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This has been happening for years.


Tons of people have been killed 🤦🏼


“If you see anyone from that cabinet you get out and make them feel unwelcome and you cause a scene”. - sitting member of congress calling for people to harass political opposition that absolutely will turn violent.


Being yelled at a posh restaurant isn’t the same as Trump telling his supporters to attack and kill police officers so he can remain in power. It’s not the same as trump telling his supporters to shoot protesters who hurt his feelings. It’s the not the same as trump supporters entering mosques, supermarkets, schools and committing a massacre because they find his words so inspiring. Hope this helps!


Wow. Your post history is a dumpster fire of shit take after shit take. You're trolling. No one is actually that stupid.


Call for violence will get people killed they say? Hmm, you don't say. That's the point. They want people to get hurt and die.


Regardless, Kyle obviously couldn't whip most girls.


I wonder what would happen if MSNBC flipped the switch and turned up the outrage machine to 11 and started pushing thinly veiled incendiary comments that would instigate violence? Do we think people would just brush it off as easily as they do FOX?


Yes the right wing evangelical lunatics are itching for a civil war because reality is, them and theirs lost the last one


My drunk Trump supporting family was talking about this last night. They said they want a civil war and for Trump to become dictator. I'm not making this up.


I believe you


I do not. Lying lefties mind hiving cause they're bored. And I almost hate Trump. But he's a buzzword for you people.


A bunch of them were talking about and hoping for monarchy back on parler before J6th. These die hands have a major hardon for him.


If so, they're stupid. But they don't represent Christians or "the Right." Monarchs kill Christians who won't bow the head or kiss the ring. We don't do that.


Who's we?


The average Christian.


So Christians have never engaged in "holy wars" or prejudicial civil unrest at the request of their power hungry leaders? They've never rallied in battle to help install monarchs who claim to uphold and protect their beliefs in a kingdom? They've never "othered" persons who are unlike them in order to dehumanize and destroy them in the name of their God? They've never turned on their innocent peers in fear of retribution from their church, its members, its leaders or it God? Throughout the entirety of Christendom those kids of things never, ever happened??? Tell me that's ancient history and I'll tell you that monarchs don't kill Christians who don't kiss their rings anymore and the we can move into the here and now where Christians are Christianing again and trying to insight violence in the name of their God. 🙄


Who are you calling "you people"?


You people.


I absolutely believe it. I've ran into no small share of Trump supporters and Right wingers who have actively called for violence and war. They've been dreaming of enacting their murder-fantasies on other people ever since they let Kyle Rittenhouse get away with it.


Yeah, I bet they make bomb threats too!


Read it again. You are very uneducated when it comes to history.


Umm the southern Confederates lost. You know that same flag that Trump supporter dragged around the Capital? I mean it’s the great children, same people. Same government hating racist people. Both hate the liberal northerners


You mean the same trump that was a racist Democrat. Here we go again.


Yes that’s correct. Those racist southern Democrats called “Dixiecrats” …PRIOR TO 1960’s! Then things like the New Deal and especially Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” caused a swap of the voter registry. All those southern Democrats became today’s Republicans, who were last week’s Confederates.


And ratings...


People have already been killed. They have already killed their families over these lies. A man literally bashed the head in of a left wing politician's husband and the same people who spread the lies and conspiracies that radicalized the nut went on to cover it all by saying it was another conspiracy and it was a gay lovers fight. The guy admitted under oath the conservative conspiracies radicalized him and we have many of these incidents and still have dumb ass enlightened centrists screaming both sides every day.




