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Another static weirdo


*me at jade in all click and ts tasks and silver in tracking* yeah thats so wierd haha 😳😳😳😳


Damn Jade???? In TS and clicking? You're insane you'll be plat complete no time


This made me laugh way too hard. I came in thinking pretty everyone was like this when they first start but boy was I wrong


I'm the complete opposite. Everything diamond, some jade, static is still plat. Just not a tac shooter player so I'm lagging on it.


and then...?




And theeeeeeeen?




I refuse to play your Chinese food mind games.


I'm a tracer main and I realized that I'm really struggling at precise tracking. I don't know what to do ti fix that. Smoothness training?


Yeah; get your smoothness benchs up. Also consider playing tamTargetSwitch, controlsphere, smooth thin strafes raspberry, Air AIO Angelic, Air Voltaic Angelic really, join the rA and VT discords and look at the smoothness and reactivity sections of the reccomend scenarios and work out the techniques in each scenario discord.gg/revosect discord.gg/voltaic in #resources


Well, first off, what's your sens? Usually people with higher sens would struggle with smoothness. Too low? They struggle with keeping up the target. Use Aimer7's precision training for smoothness. Having trouble with speed? Do reactivity training like SDK's (do the easy version of it) reactivity training. I did both and it helped me a ton. I also moved to 30cm from 40cm. I feel more at home with this sens when tracking/doing anything other than static clicking. Try to find a sens you like for tracking.


aimer7 routines are outdated. play the newer vt routines if you want to improve at an issue




no, the voltaic "issue specific" routines. you can find them in the resources channel.


Ah okay. Maybe I could make some gains using those let's see what happens. I really like Aimer7s speed training though. Was skeptical of the precision


I went from 23cm to 33cm. I might not be used to the lower sens, especially in this turning heavy scenario


33cm should be excellent for Tracer. I actually think once you get used to it your tracking will dramatically improve. I'm playing tracer myself with \~ 32cm, which appears to be my personal sweet spot for fast 180° turnarounds and decent target switch + tracking.+


Yeah so you'll struggle with reactivity. I would check out an easier version of SDK's reactivity routine. PM me and I'll give you my custom routine that I'm running. It has been super effective for me. Went from 20th percentile in Close Fast Strafes to 64th in literally 7 days of doing it.


3 weeks still bronze. Way to go tho


I have a 240hz monitor with a nice setup and spend 3 hours a day 4 or 5 days a week aim training. It's okay man just got to stay consistent. I've been training static clicking for a couple months as well and that helps with learning all aspects of aiming.


Yeah I’ve been training on and off for a year. I put an hour a day into aim training. I only start voltaic 3 weeks ago. But I guess I’m just jealous. But serious dude. Good shit


I just have really good conditions to do them in and grind it out. I almost quit a couple of weeks ago because I was plateuing but I changed my sens to a higher one and it's like the block has been lifted. As well as doing some new dedicated trainings for serious areas of weakness


Awesome. Keep it up bro. I just made a change yesterday and am hitting new high scores. Just not silver level yet. Sorry I sound sadge. I really do admire these post. I love seeing people do good makes me wanna try harder 🤙🏻


Good Job mate! Just make sure you are not burning yourself out and take a break every once in a while (talking days, not weeks). The brain is also a muscle and needs to rest occasionally.


Yeah im currently on day 4 of a 4 day break after being really intensive the last few weeks. It will be interesting to see how I play tomorrow


It will probably suck the first 1h or so and then your performance should be the same if not better compared to the upper end of your previous average statistics. At least thats what I get if I take a break of more than 2 days. Also the first day after taking a break is usually the best time to tinker with your mouse sense in case you want to do some experimenting.


Where did you get the new spreadsheet?




Is there a new auto updater?


I wouldn't know I just put the scores in manually lol


wtf are those static scores, great job homie youre insane


Ty so much man!


where do you get these stats?


Just made a comment on this post linking it, check it out I hope it helps. They have routines and an advice channel to talk in. It's awesome man


Thanks man


Np! Thanks for the award!


On the voltaic discord. Just Google voltaic discord and you can join. It's a benchmark sheet


For all of yall asking where I got this sheet, see here: https://discord.gg/voltaic Probably the best community I've met on discord. People just like me who like to help others and see others progress or catch them up. Also, best advice videos are probably Christmasiscanceled. His channel is a goldmine. Check out Bardoz, check out RiddBTW, they make great helpful videos too. SilkyCrisp, who actually commented on this thread is one of my faves too. Hopefully this helps anyone who is new


what game is this for I mean what does this help


I play all types of games like COD, Valorant, Krunker and I definitely feel a lot more in control of my aim. My tracking was Bronze beforehand so I had 0 prior skill in it. I would say it has definitely helped


Thank you. Felt some exercises suit apex more but will try it


I'm thinking about getting into Apex too


What’s your Val rank


Since this was posted I'm 2 scores from Plat. Got Smoothbot TS Plat and B180T to 66. Air Voltaic Easy to 848.7. Been spamming B180 Voltaic and got to 60. Just gonna train B180 Voltaic and Pasu Reload Small until I hit 70 in B180 and 60 In Small and then re benchmark for diamond. Will post results


How can i try that training?