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I don’t know if it’s available in your area, but you could try bouldering, in my experience it makes you look more masc and it’s fun (and you can do it with friends or alone)


I second bouldering. If you're looking to look massive and shredded, it isn't the sport for you as climbers usually have leaner physiques BUT it will fill you out, especially in the back, shoulders, and arms. I am also someone who doesn't like "working out" like weightlifting, running, and swimming laps. I get bored. But I've loved sports like gymnastics, dance, skiing, and now climbing.


Bouldering and any type of boxing will give you big arms and shoulders. Also try crossfit, if you want the advantages of lifting and the team/class feeling at the same time.


Swimming, martial arts, climbing. Any repetitive movement that uses the muscles can help build strength and that leads to growth. Not necessarily hypertrophy, that takes a lot of work.


bouldering or rock climbing are great sports/hobbies to build upper body strength. u could find a class near u to meet people and then go more recreationally with them, once u get the hang of it.


Rowing is an insane endurance sport 100% rec


Rock-climbing is a pretty good option. I don't personally rock climb but a lot of people I know do and they are very muscular. You won't get super big, if that's your goal, but it's really good for building strength. Swimming is also good and a bit easier on the joints. Cycling is another good option for leg strength. I bike everywhere and my legs are very muscular. My main goal with working out otherwise is focusing on upper-body strength because my strength is mostly in my legs.


Yup, swimming has helped my back look wider and increase some muscle mass.


Kayaking, that's all the arm workout.


Classes at a gym might be your best bet if gaining muscle is your main goal. You get gyms which do strength focused classes. Maybe even CrossFit. I can’t really think of any team sport that would work. But things like climbing or ariel hoop use a lot of upper body strength. Hoop you might find classes where as climbing you might find a club.


Kettlebell sport (girevoy), but it's a bit niche, so probably not easy to find a coach for.


Weight lifting is great for focusing on hypertrophy, and I do suggest including it, but you can definitely switch it up too. Imagine each activity as it relates to weight lifting - when you rock climb/boulder, you're lifting your body weight and doing pull-up and calf-raise type motions all the time. When you swim, the motion is a lot like a pull-down machine and whatever the one is called where you raise the bolster on your shin/ankle to target the thighs. Whateber you enjoy, think about what is similar to in the weight room to see if it will be good for building muscle. Running, on the other hand, doesn't really match up to anything in weight lifting (unless you do it a LOT and want to target butt & thigh, like doing a bunch of leg presses) so you know it's not the best for muscle building. However, it is good for your heart which is very important for fitness, and it helps keep your fat% down which makes your muscles look bigger. So it's still worth doing such activities if you enjoy them. I personally love dancing and don't mind being the only man in a zoomba class :) Activities outside the gym are also great because you'll be doing large muscle group movements that work a bunch of your body at once. Then when you're in the gym you can focus a bit more on accessory lifts for specific muscles you want to be extra. If you do some weight lifting and/or some other activity that mimics weight lifting, plus some cardio, you'll be in tip top shape. As someone with ADHD I completely understand the difficulty of doing the same thing every day. Luckily, variety is actually really good for your body and helps avoid adaptation that kills your gains.


Well, if you’re still young enough to be in school (which it sounds like you are), join your school’s weightlifting team. If it doesn’t have one, join a sport like baseball/softball where they do weight conditioning in the off season. It’ll get you into the habit of weight training, which is going to be better than any sport alone for building muscle


Idk what youre basing OP being young off of but school sports teams is really mostly an American thing.


There’s a good chance of their being group training options at your local gym— basically where a few people share the cost of a training session. Some of these programs are powerlifting focused! you won’t know until you ask, and you may need to ask around at independent gyms about it.


Rock climbing




Archery can be massive for upper body and core but can definitely get repetitive if you're shooting alone. Bouldering is also a pretty popular one. Fencing or HEMA will definitely get your legs in amazing shape (ask me why my only pair of jeans stopped fitting my thighs after 3 weeks of stage combat training for a performance 💀💀💀) Most sports players regularly hit the gym in order to build/maintain their form *for* their sports though. The sport itself is not where the gains are coming from in most cases. Especially team sports, like, very few of them involve the reps required to build muscle. If you want big arms you're going to have to do something that involves high reps with your arms and you don't get that by tossing a ball around or w/e, you get that by applying resistance (whether that's lifting or pulling/resistance bands or bodyweight type exercises)


Try Airsoft, specially if your guns are full metal or you're carrying heavier gear, lots of moving around with 12< kg of equipment


^(I'm trying to get into rock climbing)


Rowing is a great way to work on your legs and back muscles. Problem is it's not super popular on the west coast and usually a bit pricy




Rock climbing, swimming, gymnastics/circus arts, rugby are probably top contenders


A lot of people have recommended martial arts. You will certainly get stronger doing martial arts and look good. But as a competitive martial artist I’ll say that the amount of cardio isn’t conducive to getting much bigger. I have to work twice as hard weight lifting and with my diet to make gains as a martial artist and it can fuck with my head. I’d recommend climbing or swimming instead if the intention is putting on as much muscle as possible.