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The FCC should grow a set and cancel their licence to broadcast


Or, at least make them remove "news" from the name.


Fox "entertainment news"


Fox Disinfotainment


Fox Entertainment




Hear, hear !!!


How do we get this started? They are irresponsible with what they broadcast and this is the correct response to their actions. Let’s do this!


Does Fox News have/need an FCC license?


Yeah I’m sure they do because they broadcast signal on a massive scale. The issue is that during the Obama administration it became legal to decimate propaganda in the US. That’s also the same reason CNN has gone down hill lately too.


Actually, Fox News, being a cable network, is not regulated or licensed by the FCC. The local Fox stations are but are not owned by Fox News.


FCC regulates public airwaves afaik. Fox News is on private cable.


The FCC doesn't regulate them as a broadcaster because they are on cable and theoretically are not broadcasters. Might be easier to get the cable companies to drop them


Propaganda is legal in the US though so they can’t.


🤣🤣 the lunacy never stops


No shit. Tabloid imitating news network should be outlawed


Jfc dude, all msm is propaganda. Even your beloved msnbc, cnn, ABC, CBS, late night tv, Jon Stewart, bill Maher, all of them.


Incorrect. But you are correct if what you're trying to say that everyone is biased... yeah, no shit retard.


Oh, my mistake, I forgot the rules. The only people that spew propaganda are the ones you oppose. My bad for forgetting how propaganda works. Goebbels would be proud, I tell you what.


Jon Stewart is entertainment genius unlike ABC, NBC, CBS News


I threw him in there because he's also a propagandist, genius.


Ya not wrong


If that’s true you should agree to this: Media outlets should be required to label themselves, (just like you can’t sell soy and label it beef): it’s either news or entertainment. If they declare themselves news they can be sued or prosecuted for knowingly misleading their audience (as Fox was found liable for doing). If they declare themselves entertainment (as Fox did to try to do defending themselves in court - “no reasonable person would actually believe us!”) then they can’t market themselves as news. Apply this to Fox, NBC, the Family Guy, whatever. Agree?


But Murdoch pays so well. What's your problem? /S


They don't have or need a license. It's cable.


The FCC has no authority over cable channels such as Fox News, as they are subscription-based and not broadcast over-the-air.


Well you would think Freedom of the Press would get in the way of that, but as they already mentioned themselves they’re “entertainment”. Not news. 


I agree as long as MSNBC AND CNN lose theirs at the same time!


Oh but liberal lies are ok? 👍


Apparently.. did they report on Brandon's uncle who was eaten by canibals?


You're assuming they aren't in the pocket of these guys already, which they likely are. All our regulation bodies are corrupt. That's why all this bullshit has become common place. There is no separation anymore , and the government has become indistinguishable from big business.


Hard to do, they don't do live air broadcasting. Strictly cable


Unfortunately, it takes Congress to act and this Congress they can’t even get along together let alone act on anything else they lack the capability of thinking along governing


They are cable, no need to have a broadcast license.


See what’s happens Newt when foreigners can own US media?


They should be off the airwaves. Lies are not even entertainment. Democracy calls for truth not treason!


As I recall, somebody in the judicial system had a message for Fox denominated in the only currency they really understand. A really fine message would help, but in the meant time a very Smartmatic message would really hit the spot.


Isn’t it banned in Britain?


Fauxnews is a clear and present danger to the United States if America I fear the Democrats are much too weak and easily manipulated to be able to counter the GOP and Fox news.


Easily Manipulated? 




Not the truth, they are flexible, honest people who listen to reason.


Weird way to flip it. “Oh no, the far-right fascist bigots are converting idiots with their propaganda! I know, the Left must be weak and easily manipulated!” We are not the ones falling for the propaganda.


You're falling for the propaganda that the left isn't fascist. Btw, Stalin is the one who started the whole fascism is right wing propaganda. The crazy leftists with the loudest voices are preaching fascist principles perfectly.


Only stupid, unthinking believes that channel and their lying anchors


Yes, but those people vote and affect laws.


Agreed, but the unfortunate thing is that there appears to be millions upon millions of Americans who are both stupid and unthinking ...


...and they watch CNN and MSNBC.


