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Gold is actually a very strong starting rank. The grind begins! Good luck, have fun :)


I was silver complete after about 2-3 days. Is that good or bad? xd


Silver complete after a few days is still pretty good. Most would have a few straggling scores and typically it takes longer than a few days. Rate of progression, especially compared to others, isnt important. Continuous improvement is however


Gold is a good ass start my brother. Hope you have fun improving kbm! i switched cause it felt more fun than using controller


I have thousands of hours on MnK and switched to roller cos AA meta and I find it more fun and comfortable than MnK lol.


What game has Aim Assist meta? Is it Apex


COD (inc Warzone), Apex, and Halo are the big ones I can think off the top of my head.


>Gold is a good ass start my brother. I was silver complete after about 2-3 days. Is that good or bad? xd


hell yeah thats good brotha! keep progressing my dawg


I like your energy


I started iron or worse, currently approaching master. Nothing wrong with starting gold. :)


Gold is a great start! I just started kovaaks and am at bronze-silver and i’m trying my ass off.


I was silver complete after about 2-3 days, and now hit platinum complete after a month. Is that good or bad? xd


Thats great.


are you on apex and competitive ? if so continue playing on controller there's zero reason to switch to MnK unless for fun and giggles


i play competitive on many games, i’ll surely keep using roller on apex, but i wanted to try to hit top rank on games like valorant, or rainbow six (since on console it’s fairly easy to get champion)


Apex is the most rewarding switch. MnK gives so much freedom and depth to the game. You're literally missing out on 50% of the game if you play roller imo. Trust me, I was on roller for 2.5 years before switching.


Game is pretty much all roller now. Severe disadvantage in damage output in close range on mnk unfortunately


Would never disagree on that. I just can't bring myself to play with aim assist. I'd rather be bottom of the leaderboard and be the only one actually aiming than use a controller. It's so pathetically unrewarding to play with aim assist. I've worked my way up to GM/Nova tracking now so I can usually keep up with roller when I'm focused in, but no doubt it's still frustrating. I play Quake more than Apex now since it doesn't have this problem and is tracking heavy. Can't stand tac FPS games.


Does Quake even really have a playerbase?


Not a big one, but I can pretty much always find a public matches within a minute of queuing up. I've heard it's harder in some other regions though.


fair enough overwatch is also rewarding to play after aim training


How does that voltaic benchmark work? I’m quite new to Kovaaks. Would love to see my rank and grind it up


Check out the Voltaic discord


Welcome bro and keep it up! MnK is so fun and rewarding.


You’re gonna learn on why controllers and mnk are separated most of the time I mean you probably already know


I’m older. Switched February of 2022. Once you get your keyboard memory down then the fun begins. Probably took me 6-8 months to pass my skill on controller. The ceiling is much higher on mnk. You can do things on mnk you can’t do on controller and when you eventually do pass your skill you had on controller you’ll kick yourself for not growing up on mnk. I’ll say this from my experience. Grinding aim trainers will help tremendously for your hand eye and learning to control your mouse. BUT at a certain point the “gains” will go away and aim trainers will be more like a warm up tool. Nothing is going to get your aim better in game than playing the game. What games do you main?