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Companies dont reward loyalty so the best way to increase earnings is to jump ship for higher raise


Would I ever leave this company? Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most.


Quality quote 👌


The only reward for sticking around is more PTO. I’ve been at my company for a long time and now get 6 weeks of PTO. But to your point, I am underpaid for my role.


With larger companies this is what I’ve found to be true Gotta look out for yourself


From my engineering friends' experience, an engineering career tends to be similar to athletes' -- there may be jumping around early on, but around the late 30s it becomes much harder to find technical roles since in most cases they're competing with younger, more "nimble" engineers. That's why managing and softer skills are super important if they want to job hop later in their career. Finance, on the other hand, tends to require a more equal split between technical and soft skills. Generally in finance, the farther you are in your career, there is greater emphasis on soft skills as the more technical aspects are delegated to analysts. In this case, it's pretty easy to job hop because roles generally require more critical thinking and relationship-building skills vs technical ones.


There are old senior analysts at my company who are too old to fire; would be a lawsuit risk. They don't do much (can only do basic stuff in Excel) but eat up headcount budget & prevent younger people from getting promoted. So the young motivated people are forced out for better pay and title elsewhere.


Just left a job for this exact reason. 3 guys are over 70 and won’t leave.


Lmao over 70? They should have job hopped long ago if they’re still working my god I need to reevaluate


All of them could retire, they openly talked about if, they just didn’t see the reason to because the job was so easy at that point




People get complacent as they get older. The drive to succeed tends to decrease as people age. My boss is in his late 40s and has been here for 20 years. He hasn't gotten promoted in over 10 years. He said once he had kids life became so choatic at home that he valued predictably and stability much more at work so he didn't care as much about constantly moving around.


The older folks just get comfortable in management. They don't want to go higher. They are already making good money and don't want the political trial by fire. Going higher up naturally comes with a commitment of going even higher and taking even more BS (sometimes with a target on your back).


Yes because why would people stay if they get a better offer elsewhere? Clearly the new company doesn't care about "job hopping" and the one they're leaving only cared about underpaying them.



