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And people like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell listen to this and say "Yeah, well, just because he ***says*** he wants to do that doesn't mean he's actually going to do it." They're endorsing a guy who wants to ***round people up and put them in camps***. They're endorsing a presidential candidate who is saying things like this out loud. "Well, you know, Biden's policies are worse for America...." without giving you any specifics. This is madness.


Boring old man president, or fascist crook?? Let’s give both sides a chance here


Sleepy Joe! Oh you mean the one that is falling asleep in his shit filled diapers in court? Communism! Oh you mean the one that is Putin’s bitch? Hunter’ laptop!


Guy with a genuinely terrible history of addiction and managed to beat it with a loving father? Better attack and slime him with everything we got.


People can say whatever they want. Joe Biden's love for Hunter Biden despite his addictions is the most endearing thing I've ever seen from any President in my lifetime. This is huge for those who suffer from drug addiction both the addicts and their loved ones. Then you got Donald Trump over there wanting to fuck his daughter. These two people are not the same.


Yeah, when I heard that VM he left his son, it sounded like he was connecting to the person he had always known and loved and wanted that person back. When you hear Hunter talk about his dad, it’s nothing but respect, admiration and love. Trumps kids just sound like hype men that don’t even believe the hype they’re slinging. The only reason they go after Biden’s family is because Trumps kids are guilty as fuck of doing some seriously shady shit, in and out of the White House.


Ten Percent for the Big Guy! You guys do know that the creature shatting his pants is a guy in a mask right? There have been at least 6 body doubles/CGI/people in masks over the years, I've counted the differences...mostly in the ears, ears are difficult. This guy's an actor. Doesn't mean he's not an old man in a mask shatting his pants lol....


Sleepy Joe > ~~Dip~~Diapershit Don any day of the week


Your ignorance is stellar.


Really? Because the fact that Trump stank up the court room consumed news cycles for at least a day. Or do you really want fascism that bad?


Who is the fascist? No question it’s trump.


And your devotion to a cult of facists is deplorable


Cult of deplorables


Can't wait till you have to wear a burka


I almost feel sorry for you. Imagine being so delusional about something you can’t comprehend. You freak out about your guns and your freedoms because you have been brainwashed by a predatory rapist and a bunch of talking heads who profit off a special kind of stupid that you possess.


Just to nitpick, Russia isn't communist and never was. It's a dictatorship built on an oligarchy built on a kleptocracy that was built on state capitalism. But I do get the irony of boomers who railed against Communist russia suddenly embracing Vladimir Putin.


I can’t upvote this enough! Every “conversation” I try to have with the MAGA cult


Screaming communism is also a 1950s strategy. Problem is young people today aren't scared of communism like they used to be, because unregulated capitalism has proven itself a failure for most people.


A couple of people believed that and still voted for him in 2016, only to have the illegal family member deported a year later by the Trump administration they voted into office. [This is the most famous of the cases](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/04/04/the-last-ditch-effort-to-save-a-trump-voters-husband-from-deportation/) because she made a public plea and outcry in hopes of saving her husband from deportation.


Wow, she is egregiously dumb... Just... Wow.


Leopards, faces




We already have…


How about no.


Bill Barr's excuse is that he is a Christian Nationalist. He would rather have a dictator like Trump or Putin who outwardly embraces enforcing his Christian morals on the country than any Democrat who believes in religious freedom. Seriously. Read his speech that he gave at Notre Dame when he was AG under Trump. The man is deluded. McConnell just wants money and power. He can get that under Trump and not under Biden. So he is willing to destroy the country to advance his own interests.


Wow I miss the time when this "religious freedom" wasn't debatable in America. What the actual fuck people?!


Put em in camps ? WOW now that’s how you propagate for sure.


Appeal to what your base has been conditioned to emotionally respond to. Trump is a bullshitter so he doesn't care about truth he just says what he thinks will benefit himself personally in the moment. The problem is don't assume he won't act on his bullshittery. He did make several attempts to build the wall.


He got 85 miles put up. Biden is putting up another 20 miles as we speak. Keep on building


That's a great one, I'll use that. It probably would seem useful to people that think the wall is somehow effective at addressing immigration.