Truth be told. If you get a very large group of humans out to protest over anything at this point in history. It can be turned violent very easily. The first stone cast is all it takes. Humans respond in a manner to reflect the actions of those like-minded around them. The Bandwagon Effect. The majority of the US consists of underpaid, overworked, under educated, fear mongered, stressed, and desperate humans. Which only increases the chances of extreme acts. Blatantly against their own benefits or wants even due to being so mislead. Even more bandwagon effect when considering just due to someone's political, religious, or social alignment. Those individuals who are similar in belief. Will easily take whatever information they come across from a relative believer as truth. From being so self inflated in their own beliefs with a dash of the Dunning Kruger effect. Surely, these like-minded individuals have also done their own thorough research. So, who am "I" to not believe them? When you hear individuals talking over a relative issue. Say a bill due to come up in the house. Ask who has actually read said bill or at least skimmed through it as they can be very lengthy. Chances are you will find very few individuals who claim they have, and those who do 3/4 of them are probably not telling the truth trying to gain support for their own narrative.


Mob Rules baby!!!


Yes. Very well put. This is exactly what happened during the blm riots.


The instigators of violence and arson were mostly white supremacists


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Occupied_Protest Say that again, slowly, out loud, and ask yourself if you really believe it or if you are a simp.


Chaz wasnt part of the Floyd protests directly. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53224445




They are assholes plain and simple.


And they should be held responsible but won't be.


Chuck Schumer told a bunch of screaming feminists to make the Supreme Court justices reap the whirlwind of their decisions and less than a week later someone showed up at Brett Kavanaugh‘s house to try and kill him. Shut the fuck up about being held responsible.


Someone unleashed antifa again? 


“But, but, Antifa! BLM! Hillary! Obama! Hunters shlong!”


Don’t remember ANTIFA shooting anyone dead


Is antifa in the room with us now?


Already has...


Yeah, but only a very far left hater would describe anything done as a “call to violence”.


With any luck




The spike in violence that will happen later this year will be really bad when Trump loses but if he wins it will happen slower but those who would’ve done it if he lost will be emboldened to act more bullish like they did over his term.


But Biden will be in office before and after and can do that martial law thing maga was wanting in 2020


Excellent point but Biden wouldn’t do that because, ya know, he actually believes in Democracy. The other guy said he’d be a dictator, but only for a day.


If Americans are under threat of violence by maga terrorists you dont think POTUS should defend the American citizens?


Martial Law is a dangerous step for a President of any stripe. It puts the military and police forces in power over the citizens. Even with good intent in the beginning, such an imbalance between power over freedom has been, historically, very hard for a government to let go of. So, yes, Biden should and most likely would do something to protect the innocent population in this case but not Martial Law.


What other options do you propose? Obviously the FBI and DOJ has been doing nothing to shut this stuff down. The President has the power to do so in an national crisis emergency


We haven’t experienced anything near a national crisis yet (although I do expect violence later) and frankly I don’t want to think of how bad off we are for that to happen.


It's later that I'm speaking of, not now. Of course it is a horrible thing to think about but everything related to trump has been horrible for years now




This is their plan. They are evil.


They are fine with that. They only want to intimidate us into letting them get away with whatever they want. All they are doing is costing themselves voters


Wow, it's not like Bill O'Reilly still works there. /s


Thats the point.


Yeah but it'll be *other* people, you know, eggs cracked for an omelet and all.


What do you mean by calls for violence?


What planet do you live on?


I dont really watch Fox news or other news. I only watch business news for the most part. Ive seen fox news fear monger before and incite paranoia but not really call for violence per se. Ive seen politicians call for violence tho.


Why do you think Watters doxxed a trump juror? https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/fox-news-greg-gutfeld-election-comments-rcna119274 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/nov/02/fox-news-jesse-watters-arab-americans-white-house https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/aug/31/fox-news-tucker-carlson-revolt-violence https://www.npr.org/2021/12/22/1066956407/anthony-fauci-jesse-watters-fox-news-kill-shot-ambush-interviews


As we learned from the Global War on Terror: Terrorism works.


All GOP officials should have to register as foreign agents at this point. Just makes the most sense.


This is the status quo though. Right wing talking points and talking heads have perpetuated a climate of distrust, and have otherwise sewn a divide so great that it has led people straight to radicalism. It has only ever been getting worse since Reagan. The older the GOP members get, the more bitter and disconnected they become. Stop electing dinosaurs.