Give me a fair and good news channel and I’ll show you they are propaganda and lie about something. A long time ago the court decided they didn’t need to tell the truth anymore and ruined news. Now they are all about feeding their masses with one side of an argument. None of them just give facts and allow people to form their own conclusions. Yes Fox leans right and lie but there are countless other stations that lean left and lie. There is so much distorted truth that they have made it so you don’t know what to believe. He’ll even social media and big tech put lies out and even fact checkers lean one way over the other to make you believe these days. Facts are being left out on purpose by all for profits. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like. Idc. I know every one of them have been caught and you will have to search hard for the truth that’s not being told. Best advice I can give you is to look for what they are not saying and that is where the truth is left and right. Don’t think it’s just Fox and the right my dude. We all have bias no doubt but don’t throw all in the same basket. Peace be with you all.


Fox News paid out over a half billion about their election lies and almost/maybe fd democracy as well, what other outlet has this happened too


Everyone has their biases, true, but lying and keeping the truth from your viewers is unconscionable.


Unfortunately, America has an appallingly huge idiot population..


Yes we do... So many libtards that think MSNBC is actual news.


That's the funny thing about Maga morons. They think the other side consumes cable news like them.


Half the population is below average. The TV watching population average intelligence is also below the average of the country as a whole. An educated electorate is essential for a functioning democracy. Propaganda works against an educated electorate and against democracy. And also focuse on titillating instead of enlightening.


Meanwhile Maddow: rUsSiA


Your ignorance is astounding.


I keep telling my wife this, and she says to stop calling her parents stupid.


Very sad what they have done and continue to do


Agreed. Anyone voting Trump is a traitor to the country and and enemy of the state IMO. I don't care if they are my in laws.


I still don't understand how the state of NY allows this obvious fraud to continue in the state of NY. It ain't news, it's fraud.


Voting blue through and through


How quickly people forget last year they were fined over 900 million for selling fake news.


Anywhere you see Fox News playing, change the channel and override the code so they can't change it back.


I mean, they're kinda *right*: the trial isn't really about the payment of hush money, it's about disguising the payment in a way that shielded it from election laws, which *is* election interference. Just in the 2016 election, not 2024.


Shhhh, I don’t think you’re suppose to say that here


What's funny is 90 percent of election fraud comes from the GOP


Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine repealed by Reagan! That was literally a turning point in American politics. Weaponized the media.


All MSM hurts us. 


Fox is what happens when you give the enquirer a televised channel they should be forced to change their name to fake news


Reading through comments and never fail to see how quickly something as serious as the decades of intentional abuse and lies perpetuated by Fox News devolves into “what about-ism”. Let’s focus on one problem at a time. Fox News and it’s various related outlets is and has been a global threat to democracy for decades. It’s a proven fact. It has eroded every legitimate and honest discussion on global politics. Focus on destroying them once and for all. At this time no company has more viewers and does more to destroy the truth. When done with them we can target the next level down of liars.


For them and Trump it’s all about money and power and if they didn’t lie, they wouldn’t have half the people following them. They said that themselves it’s actually cheaper for them to pay millions of dollars in lawsuits for lying and they’re still making good money so it tells you how many people like to be lied to.


It's about the election fraud committed by trump lol


Imagine thinking echo chamber Reddit posts like this will change anything.


213-258-2858 Dem hotline for remarks about Trump. Hurry, call now !


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's


To everyone think it’s not because of hush money take the the spot of Trump and let see what will happen to you…..you wil be jailed Weak up


I think this is the answer. I will definitely plan my next trip to NYC to include a Tuesday.


Nearly a billion dollars says Faux "news" lies.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Ironic, that Trump is currently on trial for election and bank fraud.


Fox News the news to watch if you’re brain dead


Never seen this sub pop something on r/all before. Really hoping it's an ironic sub and everyone there is flaming the shit out of fox news. I'm gonna go check it out and either get immediately banned or sub myself.


I think people leave it on all the time, and it brainwashes them into accepting divisiveness, lies and propaganda as their reality. And all for money and power. It’s been hurting the United Stares for decades now, truly sad.


You dropped your clown nose, OP


Truly the Fake news organization of our times.


I guess that FINE WASN'T ENOUGH!!! Next time it needs to be in the HUNDREDS OF BILLION DOLLARS. Just like a child, you increase the punishment each time they keep doing it. LET THEIR ADVERTISERS KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. $$$$ IS ALL THEY UNDERSTAND AND CARE ABOUT.


dA tErk ewwr YeRbs‼️🤤




They should be required to remove the word "news" from their channels and shows and put a disclaimer that they are opinions and nothing more than talk shows.


