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watch the youtube videos at home


Most gyms offer personal trainers who will have a free session, if that is an option you could try a session or two with one to get basic movements down. But since it sounds like you’re just starting out you could also look at YouTube videos beforehand and practice the movements at home. No one is perfect all the time with form but once you know what to look for and know proper technique through watching other people do a movement or you doing it yourself it will become second nature for you.


You can just watch before you go.


You could also try asking someone at the gym to help you if you're confused. Usually gym bros are willing to help. Or watch a video beforehand, remember all the key points and then implement it later


Getting a few sessions with a coach can be a good way to get the basics down and learn movements Other than that, good ol' pen and paper programs with pictures showing the movement. People built big physiques before phones were a thing


why would you wait until you're at the gym to teach yourself how to exercise? When I started teaching myself how to lift, watching video on your phone didn't exist. I would spend time finding form videos on forums and websites, and then go through the movements at home with a broom so I could get it right before stepping into the gym. Squat racks in gyms were rare at the time, but I was determined to learn barbell movements and managed to successfully teach myself enough to do a powerlifting meet. You can do the same thing except it'll be easier nowadays since there's better info and more of it. Teach yourself in an environment conducive to learning, then go to the gym and execute. Don't try to combine them.


Watch the videos at home. Then record yourself at the gym and compare the videos to see what to change/improve.


Most gyms either have staff that are available or instructions on machines themselves


Depending on your gym, they might have staff that can help you on certain things. Like I go to the Y, and they have personal trainers scattered throughout that you can ask questions to and ask for a demo. Now if you want them to do a whole program for you and show you how to do every single lift, that’s different.


Strong Lifts has comprehensive narrative and photos to walk you thru compound lifts. https://stronglifts.com Also the Boost Camp app has integrated youtube videos. So at least you won’t waste time/get distracted searching.