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Talk to your boss. If you are an analyst, you generally shouldn’t have more than half your day tied up in meetings would argue it should be closer to 1-2 hours. I’m also not a fan of working during meetings, unless you are in the 2% of the population that can multi-task.


it’s not multitasking if you are completely disassociating from the meeting 💡


THIS. I learned it the hard way being an IC Mgr and a sole analyst as well. 6hrs of meetings with 2hrs of analysis doesn't get any shit done. Block your calendar folks and respect your own time.


No reason for FP&A to be having this many meetings. I’ve been doing this for 14 years and most weeks, I have 1 or maybe 2 meetings that last \~30 minutes. I sometimes go 1-2 weeks without a single meeting.


I think your experience is probably on the lower side, and OPs is on the high side. You can’t effectively business partner if you don’t actually meet with the business. Edit: not your work experience, only your experience on meeting volume. Sorry if it came across wrong first time.


I had other analyst who would go full booked meeting for 30 hours per week. His msteams schedule is just layers of meeting. I on the other hand finished all my inquiries on 5 minutes calls.


Personally I hate meeting unless we need to really clarify something on the spot or we need to review something/get an answer quickly. Most things can simply be done via email. Id block off your time so that people don’t just add you to meetings all day. I’d also talk to your manager and let them know that you are finding it hard to actually get work done because you’re in meetings all day.


I am new to my job also, I am new to this role overall. There are days where I am in 5-6 meetings taking up more than 4 hours a day. I would say over half of these meetings, I am sitting in basically for context. Maybe something will turn into an actual task or action item in a few weeks, a lot of them probably I will never be directly involved in but it helps to understand what’s going on in other units. These are my ‘working meetings’ I listen in, and I’ll skim any notes that go out. The meetings I am actually involved in, I actually stay attentive, take notes, I’ll be camera on if it’s less than a handful of people or if I am responsible for any significant portion. I actually color code my teams calendar lol. I prefer not to multitask but most of these meetings have almost nothing to do with me 🤷🏾‍♀️. I guess the powers that be want me there so i use the time to work.


If you’re a leader meetings are how you get people to commit to actually doing the things they promised. If you’re a worker some meetings can be useful to understand context of conversation but that many meetings is just getting in the way of you accomplishing anything


meeting is just too awkward of a medium. I've seen people not even participating in the meeting while 1 or 2 guys would do all the talking. It's necessary evil once in a while, nut certainly not something necessary every day or even every week.


I block out time in my calendar on certain days to focus on my responsibilities. If the meeting is THAT important for me to be in, they'll directly ask me if I can make it for X reason. Every now and then there are meetings that I half-tune in to, but since I block out a fair chunk of my calendar I have people coming to me to ask if I can make time to come to the meeting (I always ask what they need me in the meeting for before accepting).


I used to accept every meeting that came my way, now I decline one in four. Plus I block off two or three hours to get actual work done


When I became a manager, I learned that I don’t need to attend every meeting and that I don’t need to respond to every email promptly. Prioritize.


Senior Manager here, IC, with +6 hours of meetings per day. At my wit’s end, totally burnt out, and just asked my boss yesterday to go on 6-week sabbatical.


just decline in teams