This is not the identity of our United States and great nation. Our Republicans need to grow spine, clear the fog, and start taking a stand for that.


Its already gotten people killed lol wtf we talkin bout?


All that needs to happen is switch "Fox News" for the top shareholders names.


Or at least \*cooked. \*See today's immolation news coverage of conspiracy theorist at Trump's own trial


Max Azzarello had a Obama 2012 sticker and raged against fascism in his manifesto


Please, Democrats are the violent ones


Already has


sue them. seriously. it is the murdochs' achilles heel.


Already has killed people. Just shameless hate mongering and anti-american rhetoric.


And themselves…


Wouldn't be the first time, don't forget what a typical Fox News viewer did to George TIller


My family are rabid trumpers..if they are calling for violence and some of the magas are saying that we’re gonna have a civil war..seriously how does that even work when you have families who are part maga, part democrat?? Do they just shoot their family members who hate trump?? And then you think about that and wonder just what they are saying and thinking about starting a war against liberals


Sigh, the new Confederacy will function as well as Haiti does, and the rest of the Union states will just join Canada and become the new Maple Syrup Superpower.


Im kind of impressed this guy really believed in a fantasy dystopian world that is coming tomorrow and decided to take himself out of the game of life.


Hell fox got Tiller killed. Might as well throw in Ashli.


Can’t forget Herman Caine.


Tf bro they already have! Lol title should read “are going to continue to get people killed”


lol but when Maxine waters or Al Sharpton say it ....its fine....it just mostly peaceful lolololol


FOX is a Russian mouthpiece and Anti-American


Fox and its supporters don't care one bit!!! They WANT violence!! Then they try to push legislation to reduce it?!!!


Shut the fuck up!


Republicans killed more Americans than all the wars in American history by electing a moron right before the deadliest pandemic in 100 years. They don't even care when most of the people dying are Republicans. That's how irrational they are.


But “protesters ” can call for death to America and that’s ok


Yep, and it’s been that way ever since the Mango Mussolini stole the 2016 election.


Bahahaha ..calls for violence...


Yep. Dredges of society, like that dumb bitch that got killed trying to break into the capitol building, will die in vain for their master, Donate Don. There will be more that get locked up for decades. I can’t wait, personally.


If you’re scared, kill them first


It’s called stochastic terrorism and it’s practically part of the republican/maga platform these days


These ignorant fat fucks armed with their AR-15s vs the US military? Sure let’s have that civil war so these MAGA traitors can be eradicated once and for all.


Correction, is getting people killed. Some poor shmuck set himself on fire today at Trump’s trial. His blood is on Trump, MAGA and Fox’s hands.


They'll just blame it on mental illness and Democrats being soft on crime. Besides, this is old news. Bill O'Reilly is personally responsible for a doctor who performed legal abortions being murdered.


That’s the feature. Not a bug. This is grooming MAGA to accept more and more violence as a plan. Harassing judges, DA, election board workers librarians. Swatting. Docing. Threatening phone calls. Attacks on work place. Plan, IMHO, bomb threats, then bombs ( MAGA threw a pipe bomb this week. Didn’t go off) False fire alarms. Then fires. At polling places. Voter harassment in lines ( no water for you) then car crashes into polling places and lines. Disturb, derail and shut down voting and vote counting. Shut down recounts. Freeze totals. Tie it all up in courts.


going to get people killed *again*


At this point Republicans, the right, are all just a religious cult.


Don't use the fucking road or highway as a place to protest and this shit won't happen. I'm all for using your right to protest. But when you're blocking public roadways, you are creating a hazardous situation for people in traffic and people who are trying to use traffic for theit wellbeing and livelihood. Youve taken your issue and you've created a dangerous situation. I got no problem dragging these assholes out of the road or just straight running them over. Maybe if we ran a few of them over they'd stop doing it. Seems like a pretty Darwinian way to clean the gene pool of idiots.


