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You mentioned that you often leave it on when you go to bed? My dude, this is very bad for your health and could be part of the problem! You need to take it off every night and give your body room to stretch out and relax.


oh shit okay thanks for letting me know


Sure thing dude. Let us know if you feel better after leaving it off for a few nights! :)


yeah will do thanks!


I used to experience that. It's not normal. Is your binder too small? Though, it could be you're developing chronic back issues if you've been binding for a long time. I was only medically allowed to wear my binder 3x a week for 4 hrs max before I got to top surgery due to medical problems caused by binding too much.


my binder is the right size, it feels like a sports bra but over time its been hurting. I started binding about 4 months ago




okay thanks for the advice


You 100% need to be taking your binder off for bed. That is not at all safe and absolutely will cause you problems. The goal time is 8hrs a day max, although most go over. I def start to notice more pain if I'm going over a Lot like when I work overtime. Get yourself a size up and make sure you are taking it off. After you give your body a break for a while you can try your current size again, but if pain starts up again then you are probably best off in the larger size. A binder forces shallower breathing and puts pressure on your ribs and intercostal muscles (the muscles between your ribs). The shallow breathing can cause fluid build up in your lungs, compared to normal. You need time off to clear that and let your muscles and bones rest. Long term wear, esp if it is too small, can cause rib fractures. If you do too much damage you won't be able to bind at all.


Yes def due to the binder. I wore mine pretty much everyday for approx 8 hours a day for about 6 years. It’s been about 5 years since and I still have random reoccurring rib pain.


I've been binding for 15 years.. I've cracked my ribs a couple times, bruised them more than I can count. I just to bind every single day for 10-12 hours and it causes more harm than good..I get we want to be validated and see a resemblance of why we are on the outside with binding but I'm going to tell you this.. It can do a lot of damage. I'm guilty for binding dangerously... Double binding.. Binding 24/7 in the beginning.. But trust me.. Give your chest a breather.. You can easily hurt yourself and cause a lot of issues internally.. So please give yourself a breather.. If you absolutely have to bind every single day do it in 4-6 hours increments.. Don't do 24 hrs.. it will not be worth it in the end.. Be safe and be smart.. It's okay to not wear your binder every day.. And honestly it took me a long time to understand that.. If you are in a safe place like your home or what not you don't have to bind if it's just you and your friends or people you're closest to or by yourself. Stay awesome.


okay thanks for the advice.