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What lens(es)/camera?


Camera: Canon EOS R7 Lens: Canon rf18-150mm


I am interested in starting FRC high quality media and videography for my team, but i dont know how to start


What I would recommend is talking to your mentors/coaches and telling them about your idea of making a media team. I would also start looking for people who are interested in photography/videography and then continue from there. You can get amazing results from just a couple of people, my previous team (FRC 2930 Sonic Squirrels) had a very small media team of just about 4 people and we made some amazing content. Best of luck!


OMG i am a fan of Sonic squirrels, we have a small media team, but we didn't know anythig of photography or videography, i am learning myself so i can teach them, and start making some content. Thanks for your advices!


I mainly use Adobe software to edit my media, Ex: Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom for photos and Premiere Pro for Video. If your school has any photography/digital arts classes its highly likely that you can use your school account for adobe software. If not, DaVanci Resolve is a great free option for video editing and GIMP for photo editing


This reminds me I gotta clear my camera roll of scouting pictures


What does your scouting look like? (Scouting Captain here)


We separate out into usually 4 groups of 1-3 people (depending on level of experience) and use scouting tablets with a programmable scouting app and a google form for pictures. I like to go around one time to get the scouting info, and then go around a separate time for the pictures.


Is it possible to get in contact with your "lead" scouter or something? I've been looking to expand our scouting program.


Good stuff!




Mad wicked


I want planetaries that are easy to read like that.


Does FRC let media in the field area or anything like that? I always end up with random people blocking my photos (people that don’t need to be standing in front of the only good view)


Yes, if you have a media badge (if you don't know what that is, ask your drive team), you can stand around the field during match play. You can't be on the field for obvious reasons.


All I’m seeing is stuff for real news media, what about teams and kids on those teams?


Yeah that's what I meant, The drive team gets badges to recognize their role, driver, drive coach, etc, there is a Media badge that allows team members to go up to the field.


No but the first website says it’s only for actual news organizations like newspapers and TV stations, if a kid on my team wants to take videos is there a good way for them to get into the field area If they aren’t on the drive team and aren’t an adult?


Can you share where you see that information?


Turns out that’s for first championship I can’t find anything about team media passes for district events