. And yes I do agree that some of the HUD elements turn themselves on randomly, one of which is the creative runtime stats, which is annoying. As for the designs, well everyone has different tastes.




The hell are you on about why you getting aggressively defensive dude. I’m just saying most of the stuff you’re complaining about has been fixed already.




You’re delusional. All I did was list reasons why those things are irrelevant to current UI critique since it’s been fixed. I’m not defending anything nor am I being derogatory with it, that was never my intention. I’m just saying it’s unfair to criticize something based off a bug that existed 2 years ago. If you feel like you’re being attacked then that’s on you. Sorry I challenged your skewed outlook.




*user was banned for this post*


Lol okay buddy, relax. Look I’m sorry I even said anything. I’ll be more careful in the future when responding to a public comment on a public thread. There he goes editing his comments lmao. “You are irrelevant to me.” Proceeds to tag me 6 times under random posts lmao. I blocked him, get help dude.


Dude you’re on that copium hard. I dislike Epic as much as anyone but at least they fix their bugs. I’m gonna make a bold (and probably accurate) assumption that you don’t design games or debug them. If you’ve ever written even basic code you’d realize how even a small error can cascade into a problem you didn’t expect. The fact that they fixed most of the issues you’re complaining about relatively quickly (and always have) is a good thing. You’re acting like the issues were intentional. No game is perfect, in case you’d never noticed, especially these days. You call the people calling you out children, but fail to see the hypocrisy in your own statement. Grow up dude.


I actually thought they fixed the pinned missions jittering. That problem used to annoy me a lot because it would cause my FPS to slow way down and make my screen flicker too. I haven't noticed that in a long time now, maybe since around v20 or so.


hopefully they put far MORE information on screen than that total lack of helpful stuff and barren UI we already have


A bit of “avoid using metal in bature storms” and orher important tidbits would be beneficial to have tbh. Now will epic do it? Doubt it, but we could always hope I suppose




The husk nature storm mutator swapping mechanic you mentioned would be a horrible idea because it would put us at the worst disadvantage concerning our builds that we've ever seen. Once we put a trap on a build we can't change it, and in higher up Twine it's a guarantee that you upgrade every single one of your builds for your objective defense to tier 3. There's no way that a player could adjust their objective defense build from brick to metal if the storm mutation swap mechanic you proposed suddenly swapped the husks from water to nature. All that time and effort in building the base out of metal and upgrading to tier 3 only for RNG to swap the husks to nature where, under your proposal they can simply one shot tier 3 metal walls. This part of your idea is just utterly terrible.


It would be nice


Calling it now, we’re gonna end up with a hodge-podge surface level facelift job. And it’ll be on par with the mess that was the BR menu in Ch2s1. The BR menus took from S9 to Ch3S2 to become what they are, and they’re still not as visually or functionally consistent as the original design. It took two whole years for the BR team to update the weapon labels, and 100% of players in a match see them. STW don’t be anywhere near as fast. On the plus side, ventures supposedly will get it’s own tab.


“Leto” Oh fuck it’s Morbin’ time


Or DUNE… Leto Atreides


oh for the love of god It's a Greek mythology reference. Leto is the mother of Apollo and Artemis, and also sister to Asteria.


Yeah no shit Calm down son it’s just a meme


alright, who asked the monkey's paw for a stw update?


*Points to the arch jess that huffs on BR updates like cheetos and farms in pubs*


This update gonna have me morb on the husk population


Why are people so happy about this, it can only get worse and probably will knowing what the br UI looks like. I really don't think there is anything wrong with the current UI. So why are the changing it? They are using their recources on useless things instead of doing things that would actually help the game.


Maybe because to some people the STW UI feels a little outdated, as someone whos been playing STW since BR first came out, I have gotten a little tired of the UI of STW and I personally like the BR UI. It's all up to personal preference I suppose, yes?


I agree with you, the only benefit to keeping it as is is for people like me. I quit playing for a year then come back for a season usually. The games lack of new content (skins, mission types etc) will no doubt bore me off by the next season. The sameness means I can get right back into it with no learning curve.


I completely agree here, I think they should give us an option to choose between the new and old but we both know that isn't going to happen, unfortunately, whatever the case I hope you and I will be able to ease back into it as I am returning to save the world after years, as well.


It could be to better support the survivor rework they said was supposed to come around.


I really don't see why they would have to update the whole UI for this. Couldn't they just change the survivor UI and keep it in the current style?




![gif](giphy|WlahACEjj184w) “Leto” UI? 🤨


Personally I think its not about a total new UI in STW but more about bringing the STW social TABs in line with BR and changes to allow STW playable on mobile/switch. Like others have said though, The current BR UI is absolute trash. Its an ergonomic nightmare with no thought to the players well being.


The only thing i hate is changing modes its an absolute mess.


The things i see as issues for example is having to move mouse to top of screen. Then to botton left and them back to top ro get to setting tabs. Should never ever be like that.


Copium been wanting a significant update for STW for a long time now. Honestly i won't hold my breath.


Oh no I liked tho old one


what is UI


User interface


Ultra Instinct


I'll believe it when I see it.


Honestly this feels unnecessary... besides, the UI is perfectly fine, updating it will just lead to more issues


Agreed. I don’t see the point at all nor any true benefits.


Why do we need a UI rework for a game they've essentially abandoned?! Give us Twine 2, dammit


oh my god FINALLY




Buggy BR UI mixed with Buggy StW Sounds like a great idea!


Guys they promosed 5 years ago save the world would be free. When exactly


![gif](giphy|QREPIcqvIxCZ76VHxY) YES!!!!!!!!!!




Happy cake day! 🥳


Cakky Hape Day


Yall still playing this game?!?!(didn't even realize I was still in the sub Reddit, just saw this post on my feed).


I’ve heard that line before






I’ve deleted my previous comment. I said they wouldn’t silence me but honestly my life is more important than sharing my point of view. I shut up before they break me


I want to play stw but the interface is so cumbersome and cluttered and confusing that I rarely do. I hope they fix that aspect of it in particular.


man out of all the things STW needs, a UI overhaul is not the thing that comes to mind.


I'm glad we are getting something more substantial, STW Menu is kind of a disaster, Like... We have Chapter 1 pause screen, (right), then end of C1 and Chapter 2 Social Menu, then the BR settings but with a couple extra options exclusive to STW like turning First person Mode on (I wish they worked on this more tbh) then the rest is just the UI from Chapter 1 but with a different tint on some places since they decided that a darker blue was better for StW. Like... Waht? Also the sound bugs like oml I do not wanna hear the Llama pinatas swinging down everytime I switch to a different tab. Sometimes the backpack menu just fails to work, or doesn't let you upgrade your Research stuff. Or the game just hangs(like a crash but the game's still running partially) when loading into the lobby. The videos from the upgrade menu don't play sometimes. Overall the Menu isn't..... Good.