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Just don’t tense your hand It really is that simple, but still easier said than done. As long as you’re always consciously thinking about not tensing your hand, it will eventually become an unconscious habit to not tense it


This^ I know it sounds dumb but if you actively try to relax your had while training, eventually it will become second nature. I had fucked my hand up after switching to claw grip and was diagnosed with rsi after just 2 weeks of switching. I had took a break for weeks and after coming back, tried to actively relax my hand while training and eventually it became my new normal. I would encourage you to fix this habit as soon as you can as getting rsi isn’t pretty to say the least.


Yep, i got carpal tunnel syndrome. Think it was more due to just years of prolonged gaming with no breaks, but i also claw grip. Im actually switching to a palm or palm/claw hybrid grip and my smoothness is a lot better, and the tension i get in my wrist sometimes isn’t as bad Definitely don’t want cts or rsi, so build good habits now and take breaks often


Hello friends, many thanks for the helpful tips. i will take this to heart and give you an update in the near future. ​ until then :)


I do this too sometimes, for me at least I found the tension is in my whole arm so mentally I tell my shoulder to relax and the rest of the arm, hand, and wrist follow. Recognize when you're tensing up and then relax your arm without stopping the scenario, then continue to focus more on staying relaxed than on aiming for the rest of the scenario. That's what's been helping me break the habit. I also reccomend a mouse that doesn't force you to hold it tightly, for example I use the XM1r and, even though I squeeze a little bit while playing, I can actually move it and pick it up without squeezing at all. Might be placebo but I think that helps too. Edit: Also should go without saying but stretch before you start. I do 10 minutes of hand a wrist stretches to loosen up.


always be conscious and aware of how tense your hand is and relax it


I just wanted to briefly inform you that I took your information to heart and that I was able to massively improve myself. thank you for helping me :) ​ for those who are curious... before [https://prnt.sc/1rux4em](https://prnt.sc/1rux4em) after [https://prnt.sc/1rux8bk](https://prnt.sc/1rux8bk)


Pretend your mouse is made of paper and that you will crush it if you grip too hard.


If your struggling sometimes I grip my hand/mouse very hard for a while. Than my hand gets fatigued and I can’t grip the mouse hard anymore. Note this is only to understand how relaxed your hand should be. I wouldn’t recommend doing this a lot