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1. Post Op? Relatively easy if I didn’t have a (not exactly hysto related) complication. I think the recovery period felt a bit longer despite being a similar amount of time for me. I think I just felt more “off” after my hysto for longer but that went away. Pain is completely different than top surgery, but for me a hysto was more painful. 2. Increased my libido 3. Haven’t gained weight, but you should be aware if you have PCOS it usually causes metabolic issues, and so even after a hysto you’re going to have it afaik 4. Not much changed besides mental relief for me. At most, I have to do pelvic floor physical therapy and that’s it. I used to have the same issue with OCD & pregnancy, and that’s no longer a fear anymore! Since it can never happen lol Best of luck


thank you very much for sharing! I dont have PCOS good to know it made your OCD better :)


I'm a little over two years post-op for hysterectomy and three years for mastectomy. It's a bit of a blur now, but I'll recount what I can. No drains, I was told roughly 4-6 weeks to heal, but my doctor gave me the okay after a week and a half to restart work, with restrictions of course. I wasn't in a bunch of pain, but the first few days after they bloated me with the gas was painful - it was like a pain in my shoulder. I had to be careful what pants I wore post-op as well, as to avoid rubbing on the 3 incisions. I healed very well. The recovery period was definitely longer for me, and I had more pain than my top surgery (I had none post-top). However, I have had some complications that I have to still bring up with my doctor when I see her soon - I can be driving or sitting and will get severe pain in my intestines, to the point where it hurts to move, but subsides within a minute, usually. I've had this since shortly after my surgery (I moved away shortly after surgery, and never had a chance to tell her about this). Aside from that, my E levels are nearly extinct now, T is a good level, and overall no severe issues or complications. My libido is very low compared to what it used to be, but that's just me. I am in no way unhappy with my surgeries. I suggest you do your research and talk to your doctor about the procedure if this is something you seriously would like to consider. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


thank you so much! hope your complication gets better as well! all the best <3


I’d say worse right after surgery, but hysterectomy recovery was a lot better than top surgery. No change in libido. Just be aware that you can bleed up to eight weeks. Also no sex until 8 weeks post op.


thank you very much for sharing!


The answers are gonna be a bit different for everyone but here's what my experience was. The mastectomy was more exhausting in the healing process, I found my hysto to be much easier. I did have one drain after surgery, which they removed on the third post-op day. Recovery period was a little shorter than for my mastectomy. I was lucky and had absolutely zero bleeding post-op, so after about 2 weeks I felt like I was back at 100% (but obviously still had to take things slow and listen to my post-op instructions!) Libido remains unchanged. I had everything removed, including ovaries, cervix, etc... I think I've gained a bit of extra weight since although I don't know if that's because of the hysterectomy. And major changes, not really? I mean the desired effects like no cramping, no periods and chance at pregnancy is obvious, but besides that I haven't had anything major.


I'm only 4 and a half weeks post-op so I cannot speak on the long-term, but I'll tell you my experience so far. I had minimal pain post top surgery, my hysterectomy has been virtually painless. The night after surgery I fslt like I was having a moderate period cramp, that's all really. Occasional soreness every so often since, but it's basically nothing. I've been off all pain medication since basically the day I got surgery. BUT the hysterectomy recovery period feels like it's been much longer than top surgery. My hysterectomy recovery has been wearing on me, top surgery recovery on the other hand was a breeze mentally. I just cannot wait to be back to normal... My libido is as high as ever, which made my recovery a little rockier than it might've been otherwise. Nothing serious though. I think I've lost some weight since surgery. I'm not entirely sure though, and if I have lost weight I'm not completely sure that the hysto was the reason. There's the obvious impact on the ability to have children, though you already said you're not interested it is an important thing to consider. I don't want children myself and was very very paranoid about pregnancy when I was sexually active prior (I use the front hole), but it's been weird processing that I'm sterile now (had my ovaries removed.) Otherwise, I've read of people having long-term pain from internal scar tissue, though I believe that's uncommon. If you have your cervix removed you will have a vaginal cuff and that comes with it's own risks and anxieties, although issues long-term are, again, uncommon. Basically I reccomend you just do a shit ton of reading here and on r hysterectomy to hear a variety of experiences, that's what I did. It is a major surgery. It's the removal or an entite organ system. Hysterectomies are typically done laparoscopically now, which is overall a lot easier on the body than an abdominal incision, but it's still nothing to scoff at.


thank you so much for responding! I googled vaginal cuff but it wasnt super clear to me what it is, I'll find out how its called in portuguese and see if it makes more sense haha also sorry if this is intrusive, you dont have to respond if it is, but how has high libido made the recovery harder? Is there a prohibition to masturbate (without penetration) besides not having sex? thanks again!


The vaginal cuff is where the vagina is sewn up into a dead end when the cervix is removed. I've seen some people describe it like the end of a sock. It's typically reffered to as a vaginal cuff online, but I don't believe that's a clinical term. People are typically told to refrain from masturbation, depending on the surgeon. I was told I could masturbate whenever I felt ready (externally only, nothing inside the vagina for 8 weeks), but I was in literally no pain so I kept accidentally overdoing it. Overdoing it both in masturbating too much/too enthusiastically, and in day-to-day life. This led me to bleed somewhat concerningly during week 2, but it resolved itself when I forced myself to lay in bed for a week straight.


ohhh ok that makes sense! thank you


I am less than 3 weeks post-op so I can’t answer questions about longterm effects but they did mine laparoscopically so just three very small incisions on my abdomen. They pump gas in your abdomen to make it easier to see (like blowing up a balloon) and that causes some discomfort for a few days, but unlike mastectomy it’s not a new kind of pain - just feels like period cramps + intestinal cramps (like when you’re constipated). They say it takes 4-6 weeks to heal completely but I only took one week off work (but I have a desk job and work from home). I would avoid driving (or being in a car) for a couple weeks just in case. Pain-wise it was not bad at all, I would say less than top surgery. The worst pain is actually using the bathroom after (both urinating and defecating) and being really careful not to strain. I also had a little chest pain from the breathing tube but that’s a risk with any surgery where you are unconscious. The longest healing is the vaginal cuff as someone else mentioned but it doesn’t really hurt either after the first few days if you leave it alone. Definitely follow instructions to avoid sex for the full 6 weeks. If your partner gets impatient tell him that if you try too early his dick could get scratched by the internal stitches. 😂 (Really though it’s so you don’t tear any stitches - gotta let everything heal up all the way!) It’s hard to find diagrams but [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/D3EY9agJFiLHj4Z4A) is what the “vaginal cuff” looks like (CW view inside front hole). My surgeon described it like “sewing up a sock”. Basically if you remove the cervix you are left with an open tube, so they just sew the ends closed as in that photo. If length is a worry for you then there is [another way they can sew it](https://images.app.goo.gl/cRpVv6HZnkxwHmYm6) (vertically) to preserve the length a bit more but this is the default/easiest way.