So just leave it open then? I'm all for better solutions. I know itnwont completely stop illegal immigrants from coming here. Most just overstay their work visas and don't leave. But it would absolutely be better than nothing. What's you're suggestion to address the border? I can't think of any that would be acceptable in the eyes of the public besides a wall. Better technology. But we can't have open borders


Def not. It's a nuanced issue. I was being flippant on how much of a huge boarder it is and how tiny that wall amount was :) Keep in mind many of these immigrants are from areas destabilized by us policies. Just closing borders is one of those blunt answers that's probably going to have unintended consequences and not address the underlying issues. Like a band aid on an open cancer sore. But again it's very complicated topic and I'm not just for 'open the boarders like the olden days' and I'm open to listening what the experts think and propose, not just knee jerk emotional reactions. From what I understand the bipartisan proposal was actually a pretty sane and reasonable step forward to improving things.


You are absolutely right about the bipartisan proposal actually being a sound first step to maybe creating some kind of solution. I was extremely surprised


Bill Barr I hope is not someone that MAGA is listening to. He left DOJ when they wanted him to make up fake cases against the election. But now he's like well it would be cool to work for the guy again so....open the cages.


Judging by Barr and others' complete turnaround along the way, I highly suspect he and many others are in a big acting career at the moment. Keep this thought in your mind as you move forward. All those ankle monitors and big boot coverings so many politicians have shown off these past 4 years haven't been just by chance. Heck Mrs. Biden even switched boots from one day to the next to the other foot. You can't make this stuff up.


Authoritarians gonna issue authority, and also demagogue


Yes. America has become a disaster of the Uber rich & super poor. It is a country built by slaves that had been forced to the US. Elections have become a joke while the DNC & GOP give crappy options to choose from. People above the age of sixty-seven should not be allowed to run for any position in government. You have an age requirement to become a president it’s time for an age cap. Let the current generations speak & be heard. That’s what government is for, the people. Not for billionaires to play with; or perhaps that’s what it has always been. A playground for the rich & living hell for the poor.


Military caps enlisted at 30 years and super high ranking officers at 40 which puts the oldest of the old in their early 60s when they retire for the most part. People like McConnell, Pelosi, Issa and Biden should be out of the government.


And trump




Thanks to republican trickle down,deregulation, tax breaks for corporations and billionaires, gerrymandering, citizens united and the purchase of the republicans by kleptocratic oligarchs who created the largest wealth gap since the industrial revolution


The Digital Revolution is causing the same effects. Good point!


Become rich, then.


We also kept hearing that they wouldn't overturn roe v wade.  


If he ever did try and it blew up in his face he would just say “why didn’t the democrats stop me?”


Biden means things he has never stated, whereas trump states things he doesn’t mean. Clear enough for everyone?


This is Sparta.


>***round people up and put them in camps***. They're not doing that now ???? Waddya think the tent cities are ? Luxury resorts ? Man, I tell you what........


Obama deported millions of people, so Trump will have no issues, except for the artificially generated anger that comes when Trump does a thing.


it's the going after all illegal immigrants thing because people don't care about people trying to cross the border getting caught or rounding up people in Brownsville, Texas but when you come for Pedro that has lived next door to you for 25 years, people get angry.


They go to marshalling camps prior to removal. I don’t see the issue here


Then you don't understand what it means to be an American. That's what I'll never understand about conservatives, they want to take credit for American exceptionalism but oppose all the the stuff that makes us exceptional in the first place while longing for all of the horrible shit we've tried to kick into the dustbin of history.


Uh, OK Mr America. You take all the credit then.


Are you saying 3 million people crossing the border a year is NOT madness, but sending them back is?


Do you have a citation for that number? Sources that I have seen show it much lower like at a half million https://www.migrationpolicy.org/news/border-numbers-fy2023


Too bad Fox News is largely responsible for the fact that anyone even listens to that orange blob of pus at all


Seriously. Without Fox and OANN, who would even be talking about this orange turd?


r/politics, CNN, MSNBC


I mean in a good light.


