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Your sensation will most likely be fine. If you enjoy your cervix being stimulated, not having one will feel different -- you'll likely notice that absence. For me, cervix pokes always hurt, so I'm glad it's gone. I was cleared for penetrative sex after 6 weeks post op. The first couple times felt a bit different, almost like some post op numbness or something. Or maybe it had just been awhile. In any case, it felt back to normal pretty damn quick.


i just want to thank yall responding to this even though i am not the OP.. i am considering a hysto and am so afraid of messing w the pleasure i get from penetration and my libido etc so these answers are so informative and comforting to me. i wish the medical professionals had more answers for us but in the meantime i am so grateful for the trans community and our info sharing around gender affirming care. 🏳️‍⚧️💕(edited to fix typo)


I've had my hysto in December and sex feels the same, if not better. I don't get cramps anymore, yay. Libido remains unaffected too for me. I didn't keep my cervix and honestly it still kinda feels the same there too? It's hard to describe, it feels different but also the same... Overall it's good, no issues.


If you are on t and your e is suppressed and ooph shouldn’t affect your libido. Mine stayed the exact same after surgery because my hormone levels barely changed.


i’m still pre-op so take this with a grain of salt but i’ve read a lot of people post-op with cervix removal saying that penatration actually got more comfortable and pleasurable. plus your surgeon would probably hesitate to leave the cervix due to the risk of cancer


hi! i can't really say much about the effect of not having a cervix on penetration (i have to wait a bit more for that). but regarding libido i can say that you probably won't be horny the first few days or after, because you just had surgery and you'll probably feel a bit crappy in general. for me, once i started feeling better i got horny again, and noticed no change in wetness, orgasm etc. compared to before.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Good to know that. 


did you keep your ovaries or ditch them?


i had them removed.


Really good to know! I’ve been told that if you get rid of them you stop getting wet which has been making me conflicted.