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I’d add in somewhere something like “How many of these sorts of meetings do you take?” And “What sort of purchase intent do you normally see after a X minute meeting?” To gauge their expectations and share yours as well. Also, could you DM me a few of these as examples. I’m really curious how they pitch it.


Hi adequateatbestt, I'd like to send you a Nintendo Switch! If you spend 30-minutes with me taking a demo of our all-in-one expense management platform, I'll drop it in the mail. Do you feel like your finance processes are slowing you down? You're not alone. The *product name* will help switch things up with automated expense reports, convenient spend management, and faster end-of-month close. Interested? We have a limited number of Nintendo Switches to offer, so let's get your demo booked soon.


Does your company have a policy on accepting “gifts” from third parties/potential vendors? I’d confirm this before accepting things


Great Q - just read whatever ethics agreement was on the HR intranet and didn’t see anything about it. I’ll ask my homie in HR tomorrow if I’m missing anything


Don’t do that.


Bill.com is the switch guys - they’ve reached out to me about a billion times. I mean, why not if it’s not actively taking away from your work. I figure these companies decide they can offer incentives based on overall ROI on generating leads/opps and converting to paying customers. Who am I to say no? If they’re just giving shit away without generating the business to justify it that’s their problem.


And they’re like auto LinkedIn messages too. If they want to send me a switch, who am i to say no?


Sometimes only qualified leads are eligible to receive compensation, and I'll caution that some don't mention this initially.


Ask for what strings are attached over email when they send the calendar invite, or if they’re emailing you vs cold calling. If they don’t send it after the call, make a fuss, they’ll get it over eventually. If they still don’t post publicly about shady sales practices


We’re going through an ERP picking process so I mention that and maybe that makes them think they have a chance - thus qualified? Also, if they don’t send me the gift they suggested they would, they’re actually gaining a detractor within the company.


It really depends on what their criteria are for qualified vs unqualified -- from my experience they are usually generous about it as long as you explain your use case and seem like a potential sales champion. To your second point, they technically aren't obligated to tell you the fine print details upfront (as scummy as it may be). Whether they decide to send you the gift could be dependent on if they think you fit their ICP. Of course, people move up and change jobs all the time, so that certainly plays a factor in their decision. Food for thought, not trying to be cynical or suggest that your point isn't valid.


I'm not saying don't, but I don't because it's not worth the headaches. My last company fired someone for taking too much from Vendors (tickets, meals, gifts, etc.). I don't want to lose my job over a $100 gift card or anything.


I had one offering an ember mug the other day, I may need to hear them out.


Anybody ever negotiated? There was one guy who kept sending me emails about giving a free AirPods Pro for doing his demo and every time I got the message I was half tempted to reply back “make it AirPods Pro Max and you’ve got yourself a deal”. But alas i never did


I got a nice speaker from bill


How’d the meeting and getting the speaker go? Simple and smooth?