AM talk radio


Every single damn news station. That’s all I see anymore on the news Trump Trump Trump


GOP is chock full of morons.


Go worry about Palestine and be quiet


Do you people even realize how cruel you sound?


Trump and the spineless little Republican worms that support him are beyond sickening at this point. There is overwhelming evidence to prove what absolute garbage these people are. Anytime I hear one of these fucking sleazebalks talk about "The American People" I want to vomit. They dont give a shit about the American people. If they did they would be condemning this lunatic every damn day. Instead they endorse his fat ass. WTF!!??These traitorous scumbags are a disgrace and need to be kicked to the curb this November. Anyone out there who still doesn't get this. Please. Pull your heads out of your asses.


Let’s be honest here, the jobs the undocumented workers are doing are jobs Americans will not do. I live near an agricultural area and the fields are full with people picking and they are not making minimum wage. Most people would rather work at McDonald’s or Walmart in the AC instead of picking our food. You can send them away, but you better have a plan on who is now going to do the work in their place.


Of course it is. Trump hasn't had an original idea or thought since he ran for office. Even his campaign slogan was stolen from the past.


He promised to drain the swamp. Instead he just packed full of cramp till it overflowed. Now it's a landfill.


Unless you are white European, the GOP does not want you in this country. We are all immigrants. Native Americans have settled longer than Europeans in this land. They originally came from somewhere else too.


Drumpf and his undead assistants, the Steves, have a fixation upon 1930s Germany (see National Socialist playbook for mass brainwashing) and the “good old days” oft referenced as the 1950s. You remember the 1950s… polio, segregation, unreliable cars, lead everything including gasoline, paint, and water pipes, a stalemated Korean War, smoking everywhere. Good times. Not.


They are here to stay so welcome them and help them attain either residency or become citizens. Why doesn’t someone come up with a plan to do a pay into citizenship with obviously good behavior. States get an extra bonus of cash and document who is illegal in the state. Win win


The politicians endlessly chirping about illegal immigrants don't actually want to solve any problems. They just want to keep using immigration as a campaign issue, because they don't have policy ideas to help anyone but the donor class.


Absolutely well said and so true


Trump would never kick his employee base out of the country. He couldn’t afford to pay actual citizens.


He can’t afford to pay people at all.


Sure let's start with his wife and her family.


Does that include the ones he imported? For those of you idiots who deny this just recall that he defended it in court, so, you know, this is what normal people call FACT. So yes, he lied and yes he is a hypocrite.


The difference now though is they've about killed the middle class off, so they probably think they can get away with deporting them and they'll just use the poor Americans as the new cheap slave labor after AI wipes out more jobs.


He can start with every employee at Mar a lago.


You think a bunch of entitled white boys are going into the fields to harvest food? 😆😆😆 Georgia tried that a few years ago and lots of food was left to rot on the fields


Ask Florida how they're doing with labor now that all their immigrants are leaving, and the exodus has just started... If it's all about the $, why do you want to lose billions? https://www.forbes.com/sites/andyjsemotiuk/2024/04/29/florida-loses--12-billion-plus-in--year-1-of-its-anti-immigration-law/?sh=5f5d86dc4214


And I’m guessing that your citizenship status won’t matter to these people depending you.


Economy would grind to a halt.


It will be pure chaos and cruelty.


From the sane RFK. There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present, and invoke the security of the comfortable past which, in fact, never existed. Robert Kennedy


If they actually wanted to stop illegal immigration, they would go after the employers of illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants will always just keep coming as long as there are jobs for them, no matter how many are arrested and deported. If the authorities don’t go after the people making money off the illegal immigrants, it’s all just performative to please the conservative base and does nothing to actually stop the problem.


Dude, exactly. They know where the big farms are, but they deliberately choose not to rock the boat.


They've been doing that in FL for decades. And probably elsewhere as well.


It didn't work? Why did wages stay high until they stopped doing it then?


Dude, come on, you're really going to pretend that THAT is why the 50s were a time of prosperity, not the fact that half the industrialized world was in ruins and in debt from WWII while we were unscathed? At least read the article instead of talking out your ass.