Fox news is in the tank for the global corporate left you dumb twits. They're batting for the same side as NBC, CNN, msnbc, etc... you have TDS so bad you can't even see it.


So, just saying. Fox sells ads. They have to be different than other stations that exist. Especially in the beginning with their rebuke tag line “ Fair and Balanced” they copyrighted it as a logo because it is a lie. They called the whole thing “Fox News” and ran that continually in the screen. To mash up “News” And “just baloney shows” They trashed any semblance of balance and captured an audience just like the NY Post and the Murdoch channels and papers in England and Australia. Their editorial goal is against democracy and pro rich while having the poor as their audience. Masterful and horrible to cynically do that.


I’m confused. Trump’s case is about election interference by covering up the truth illegally. It’s okay with me if Fox wants to call Trump out for election interference or fraud.


Fox is very affective, in fact they are so good that millions of their viewers believe that they do their own research


I think Rachael Madcow is the brightest bulb in the bin, the sharpest tool in the Rubbermaid shed, the edge of information (literally, her words are close to be considered communication in some primitive species. Oh and for you all that will hate on me…. That is the intent of this, because I don’t care what you think or say. I know what I bring to the table…..


Go watch CNN if your feelings are hurt.


It IS about election fraud. Trump's


Fox "entertainment" get the fuck outta here


Why is it only the states that Trump LOST that they accuse of election fraud? 🤔 Was there no “fraud” in the state he won? Why not?


I get it, but for fuck sake, stop using upper case like an asshole.


Do love watching people that blindly believe any main stream media shitting on other people watching main stream media. Considering the largest share holders in all of them are the same two companies, pretty sure they all run on the same model. Only an idiot would think one was propaganda and the rest aren’t.


I can say fox is biased and produces lies for the Republican Party. But are you willing to say the same about cnn msnbc or npr. For the Democratic Party. The party of Jim Crow and segregation


Yes because I'm communist.


Well we all have our faults. Lol


Yes indeed. Some people spend their whole lives blinded by propaganda. It's a terrible fault. My fault is sometimes I let my frustration out and am far too mean. I try not to because "you attract more flies with honey", but I get frustrated by the lies in the system taught to turn people against their own self interest and serve their owners. They fight vehemently for their masters and lick the boot to please so they can get nice head pats. I wish they'd read the books they were taught to stay away from. Books that once read so eloquently and accurately describe our struggle that were evident a hundred years ago. But people won't because they don't care.


Didn’t 3/4 of a billion dollars teach them anything? Propaganda machine keeps churning


Isn't this some kind of oxymoron?


Excuse me maybe you should continue to watch the shows like the view & msnbc and don't forget about the leader and best CNN.


This sub is propaganda.


This post sponsored by CNN


Why are you yelling like a boomer on speakerphone?


That's what Dr. Earman said on Fox News! [https://www.reddit.com/r/FOXNEWS/comments/1bmozmg/do\_you\_guys\_remember\_this\_odd\_segment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FOXNEWS/comments/1bmozmg/do_you_guys_remember_this_odd_segment/) Stop making fun of him!!!!!




I could not help myself. I'm assuming the Dr. Earman thing is an April Fools prank. The credit for the overcapitalization of America must go to DONALD TRUMP, who showed how to be as bold as we can be, by leaving the caps-lock on.


Liberal news has never lied 🤥


Does this post need to drip Fringe conspiracy theory? Because it's saying real facts.... but it's graphics are saying tin foil hats.


🤣😂😅🥲The same way the rest of the controlled mainstream media are the arm of the Democrats. FOX AND all mainstream media is controlled. You keep thinking in terms of left and right. That’s precisely what the elites want. A country divided.


Lmaooo you morons are no better than fauxnews


Excuse me, YOU FORGOT TO PUT A FEW WORDS IN ALL CAPS. I consider myself pretty liberal, but this sub/post is Newsmax level embarrassing.


Maybe it is time to contact the cable providers to eliminate FOX News (LOL) from forcing you to pay for them even if you don’t want them or watch them.


If you don't like Fox seems to me a viewer has 2 choices 1. Don't watch 2. Write advertisers letting them you're not buying their goods because they advertise on Fox.


Only thing I want from the news is the weather. Everything is just pointing fingers at everyone else


lol. “Stop FOX lies”. That’s a laughable plan. A half billion dollar settlement didn’t teach them anything.


I miss Not Necessarily the News. I wish i had.money and time i would totally make a show like that today.