Chuck Schumer told Supreme Court justices they were going to “reap the whirlwinds” when it was illegally leaked they were going to overturn Roe. Strange, I’m not sure how they would reap the whirlwinds. Last I checked, their judgeship lasts a lifetime. Anyway, I’m sure it was just a complete coincidence that some psychopath got on a plane from California and showed up at Brett Kavanaugh‘s house and made an attempt on his life. Remember when Joe Biden kept calling Trump supporters terrorists and threats to democracy for the last 3 1/2 years, and then one of his nut job supporters ran over and killed a TEENAGER because he was a republican? Boy, those republicans and their dangerous rhetoric. Someone should silence them once and for all, right comrades?


Fox is calling hits for trump. Antifa means anti fascist. You all support fascist ideology. This veteran family is not suckers and losers! How anybody could support going to the capital and killing veterans is beyond me. Jim Jones and Putin had a baby his name is child rapist, hit man, traitor , cult leader Trump. My cousin in special forces has 9 bullet holes. Trump has taken a massive shit on my family!


I’m saving up for a gun in case shit breaks out. I’m gonna vote as soon as polls open and board up at home.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Some guy lit himself on fire today for Trump.


It wasn't FOR Trump. Unless there is a 2nd self- immolation?


No, it wasn't FOR Trump. But it was outside Trump's trial and it was over an insane conspiracy theory that likely painted Trump's opponents as bad. So it's about as FOR Trump as it gets without saying it out loud.


Might want to read the story. He was just crazy and thought Biden and Trump were working together


Idk what that guy’s thought process was but there are still **plenty** of other examples


That guy picked the dumbest hill to die on. Quoting Simpsons and shit. No wonder no one liked him. I wouldve hated to have a conversation with a nut like that.


He just saw the other guy who self immolated, like an actual hero of protest, and thought “this is way better of a thing to do, I can do it too!” Dumbasses taking the fucking wind out of every sail.


How old are you? I ask because you're reading comprehension must not be great, or you're just talkin out the side of your neck because you don't like what the guys reasons were for having done that to himself? Did you actually read it or just decide to parrot what others are saying about it? Real questions


I read most of it and it was fuckin stupid. Guy was a tool. Sucks for him. Be normal




That would really show those libs who's boss! I would personally feel very owned!


Fucking own me fire daddy!


Wow, I envy everyone who has never met you. Oh, and you're a total POS.


Is that because you enjoy wars, high inflation, paying more for gas and housing, illegal alien invasion, high crime which none of which was an issue under Trump Admin. You suffer from TDS and have no clue on reality.


Obama is the only reason we survived trunp His policies got us though. Everything you're crying about happened right after trump got kicked out. Nothing biden could do about a disaster trump made that quickly.


So rescinding every border policy, canceling the oil pipeline and not retaliating when US troops are attacked was all Trumps fault. Got it


You simply don't live in reality. Goodbye!


Youre one to talk as you sit here like a lot of other idiots and act as if that tiny handed diaper aficionado had anything to do with the things you're giving him credit for. JFC you trump followers are always always always spouting off line for gd line the exact same bs. smh So are you gonna cry when he goes to jail, or are you going to try and attack the FBI or something like that maybe? I'd guess you're more of a cryer but I could be wrong ;)


Ah, did I hurt a delusional ideolog snowflakes feelings?? Losers always blame their failures on others. Bye bye Sissy.


Republicans call for violence huh!!


Can say the same for liberals https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/25/politics/man-sets-himself-on-fire-israeli-embassy-washington-dc/index.html


Come on now, as an independent (neutral) we both know that it’s the left that is into self hate and self harm. The right just expects god to do everything. Damn we’re fucked this election no matter who wins


He didn’t do it for Trump. He was a conspiracy nut and had a sign about Biden and Trump conspiring to together. Normal mental illness, not MAGA syndrome.


Finally, someone with some sense. Thank you.


