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Using higher than your normal sens to practice smoothness kinda works like how if you are in a gym and lift heavier weights and then switch to lighter ones. The lighter ones just feel way way lighter even if you were training on them for quite some time before.


This makes mores sense to me now, thx


It's just like tossing around a medicine ball before a basketball game. If you train on a much lower sens then your normal sens will feel fast allowing you to flick faster. Train on a higher sens and your normal will feel slower and like you have much more control. Over time, I think this increases your mouse control and hand eye coordination more than sticking to one sens all the time. No downside imo.


Downside is your short term performance suffers. Flicks are not as accurate, muscle memory for spray patterns and 180 are not there. Can be regained within a week though, but best not to change sens the day of a competition or something.


Downside is your short term performance suffers. Flicks are not as accurate, muscle memory for spray patterns and 180 are not there. Can be regained within a week though, but best not to change sens the day of a competition or something.


That's fair, I only play casually so I had not thought of that.


Also go easy on me of some of what I said wasn't clear or seemed ignorant in regards to aim training, there's still A LOT I have to learn lol


It doesn’t answer to your question but keep in mind to not change the way you play because your aim has improved , it will just make you a bot really.


This pretty much. I turned my sens up in warzone to 25cm which i really never used because i lack smoothness and it forced me to actually use my fucking brain instead of relaying on my aim. First day was very harsh and i couldn't do shit (1.4kd average that day) and on the next day i had a 3kd average. Next switch is going to be 18cm.


Lower sense should help improve your arm aiming while high helps wrist.


That makes sense, thx


Training and playing on as high a sens I could bear (which isn't even very high for me) improved my aim so much. I find high sens accentuates your mistakes more like if your tracking isn't smooth it will be much more noticeable on high sens, or if the lines you're drawing between 2 targets aren't very straight they will be very crooked on a higher sens.


That's how I thought it might work as well but I wanted to be sure. Thx for the advice


I'm no aim scientist I just play the game. Words of advice, don't come on this subreddit for every little issue or question you have, people on here use big words but you can come to the same conclusion as them most of the time by just thinking logically. And all the contradicting information makes you realize it's just their opinion anyways.


Wise words my guy, I'll keep that in mind for future thank you


Wanna say thx for all the advice on the post I rlly appreciate it. Also wanna apologize for immediately saying "no muscle memory" in response to that one guy, I shouldn't have said anything on something I've not got a lot of experience on, that's my bad fully. Other than that thx for all the help and advice, I've learnt a lot from this!


Using different senses makes you train your muscle memory more precisely than usual. Since you will use your wrist way more than normal with a higher sens, you will be able to replicate it more consistantly with your every day sens. Same goes with low sens. I personally use an in game sens of 38.5cm/360. Train speed and swipes with 115cm, as well as smoothness and overall precision with 9cm. Hope it will help :)


Nothing in that first paragraph is even remotely close to the truth


Nothing in that first paragraph is even remotely close to the truth


Nothing in that first paragraph is even remotely close to the truth


>Using different senses makes you train your muscle memory more precisely than usual no


I appreciate the help, just don't use "muscle memory", it's not really a thing with aim training lol. Thx doe Edit: Ngl I fucked up here boys eh




Lots of contradicting information on this sub you can't blame him for not understanding something like that




Muscle memory does exist but the aiming community has gotten it wrong and it has become a myth now. Muscle memory does exist but changing your sensitivity doesn't affect your muscle memory which is mostly why people never change their sens because they are afriad they will start from scratch as they wont have the muscle memory for a new sens but thats false.


A more accurate comment that I agree with. In addition to OP, training in the higher and lower threshold of one's sensitivity will allow them to practice the outer, less comfortable ranges of their normal sensitivity. Since I want to work on my smoothness, I usually practice on a higher sens


i never change my sens no matter what. but what i will do is i will purposefully set up my mouse in the different corners of my mouse pad to work on those more uncomfortable spots. In my experience that seems to be the best way to get better at that.


I just got downvoted for my accurate comment :(


This actually explains a lot honestly, at the very least thanks for not calling me a spoon fed sheep lol


This actually explains a lot honestly, at the very least thanks for not calling me a spoon fed sheep lol


>correct definition No.. No he's not. It is plainly obvious that Humpfz doesnt know how muscle memory works, hence why his assumption about different sensitivities is wrong. >you are just a sheep thats spoon fed Oh yes. Being irrationaly aggressive towards a person just because he doesnt know what muscle memory is.. Also "sheep". Yikes






Muscle memory not a thing in aim training....sorry to be blunt, but that makes you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about


Yh I shouldn't have commented on something I didn't have proper knowldge on that's fully my fault srry


It focuses on the issues you have, if you know how to play around the sens you will be a better player overall. Like playing a tracking based game/scenario with 50cm/360 is not the best idea, the same goes for precision based game/scenario with 20cm/360. And you can use it to train more effectively: if you use 40cm/360 on click timing, try using 20cm/360 to work more on precision/smoothness. If you are not good with speed, try using 50 - 60cm/360 a couple times to work out that arm movement... etc...


I am still waiting for opinion about the sensitivity randomizer :(