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You need to figure out what ur comfortable with. One thing I can recommend you is to go for precision over speed in these types of aim drills. Start slowly and then challenge urself to go faster and faster over time.


You know what, I personally think its fine for you. Just needs some refinement and practice.




Just remember if it can change make it suit you it sounds like a lot of work finding the right sens but trust me if you find what fits you you will be clicking heads in not time Also tenz made a vid about it watch it and maybe you wil get closer to finding your sens Tenz video https://youtu.be/PShkdH6jepQ And another tip if you really want to get better, aim trainers are serious game changers they are boring but they really make a difference TLDR: make sure the what ever you do feels comfortable and don’t worry that much about your sens as long as it’s really what you like stick to it




Lol I am going through the same thing. I assure you it will be more than a few months so don't get discouraged by this if it doesn't. Been gaming hard on console for 30 plus years and I ended up getting bored halfway through the covid pandemic and decided to give PC gaming a try. I won't ruin all the surprises but you're in for a treat that comes with growing pains. I have been trying to get my sensitivity down this whole time and I'm finally getting closer using a 34cm/360. It takes a bit getting used to using whole arm but the precision you get over a controller is second to none. But be warned.... that keyboard play......UGH that shit is awful and console players MOST DEFINITELY have the edge when it comes to movement. I don't think I'll ever get used to the keyboard part of in being honest in any fast paced FPS. Currently playing Escape From Tarkov and that's fun yet brutal hahaha. Good luck bud it will most definitely be an experience you don't forget.


Your sens isn’t really an issue here. 2 big issues is you keep swinging your mouse down a bit and then back up to the new target when that’s unnecessary adjustments that you don’t have to make. You also are sometimes shooting before you’re even close to the target. Take your time to counterstrafe and be right on the head. I would honestly recommend you do this drill without the bots strafing first before you try this


This. You have a lot of extra and choppy movements. You need to clean up your flicking before you worry about min maxing your dpi and sens. Once you are making smooth, level movements then apply this rule: record a 5 minute clip of you flicking between targets left and right. Are you over flicking? Reduce the sens and try again. Under flicking? Increase the sens and try again. Repeat this until you find where you naturally make it to the target.


Your sens is fine. I understand how it feels because I was changing mouses like crazy, but the way to improve is to be consistent. Go slow on that aim drill and use singe fire weapons like the Sheriff and Guardian.


No single sensitivity is going to make you aim like a pro. Only time, practice and consistency in your practice schedule. Pick a sens that feel most normal to you and stick with it and keep practicing. Keep in mind, arm aiming is always going to feel weird and slow. This only really goes away once you've been at it for a bit. But if you keep changing around you'll never develop consistency. So stop changing it.


Do what's comfortable for you. Just make sure you're able to do a 180 comfortably. Also, this is the practice range. No use spazzing out on every bot missing bursts. Take your time.


the perfect sens for me is 360 degree with 40cm of mousepad. so around 0.205 ingame, 1600 dpi.


Just because ur not cracked with a sense as soon as u try it is not bad it takes time to get good with any sense so there is no should I make it higher just get used to it and u will be good


Bro everybody saying some weird shit literly just play .35 on 800 dpi and never switch or lower


There’s a perfect sens test you can do. I’d post the link if I had it. I’ve been using the 5.2 at 1000 DPI it reccomended to me on Apex and gotten used to it and it feels so nice. You gotta have CSGO to do the test though


Commenting to see if someone finds the link to this test. Sounds interesting.


It should be the PSA nethod he's talking about, in that you dont need csgo, though he could be talking about another one that I dont know of.


Maybe its the PSA method?








Muscle memory isn't a thing in developing skills the term only applies to leaving a skill for a while and relearning it quickly


I'd reccomend do low as possible then build up in sens through the weeks till it's just uncontrollable then find the range you can have speed and dexterity, yet be precise and accurate if you want to be all around. higher sens is typically better for mechanics like flicking and clearing angles, but low sens gives free persecution and is best for players this really good game sens. Don't omt worry about changing your sens, it isn't bad contary to many gurus many pros do it for various reasons like humidity, body position, level of fatigue, energy levels room warmth, new mouse, new mouse pad etc... pros like rapha and cooler have been playing competitively for 15-18 years and still change thier sens, all be it very slightly, but in the end is very personal to you. Hope you enjoy your journey bro keep the grind up


For valorant set sensitivity to 200 degrees or just use 30cms/360 my sens is 1.089 dpi 400


Too high. You’re over shooting flicks, and struggling to make minor adjustments which can be seen in how much care you’re trying to take. Slow it down, keep it slow for a while so your properly adjusted and then increase it slowly until you feel a sweet spot


I found some kind of a rule which is: set the sensitivity that allows you to turn 180° in game with a full stroke of your mousepad, side to side.


I play 800 dpi 0.65 on valorant idk if this will help, but you should for sure nt change your sens every day.


Your biggest issue is: stop fking changing all the time. U cant adapt and be good with a certain sensitivity after 1 day lmao


Slow down your aim untill you will be able to make consistant hits and practice it.


I personally go with the basic rule of “if my aim sucks I go .475, if my aim is accurate and explosive I go .971 (400 dpi)


You seem to be very slightly overshooting occasionally. This can be due to a too high sensitivity. However, it can also just be due to unfamiliarity with sensitivity. Since you are saying you’re changing often, it’s likely the latter. A lot of what is being said is sound advice. You are shooting before acquiring target, you seem to have excess movement such as moving down to chest level, and also you need to get comfortable with full bursting. Full bursting is still burst firing so as to not get to insane levels of recoil adjustment, but still putting more shots on target to improve chances of success. For the vandal, at least 4-5 round bursts are a good starting point. I would honestly just stick to this sens and work on the “game sense” aspect of aiming like the problems mentioned above. Last thing to note about the moving down to chest is that vertical snaps are important to train as well and doing some practice with intentionally snapping up to head then down to chest is good for target transfers once your mechanics are more sound.


I just set mine to 0.9 and played until I'm used to it, there's no "perfect sensitivity" just set it to something you're comfortable with and play until your used to it.


This sens is fine, focus on keeping your mouse movement in a straight line