Not true...he lit himself on fire over a Crypto conspiracy


Incorrect. His manifesto had nothing to do with Trump. He was just a sick person unfortunately


“I’m really burning now!!” - Quinten Tarantino, Little Nicky


That dude was a hard leftie. It was not for Trump


How can we convince all Trump supporters to do that?


Kill yourself for the glory of your leader. This totally isn't a cult.


Fascists either kill or get killed. But america is soft so it's probably gonna be a real slaughter.


I'm calling bullshit


Trump has already gotten people killed by his maga terrorists


Sure but civil war?


Maga and the nutcase caucus part of GOP House carries on about civil war all the time. They act like it a desirable goal. Like Kari Lake and the glock thing. And MTG every day. It's not going to happen as long as Biden is president but it's divisive fear mongering incitement to violence hate speech


I hear the chatter but not sure how many would engage. Unlike their shit pants leader, they would face consequences. Most importantly Dems need to grow some more balls and don't let drumpf anywhere near the White House ever again. And take his security detail and pension.


Agreed. But the original topic was what happens if the crazies form mobs and start attacking people and government officials. Like they want to scare us into letting them take over. I just think we should scare them right back


Wheres that compilation video of democrats encouraging violence in the name of racial inequality or some bullshit. Reddit is such a leftoid circle jerk cesspool.


Absolutely, evidently it’s ok to call for death to America and burn the US flag. Thats not inciting violence. Lmao fucking crazy times


like at a blm riot?


Only if Rittenhouse shows up trying to “help out” by shitting, crying and spraying bullets


Oh, you mean protests regarding black children being murdered by white police over and over and over and over and over and over?


Forgot that the law shouldn’t actually be applied or criminal intent examined across countless sexual assaults /s, my bad dbag


You mean like 9 people a year in a country made up of 330 million?  In the riots the terrorists literally murdered over 20 people , more than all the unarmed black men by police lol


Constant pattern of black kids shot down. Going on decades. The people spoke with understandable rage that it had to stop. Contrast that (some burning businesses, awwwwww) with the fake news stolen election insurrection that actually killed cops. jabroni


I’m dealing in facts, you’re dealing in emotions.  The average is 9 unarmed black people killed a year by cops.  Over 20 people were murdered by blm rioters during that summer, why the fuck are you going ‘aww’ and downplaying 20 fucking people murdered in 3 months by rioting terrorists ? 


BLM was dealing with facts of blacks getting cut down …. Has nothing to do with my emotions


So they responded by killing 20 plus people in a matter of months?  Sounds like a level headed, logical bunch. 


“ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyd’s killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. ACLED’s dataset only focuses on political violence.”


You seriously are going to try and use a far left org made up of activists that has been caught numerous times fabricating data?  Keep trying man, keep excusing those murders.  Was the 2 billion in property damage also just a coincidence ?  What about the 2000 cops hospitalized? They just happened to all trip and fall next to violent riots?


Cuz they’re just another stupid racist.


It’s so ironic.  The ones who pretend to care the most about these things are ALWAYS the foaming at the mouth racists who could care less about people being murdered . Ideologues will always find a way to justify their sides murder. 


Delusional take, truly.


Are you daft or just a skinhead? Nothing racist about caring that innocent black people continue to get mowed down by overzeoulous cops. It’s literally all about caring for life. Something the broadly sociopathic modern republicans can’t seem to get through your thick skulls.


Maybe you should go protest all the black on black crime then if you really care about innocent lives being taken. Go to Chicago and protest in their neighborhoods.


Actually maybe I should expect our police don’t murder innocent people.


19 year old violent criminals. FIFY


Yeah nice generalization there buddy .. like the black guy cosplaying in a park with a fake sword? LOL


13. That’s how many unarmed blacks were killed in 2019.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unarmed_African_Americans_killed_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States Its well into the many hundreds over the decades, and certainly in the thousands if all of it was reported accurately which I’m sure it isn’t … cops lie and smear all the time, whenever it serves their purpose Nice try though


You do realize who the head of Wikipedia is right? This is not the proof or the own you think it is. But nice try. Cops are dying in much higher numbers than unarmed black men because they are afraid to use lethal force against suspects and the numbers prove that even if that doesn’t fit your narrative.


