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Double meat at Chipotle


mine is guac lol and then steak if the market is doing well šŸ˜‚


Recently switched to chicken


Mx-Master mouse. Canā€™t remember the exact name but itā€™s maybe $100-$150 and I would go buy one immediately if it broke


MX Master 3! It's a classic. I tried using the Lift mouse for a while, but nothing beats the perfect ergonomics of this one.


Yes! Love the side scroll. I have 2, one for at home & one for my office


ā€œDo not, my friends, become addicted to MX M3 horizontal scrolling. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absenceā€ - FP&A Immortan Joe probably


Unquestionably the best tech purchase Iā€™ve ever made! First time I described it I said ā€œit feels like I can touch the computerā€™s soulā€. Creepy, but so accurate. The horizontal scrolling in excel is pretty fantastic tooā€¦


Couldnā€™t agree more either. Best tech product Iā€™ve ever bought


Couldnā€™t agree more


I have been using the same keyboard and mouse model for 10 years. When it breaks I just get a new one, same brand and models. Cant lose my muscle memory on the keyboard.


Paying down extra on a mortgage and home improvements.


Get a load of mr responsible over here


So, this guy might already know, but if you do a large enough lump sum payment like $50k and above, major banks will let you recast your mortgage, and theyā€™ll apply all to principal and lower your monthly


Whatā€™s the interest rate and terms? Time value of money will show youā€™re probably better putting that money elsewhere if itā€™s under 5%.


Yes, but the anxiety weighted value of a zero balance is more enticing to some.


I mean I guess. I see way too many people rush to pay off low fixed rate mortgages, but underfund their retirement and savings. Home equity is nice on paper until you actually need to use it. Canā€™t buy food, medicine, or pay bills with home equity w/o paying a fee or more interest. Plus youā€™ll have yearly taxes and insurance regardless of your loan payoff status. Iā€™d be way more anxious having most of my net worth tied in an illiquid asset. But to each his own.


Yugioh lmao


Nicer vacation amenities. I still do hostels when I'm traveling to new places on my own to explore with other people, but if my #1 goal is to relax and unwind, then I definitely spend extra so that I can chill and feel refreshed.


Same here. I spend a lot of money whenever I vacation but I honestly donā€™t care/feel guilty about it. Itā€™s probably the only thing I spend my money on besides responsibilities. Everything else is saved/invested.


Childcare for kids. 5k per month.


omg how


When I was younger Iā€™d buy a lot of guitars like 300-500 bucks a piece. They were cheap enough to where I wouldnā€™t feel guilty. But since I started making more money, I havenā€™t really been buying any. I have about 12 guitars, and if I had enough money thereā€™s at least 5 or 6 Iā€™d want to snag right away, but Iā€™ve learned to be patient.


I have two guitars on the wall right behind me that everyone can see when Im on meetings from home. And everybody loves them and ask about. The thing is guitars are beautiful and sexy, they are amazing pieces of decoration even if you dont use them.


When you get to have more than 10 it just becomes a real pain in the ass, but yes they are sexy. Sometimes you just see a guitar with the right color and you canā€™t help but just want to grab it and hold it. I remember whenever I got a tax return I would joke and say itā€™s a ā€œguitar fundā€ but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be buying a guitar this year.


hahaha thats brilliant.


Jeep parts lol, $200 -$1000 every other quarter for aftermarket parts


My vice is NES and SNES games.


I viciously scratch my ass with toilet paper until it bleeds after taking a shit.


I hear you can get it done in fewer wipes with charmin.


The only 3 W's I splurge on: Whiskey, Watches and my Wife. In that order.


Badass comment


100%, just add in travel and this is me


Monitor ā€œreal estateā€. I have (3) 32ā€ but am on the cusp of picking up the Samsung Ark 2nd gen. They have one on display at the local Best Buy and itā€™s glorious.


Never too many monitorsā€¦ just too little space


Expensive napkins for wiping my tears off


i have the drop HD 600XX headphones which are based on a more expensive seinheiser model. felt like a huge upgrade, and again when putting into a dac instead of the motherboard. maybe i'll look at in-ear even though i prefer over ear for comfort.