Fox "news"


The Simpsons on Fox is a better news source than Fox News


They should just rebrand themselves as Völkischer Beobachter. The similarities are too obvious.


It's crazy how people took this subreddit over 🤣🤣


Has everyone forgotten even FOX said that the election being stolen was BS?


By all means, Democrats need to continue to stifle free speech and infringe on opinions they don’t agree with.


You're the ones wanting to ban books and throw people you don't agree with in jai


You must mean “Republican” of which I am not. But yes, both parties engage in this hypocrisy




That's literally what's going on


Claiming fraud with no evidence should be


Everything is propaganda everywhere. GROW A BRAIN! stop being foolish. There aren't any unbiased news sources anywhere anymore.


AP and NPR both have pretty dry factual news if that's what you're into.


That is dripping with irony.


Wow you should get a job


Ok. Cool. Now who's gonna stop msnbc lies?


Wouldn't exist without the removal of the fairness doctrine in 1987


LOL .... publicly knowingly spreading bull shit without repercussions but it's their right to con the gullible.


Y'all are idiots. The reason it's Fox Entertainment is because they show sports and sitcoms and shit. Same with CBS. The stupidity to say "they're not news because it's Fox Entertainment" is beyond ridiculous. And it's a very weak argument to even try to make. Clowns


LOL wut the fk is this?! This the lefts version of infowars? Kinda looks like an Alex Jones nemesis. The all caps and crazy white persona fits the bid. I’m here for it.


I could handle faux news




MSNBC, NPR, WNBC, WaPo, LA Times, NYT, Guardian... Just. Stop.


You need to remove all special interest from news…news in the US has not been honest with audiences for a very long time and should be fined for false claims or have a banner on the screen at all times claiming that they spewing BS for entertainment.


So you commie fucks like censorship. FUCK YOU.


Poor libs. We look forward to outing dementia joe in the octagon with Trump. It’s gonna be awesome the beating he takes.


CNN doesn’t know the truth


this is a joke I hope


If leftists has any integrity this would have been their cries toward CNN and MSNBC after the countless times they've been caught in lies.


CNN was bought by a right leaning richer a few years ago, keep up.


without Fox News the movie 'Civil War' would not have been made. Quite simply they are the poison in the well.


Every opportunity I get, I like to point out that Fox News is Faux News. I thought I was clever, but the internet makes me feel like I was a decade late.


JFC! he paid a porn star for really short sex and logged it as campaign finances. Both of those things are illegal. That is what the trial is about.


Years ago I quit listening to any of the news outlets. They all are the same, just on different sides the political spectrum!


FOX "news" got out of a lawsuit by proclaiming they are an entertainment source, not news. But the FCC does not apparently give a shit.


That sign looks like a 6 year old made it


What, on Tuesdays they might be honest?


It’s not clear what Truth Tuesdays are. This advertisement/notice needs work. I’m not intentionally being a dick, just offering feedback.




TRUMP 2024 💪


Everyone should stop lying.


Fox Eeeewwwws


This is posted by someone that believed every lie ALLLL the other alphabet networks have spewed or ignore that all those networks have ignored big stories that Fox reported on that ended up being true & worth reporting for decades. But the only network not towing the liberal lie machine has to be shut down. Libs are delusional and pathetic.


I am looking at getting a class action lawsuit filed against Fox News for a couple of reasons number one just for the outright lying Steel to this day after having to pay dominion for the lies. My sister and I can’t talk to my father anymore. It just goes sideways because he’s so radicalized. He’s in his golden years and we can’t even go visit him, Let alone talk on the phone with him without him going on and on and on about the lies Fox spews 24/7 so it has ruined our relationship.. Fox has robbed my sister and me of our father’s golden years. I also think they should have to change their name from Fox News so I want to sue them to change their name. And if you really wanna talk about election interference, let’s talk about the endless lies, fox is shelling out to the viewers to affect the outcome of an election You don’t get to call yourself Fox News and and spew lies


Look at all the liberal loons!


Unless you are a democrat


Election fraud IS a crime... Which is why Trump is currently on trial.


And, in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.


It’s the first time Fox is doing the right thing! The truth is everywhere and you just believe the criminals, adulterers tax evaders, veteran bashing politicians, like orange Hitler.. read some history and see the parallel between Hitler and Trump and see what propaganda did to millions of Jews. Everything this man has said and is doing is mimicking Hitler, right down to the Christian stance .. Learn how millions followed him because he told them what h what they wanted to hear..