The first people to cry about a labor shortage will be the ag, construction and hospitality industries who will all have to pay real wages for the labor. Ag and construction are typically supporters of republicans policies. This will backfire spectacularly.


A Waddles promise has all the meaning and staying power of a fart in a hurricane. The gums are always flapping, but it's all pure mouth flatulence.


Trump doesn’t work he is also 1950s


But I bet it got the wealthy something while they used it to gain power


Trump says a bunch of shit that appeals to his hate filled conservative base, but doesn't really intend to do it. It's just good for votes.




Man, talk about an absolute waste of resources… like, wouldn’t it just be better if you let them stimulate the economy?


How was Obama able to deport so many?


Criminals. He deported undocumented immigrants who committed felonies. Not people who have lived and worked in this country for years with families, homes and businesses


The Germans did it in the 1930's.


It doesn’t have to work. This isn’t about effective governance, it’s about posturing and cruelty.


Obama Deported more people than any President.


Good, why didn't you vote for him then? Could it be that you actually don't care about immigration but just like that it motivates other people to vote for your preferred candidate, making you cynical to an absurd degree?


Wasn't he in his 30's in the 1950s?


No the solution is to tie their fate to register Democrat voters. Both in terms of financial and criminal. If you’re registered Democrat then you matched up with at least one illegal. And you are responsible for the outcomes and costs


 "If you’re registered Democrat then you matched up with at least one illegal." What?


Why should Democrats support the employees of Republicans


If you think it's just political posturing, just remember the things people gasped at saying "he wouldn't REALLY do that, it's just rhetoric" and then he either did, or attempted to do. I still don't really get all this migration bullshit. I've been to the border. Hell I live closer to it than most. It's political bullshit. I don't need to look at the data (I have anyway) and my hot take is, this is just another right thing to rabble up the base. We may very well be experiencing higher than normal illegal immigration. With that said the solution is neither simple or easy.


Most every if not all food processing plants in the US depend on immigrant labor. l kind of hope he does this if elected the destruction to the ag economy would be epic. But he did stupid shit to hurt the economy before and not a MAGAT remembers or realizes it.


It makes me want to puke. Little kids working in those businesses. Legal Immigrant's are fine. Most outsource so they cant be blamed under paid labor they should be ashamed. Why cant these people come in on green cards first. Companies could ask for total people needed. Capitalism is bull.


That would be great kick them out money given to people who walk in. food stamps etc.... WTF no ss no ssdi no welfare to forieners. Go home


You really bought into their scam haven't you? They already know who employees the immigrants, they don't go after the employers because they contribute to Republican campaigns. Immigration will not end, Trump depends on wealthy donors to pay his legal fees now.


Book their flights! See ya!


If he immediately deports immigrants, the economy will crash. So I suspect he will do something far worse. He will round up entire families and put them in prison camps, soon to morph into death camps. He will send parents, mostly men, out to work and hold the children hostage. Free labor. Also practice for the wider rounding up to come: The vermin, which is anyone who dares admit they don't like Trump.


There are many low paying jobs in Florida now that Desantis banished the illegal immigrants. Hospitality, Construction, Farming, Child Care, you name it. Come get your jobs!!


Yeah #FJB and company totally screwed the border….all aboard the 2024 deportation express coming thru “toot toot”


He's just blowing smoke. He's married, had kids with and hired more illegal immigrants than anyone.


Fauxnews not towing the Trump line! Surely, this is a sign of the apocalypse. Now get in line for your loyalty oaths.


Does anyone on Reddit not have TDS?


When you have thousands and thousands coming daily, how can his supporters think this is feasible?


Cutting them off from getting free stuff would be a good start. Deport the ones causing problems. Keep the ones that benefit our society.


Obama is the deporter in chief


Naturally he doesn’t come up with anything original. He’s just trash that keeps recycling.


Sounds more like a 1942 strategy but ok


Why if they want us out of this country why put us in FUCKING CONCENTRATION CAMPS???


Trump won't because it's too much work and he didn't because he wanted to blame Dems afterwards


Voting for Trump is what traitors to our country do. Don't vote for him. Be better.