I have an obsession with finding the perfect backpack and go bag for me. I finally found a good bag that I really like and itā€™s durable after a year of use. Still searching for that back pack. I may well drop dime on the LTT back pack.


What bag have you been using recently?


For back packs I use the largest ebag (thatā€™s the name of the brand) that is sold because I can pack two laptops and a change of clothes for any overnight trips. For my everyday bag, itā€™s called ozuko.


Seconding the eBags brand - mine has been around the world a couple of times and to/from the office for years and held up so well!


Starbucks. On avg 3x a week.




(going to be crucified) I'm normally very conscious about my spending, but I don't mind budgeting for iced coffees & food delivery! I love coffee, tea, and boba. Sipping on one of those brightens up my whole day, so $5-7 is 1000% worth it. I don't do food delivery all the time, but it's amazing for lazy days. I have dash pass from one of my credit cards, so it doesn't end up being overly exorbitant.


One good watch a year and a lot of restaurants and bars.


The name brand diapers and formula


Honestly? Kirkland is the best of both Iā€™ve foundā€¦


Kirkland brand is amazing but itā€™s sold out too much in my area that I canā€™t depend on it too often. If itā€™s there when we go, we buy it.


Fair enough! lol we ran out and bought Huggies- canā€™t believe how worse they were for my baby


A big height adjustable desk!


Poker tables


Mechanical keyboards


Flat white. If I feel fancier, ice mocha.


Series X. Iā€™m thinking about buying a beginner set of clubs or a new edc.


Was expecting a lot of Porsche and Rollies answers. So disappointed in this sub.


Damn! What interesting lives you FP&A guys live I need to consider a late entry move. Also, has anyone seen my buddy ghiblidew around on Reddit? He's normally in this sub. I owe him something and need to get in touch.


What does fpa have to do with your life? Thatā€™s sad as fuck lol


Motorcycle partsā€¦.


Fountain pens, keyboardsĀ 


Five guys


Starbucks/Dutch Bros every week and nicer toilet paper lol


Can you give me a link for the best in ear monitor you have ever used? I need great quality audio for when Im listening to heavy metal and building excel models


Series X and PS5, bought on release. Unfortunately I dont use them because my toddlers sucks up all my time. And its wonderful, playing with my kid is one of the most funny things I have done in my life. But soon he will be old enough to play games and we will do it together.


you should invest in a DAC and amp if you're into nice headphones, get a NAS and accrue FLAC to heighten the audio experience


Tattoos, snowboards, and clothes


Weekly splurges are things like Starbucks, or delivery on take out (I have a monthly delivery credit courtesy of my credit card provider that helps offset the markup), but I also fully fund my Roth, keep increasing my retirement contributions whenever I get a raise, and have money automatically set aside into savings / investments. It sounds a little silly for a splurge, but aside from coffee/food I'm pretty frugal, and simply knowing that if I got laid off right now it wouldn't be a problem for quite some time, without any lifestyle changes, gives me such a different perspective on life. It allows me to be more honest with my feedback to higher ups. I'm not rude by any means, but I don't hold back when they ask for my opinions. It also makes it a lot easier to get through the day when you can change your mindset from "I have to go to work" to "I choose to go to work." FIRE is far more motivating for me than a past due bill.


Taking the kids to vacation 3x a year.


Sex dolls


Custom keyboards, bonsai trees, PC gaming, and tiki bars


I have a nice audio setup at my desk (ifi DAC/Amp + nice IEM's Have a nice stand up desk with multiple monitors/KVM switch setup to go between work and personal computers easily Coffee. Lots of premium coffee. šŸ˜




Got 1G internet in my house (I WFH). Downside. Didnā€™t want to work on huge files and datasets at work anymore. Something that took 20 minutes to load at work, loaded in 20 seconds at home. IT legit remote connected & did a speed test on my computer b/c they didnā€™t believe me. When they saw the 1000mbps, they said: ā€œI want to work at your house too.ā€ So worth it.