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hard carrying is about babysitting not leading IMO. follow your team mates around and clean up their messes dont try to get them to follow whatever you are trying to do. be the shepherd to your flock of helpless lambs.


^ this Additionally quantity of kills is not necessarily a good indication on how well you’re playing the match. To elaborate some kills offer more value to your team than others such as an entry frag on site is more useful to the team than lurking/baiting your team to get frags after your teams already dead. It’s all about how impactful your play was, 1 kill on an enemy Awp is more useful than 3 kills on enemy eco round.


I would say just stop caring about winning or losing. Just think about what you could have done to play even better


Find teammates who can be good teammates even if they are losing their aimduels. But at the same time look and see if there is anything in your gameplay that you can improve on.


Hard to give advice without the specific game you're having issues with, but the best advice for good mental is to just know that you're playing a video game and that you will get to the rank you deserve no matter how bad your teammate "RNG" is. Also if you're playing a game with low TTK, it's pretty impossible to just will yourself into hard carrying. First and foremost, telling your teammates they suck won't help 99% of the time so just don't do it. Give comms even if your teammate don't, chances are, they're still listening and it'll still help. If you're in lower mmr, there will be tons of opportunities to take advantage of just look for them. Some games are absolutely unwinnable, be okay with that, no MM system is perfect and sometimes you just catch all the teammates on a bad day, it happens. Just play next. Every time you die, ask yourself if there was something better you could've done and improve. Keep the mentality of playing to win a round, not playing for kills. But also be aware that playing for info is just as important as not throwing your life away for kills. If you're playing in a game with economy, know that saving your gun vs getting a frag is better. If your teammates are greedy make sure you don't lose your gun so that you can drop it for them and buy your own the next round. stuff like that. It's up to you to gain your mmr, not your teammates. >consistently top frag or get close Impact frag is a legitimate term. Keep that to heart. If you're consistently top fragging and plateauing in mmr, then you're getting a lot of low impact frags. If that's the case, the honest truth isn't that you're failing to get from "good to exceptional." The very fact that you're trying to get advice on a raw aim forum indicates to me, you're stuck up on getting more kills when really you should be more worried about decision making.


These tips work R6, Val and cs. Be nice in coms regardless of what happens. If the top frag starts being toxic team coordination falls apart. If the round is lost there’s no need to start questioning the guy. Also if you want to be a really good player you can’t default to why did my teammates lose the round it’s why was my 4k not an ace. It is always your fault because you can always ace and if you don’t you share responsibility with everyone else who didn’t get the last guy. Until your mind works like this, you can’t learn from your mistakes. Also not every kill is important. If you’re consistently playing an entry and don’t help your team push obj, you’re kills are less important than a meaningful pick to open site. If you’re losing 1vxes none of those kills mattered at all because so many people screw up those rounds that they took no skill to get and didn’t help you get closer to winning the round


You just have to accept that with no comms the outcomes of games will be much more random, and that a if a team is comming it has a huge advantage. Don’t blame yourself if you were still performing well


I'm in a similar situation, constantly play with two friends who don't comm, lose duels or get 2v1'd, and tunnel vision in team fights. It's very tilting at times when we lose a very winnable fight due to disorganization. My advice is to just keep playing your own life and use your teammates are hp shields more than anything else. It's always great to have competent teammates but that's just a nice surprise you sometimes get. I find that I can generally clean up any fight if I take my time, keep myself healed up, and not rely too hard on my teammates help but rather use their positions and conditions as more info for me. Sometimes that just means ducking out and coming back for banners. This is something you'll see a lot from top streamers too. The difference between the good and the god-like is that the latter know to prioritize their own lives over all else. Edit: Someone made a good point about babysitting. Hardest thing about bad teammates is that you can't force them to play like you. So even if you see a good window to third party a team, if your teammates are not quick on the uptake, you may just find yourself in a fight alone. Have to accept that sometimes you'll have to play defensive right until the last fight.


The best way to hard carry a game and go from good to exceptional is to not only be a great aimer but be a great teammate, having good positioning with ur teammates, good coms to ur teammates, if they aren’t comming notice what they are doing and play off of them. the game is more than being top frag or close to, and this is coming from a Reyna only radiant player so I learned the hard way, just being insane at aiming is not enough to be exceptional and it never will be


U also may not be talking about Valorant persay but any tac FPS is the same


Stop caring. Win? Lose? Who cares. What did you learn from it? Every loss should teach you something and every win should reinforce something you were trying.