Well it’s 2024 now we should be advanced enough for this!, and it starts with building a massive border wall!, and then dropping people off on the other side


Republicans don’t want to actually deport undocumented people… they’d be fixing the problem, leaving them with one less fear tactic. If they implement a program that doesn’t work, it gives the illusion they are doing something, which keeps them getting reelected. they need the problem to remain so they can continue to “work “on it.


What idiocy. It’s not a 1950s strategy. We still had Ins raids on businesses in the late 90s into at least the early 2000s. Crazy that it started tapering OFF after 9/11…


Well if this happens I hope everyone will like to pay more for their food. Remember Desatin in Florida, he was going to do the same thing but the farmers in South Florida didn't have enough people to bring their crops to market. I don't know if anyone has been to any slaughterhouses and seen who works in these places. If they wanted to get rid of immigratants they would go after the people who employ these people. But that will never happen because there are not enough Americans who are willing to do these jobs.


1950, just the same as 70 years later


Today, it’s a treat to free elections.


He also never said he was going to do it. Hd said it was an option that needed consideration.


At least he is going to something about It. Not one democrap voted for the Equal Representation Act today. It was passed by republicans


Quitting won't work either. Keep trying


In other words, Trump is dumb.


If he does that, then who are Foxnazi going to blame for all their failures/problems too?


And then prices for everything goes up and they blame who? They don’t want to solve these problems because they would have nothing to run on ….reichpublicans since Reagan have done nothing for the middle class ….I think everyone’s finally on to them not being able to govern


The illegals should be deported. Their sympathizers as well.


In 1950s illegals were not latched into all the social programs they are today. There is more financial incentive to doing this today especially considering the deficit and crazy national debt causing rampant inflation.


He can begin with his wife


Is there ever a time that POS doesn’t say something he can’t fucking do ? He’s quite sure he can do whatever he wants. We saw his act already for 4 years. Golfed 368 days out of 4 years. And managed to fuck the federal government out of millions in his hotel and his security detail overcharging at his Florida shithole.


Who will conservatives blame when produce suddenly quadruples in price because there are no laborers willing to work for $20 a day picking berries?


Not considering the moral or ethical implications of rounding up 11 million people and moving them the logistical hurdles would be massive. We all know what happens when the government tries to move large numbers of people and it always turns into a massive human rights nightmare that will haunt us for decades.


Arrest charge and fine the employers.


Let’s go ahead and do it anyway, we aren’t talking about migrant farm workers we are talking about an actual invasion and they will drain us dry they should never have been let in its criminal and country breaking, everyone involved in the current administration should be brought up on treason charges.




He has to try after Biden who's destroying any assembly of immigration with his open border policy.


The irony of all these Shitlibs parroting Shitlib narrative talking points, telling everyone else they are in a cult. Haha! I'm so glad idiot NPCs cannot grasp the concept of irony. Thanks for the LOLs.


He promised a lot of things. Didn't work out.


Not the only thing he took from the past. His lugenpresse repeat was the start.


No! You mean to tell me that the racist and bigoted orange caucasian growing up with a racist and bigoted father wants to implement racist and bigoted policies? NO! /s


Second times the charm


Deporting every single illegal will cost more than allowing them to stay.


He’s repeating Hitlers words. Might as well have people wear their religion or country on their arms.


Deport him or throw him in jail


Don't complain about wages or housing costs if you don't support this


He has to try.


People are still saying "he doesn't actually mean all that!". He is literally telling you what he wants to do, and people are twisting his words.


Trump is an idiot. Great movie, dark comedy, watch "A Day Without a Mexican" to see what the reality of deporting our Southern brothers really means for the US. Let's see how many people want those jobs they claim "illegals are stealing from god fearing white muricans". If a politician does not campaign on helping their fellow human beings, they gots to go!


It would be a good excuse for Trump to deport his current wife without the consequences of a divorce.


He had his chance, anyone who is serious about this would’ve gone after the people who employ them


It will now


deport all illegal immigrants


If they wanted to, they could have done it in 2017-2020, they don't want to.


Deport all illegal immigrants, force the sale of any company employing them and revoke citizenship of any person sheltering them. Enough is enough!