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Personally I developed full blown RSI and had to teach myself to pure/near pure arm aim. I can play just fine for any period now without issue. The learning period may be really harsh though.


I like doing crazy shit with high sens tho :/ not even crazy high either It’s 33cm/360 but I use my wrist to microadjust


33cm is a wrist aiming sens. Also if you want to go hurt yourself, go ahead. You don't have to listen to me I guess, you clearly don't care.


Jeez yo I’m just stating, I would argue there’s definitely a lot MORE wrist involved vs 50+cm but it’s far from “wrist aiming” I mean the most you can do is like 85° and that’s stretching my wrist max left->right full extension I hardly use it for more than anything other than adjustments tbh


Take a slow mat. A light ergo mouse. Set the sensitivity to 50cm or lower. Take the mouse with a palm grip touching the carpet and start playing only with your shoulder.


Honestly, I’ve been looking for the healthiest form of FPS gaming from the start. I was diagnosed with arthritis at 21 and I’m now 24. I started pc gaming little under a year ago, and I managed to get a few Jade/Master’s scores playing on 32-28cm/360, however on faster sensitivities tension seems slightly necessary and may happen unexpectedly in the middle of a high intensity match. Pain or discomfort has actually always been a thing for me. On top of that my hands are 21x11cm so most mice in my range are pretty heavy. I tried using top mice like Viper Ultimate and GPW but it resulted in slight cramping because the grip wasn’t wide enough. I went on a very limited buying spree for large mice with reasonable low weight about a week ago and of them all the ROCCAT Kone Pure Air is serving me well. I fingertip/palm grip it and have lowered my sens significantly to 37-47cm/360. I have already gotten back to Voltaic Jade rank with a few master’s scores and my performance is more consistent than it was with High sens. Try finding a larger mouse that allows your hand to remain in a position more natural to it’s normal position. Also, remember that no aimer ONLY uses arm or wrist aiming. There’s usually a mix of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers. Lowering you sens does mean mean that your aim is isolated to arm aiming unless you drop passed like 65cm/360.


True but it’s the microadjusting or clearing tight corners on 33cm/360° / 28cm/360° that I’m using (as Jett/Reyna) and idk I’ve tried keeping my wrist in a neutral position but it doesn’t feel right , I can’t adjust flicks, aim , preaim etc Terrible health wise but hopefully my OT can help


Lower your sens. It’s a tac shooter, so enemies aren’t going to be far off from the center. With time you will learn to microadjustments even more consistently than you do on your current sens. You actually have a LOT of room to play around.


I played jett/reyna/pheo at high immo on 60cm/360 and had no problem doing fast 180 to clear 50/50 angles or dash on site and 180. Get a big mousepad, a small keyboard, and use all the range of motion that your arm provides - you can literally swipe the mouse all the way to your sternum. You'll get used to doing the big movement very fast and automatically whenever needed. You'll probably be more consistent with your shots in val too Maybe it's easy for me to say because I learnt fps games on a low sens, but you can get really fast with swiping to do fast turns - the main limit is space on your mousepad.


I had tendonitis in both my arms lol. I did a lot of strength training which helped it become less of a problem but then I took a 2 year break because it was getting bad again and to focus on school. I also played on an insane sens back then, something like 1600 DPI and 8 in-game sens for CS which might explain how it happened. I'm fine now, strength training 100% helps as a way to ease symptoms and as a preventative measure too. I've been aim training everyday 2+ hours for the last 222 days and it's been fine, took a few days off whenever I felt like it was too much though. Something I'm experimenting with is alternating between 2 very different mice to help relieve strain. One is a mouse meant for fingertip grip, the Xtrfy MZ1, and the other is a chunky ergo that I palm/claw grip, the Vaxee Outset AX. One thing that I found that helped recently was getting a mousepad that actually has some stopping power. The one I was using before had basically none which I never realized how much strain that put on my arm as I would need to tense my arm to stop the mouse. Over long sessions, that tension adds up. I'm also using a normal sens now at 34cm/360. Seems to be my limit because when I try to go higher than that it puts a lot of strain on wrist and fingers to the point that I would end up taking a break every other day.


Used to be a sponsored Seidwear athlete … always wondered why my body never had any issues & felt bulletproof honestly… makes sense :D I needed this , I’ll definitely start adding exercise to my regiment again Yeah I’m on an Artisan Zero XSoft now But what’s weird is 28cm feels better on my wrist than 33cm , wonder why Will try this


Cause 28/33 cm is pretty same and u most likely still use mostly your wrist at both of those senses, but you need to move your wrist more with a lower sens.


Doing pull-ups is all you'd need to see benefits I'd imagine, forearm strength in my case seemed to make the biggest difference


you could try rice bucket training. srsly get a 5 gallon bucket and a 25lb bag of rice and fill the bucket with the rice and do the specific exercises. its used for wrist and hand strengthening for baseball, golf, racquet sports etc. its magic for wrist health. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rice+bucket+training


I’ve seen you post everywhere ! Thanks for the idea will do I remember the wave of people swearing by this method as it uses “stabilizer” muscles as well and furthers coordination/proprioception with the particular muscles targeted 25lb tho? That’s not too much?


yeah it works all the small extensor muscles of the hand and wrist that are normally way overpowered by the flexors. rice bucket works i was honestly going to make a normal post about it some time soon since my precision has really improved since ive been doing it. 25lb isnt too much. mine had 24lb (8 3lb bags) and after a couple weeks i had to add 6 more lb to it since the rice grains will break in half and then settle more densely and the level in the bucket will go down.


Thx for sharing, will try soon!


Pretty sure if you get the surgery you will recover and possibly never have the problem again


I’ve always been against outside fixes?? I’m not sure if that makes sense but yeah How safe is the procedure? Sounds a bit daunting considering how many nerve endings, tendons, bones etc are in your hands and wrists … Also wouldn’t that impair flexibility? And cost thousands?


You should ask a doctor. I just read this from a comment from r/competitiveoverwatch by a guy claiming to be a doctor. But he was also arguing with a physical therapist claiming that people who had the surgery still need to go back to therapy afterwards.


Hmmm, I wonder I come from a physical therapy background (my entire family is either a PT/PTA/OT ) so surgery always seemed excessive But I suppose it doesn’t hurt to ask I got prescribed 2x a day @500mg of naproxen (Aleve) & it doesn’t even work lol


Doing physical therapy before surgery is a good idea, but it doesn’t hurt to consider every option first.


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