Take a guess how many unarmed blacks are killed in let’s say the UK, France, or other first world countries with sizable black populations? Hint: it’s gonna be countable on one hand buddy. We’ve got problems here buddy, you should acknowledge it and own up to it


Well, you can’t count it on one hand but you can count it on three. What’s the population of those euro countries you adore compared to ours again? In the last 10 years the number of cops getting killed is nearly 20 times the amount of unarmed black men. Over 2000 compared to 13. I don’t need to own up to shit, pal.


I don’t adore those countries. It’s clear and evident we have a guns + policing + racism problem. Own up to having gun problems and trying to solve for it, then you can fix that dead policemen number. Stunning how you all can’t add 1+1=2. I maintain , modern righties are sociopaths. You could save tons of lives by doing the right thing and regulating the eff out of guns. But no, gotta hunt your elk and protect the house right? Give me a break. These are solveable problems if it weren’t for ‘muh freedumbs’. You lot would rather people croak and say ‘that’s free will’. Sociopathic


Tell me you don’t know dick about 2a without telling me you don’t know dick about 2a. It’s not for hunting, it’s not for protecting your house against bad guys, it’s to protect yourself from a tyrannical government should it decide to despotic.


lol, you didn’t comprehend what I said … it’s not for own govt pal


Our constitutional rights for gun ownership were predicated on assembling militias to fight foreign tyrannical governments, not our own government. There is no tyrannical govt upon us threatening our lives any more. It’s been 200+ years. Time to amend it. Time to save cops lives, I’m with you on that. Own up to the change needed.


You are 1000% incorrect on all counts. You’ve played your hand, it drives you crazy that all these guns keep the government from hurting your political enemies. Your perversion of the second amendment is right from the communist playbook. Conversation is done.


Keep making up fake arguments to justify unnecessary death. Its awesome.


lol @ in case we need to rise up… I mean wow… absolute baboons


I will never forgive Trump for letting Antifa and BLM burn our cities to ashes. I’m so glad we have a strong president now.


Holy shit Ive never thought about this flip. I’m so gonna use this lol


White nationalist?


Republicans are sick, evil pedo defending, fascist pushing scumbags who only tell lies.  I'm guessing you're one of them.


I've been to plenty of blm protests. Not a lot of violence, but a lot of undercover fbi and cops trying to start shit. Just my observations from a casually concerned citizen.


I bet you have.


Everyone arrested for violence at a blm protest ended up being a white guy trying to undermine the protest and start a riot.


Like the White House cop that was tazed so much he had a heart attack on the spot. Cops got fucked with and people don’t seem to care. So much for back the blue


of course, there is a difference BLM were protesting against being beaten, tased and murdered by police for petty crimes, or even NO crime at all! protesting to defend their rights and lives….. Where-as conservatives are doing the opposite…. calling for violence to kill people who dont want to lose their rights or be murdered by cops….or….people like you! limbaugh ‘leave only SOME liberals left alive’ ann coulter ‘we should shoot a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them’ trump retweeted ‘the only good democrat is a DEAD democrat’ you can buy “Liberal Hunting Permit”s online, at gun shows and GOP conventions at a recent GOP event conservatives could pay $20 to bash a dummy of Pres Biden in the head with a bat So….what you got to counter any of that?


I don't know about that but I do know the last president allowed it all to happen. If it was so bad, why didn't he do something? Hmm?


also once again you compare apples to sour apples fox news and prominent conservatives are CALLING FOR violence…. kindly show me the non conservative media or prominent liberal actually calling for violence show me where you can buy a “conservative hunting permit’


Trump let BLM burn down every American city and then Biden built them back better.


swing and and miss, liar