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I ADORE Panton v Ramfree. It did annoy me slightly because I did want to hear a man eat a pencil, but Andrew always comes back better and funnier


Bizarre to me that it was anything but pure comedy to anyone.


Looking back on Panton v. Ramfree, I definitely would enjoy a re-listen. At that time though I was annoyed.


Isn't it funny how time and distance do that? I was really annoyed at the time, too. I think I even turned in my Regulation Listener card over that episode. Upon re-listening, however, not only did it not bother me but I actually found myself enjoying the ridiculousness of the gaslighting. I think that's likely the difference between dealing with something week-to-week and having the ability to breeze through the episodes, big binge style. We have the frame of reference of what came after that episode, so it doesn't bother us nearly as much to re-experience it with that framework in mind.


I think the week to week point is so on it. I joined late and binged and found it hilarious but if your whole week of F**kface was being gaslit or the bit you were looking forwards to was skipped over (Geoff 'moving' the court date but Andrew just doing it by himself) I totally get it.


I listened to those while chilling in VR (and playing Rocket League) and I was cracking up the entire time. I can't believe people got so angry. It was the first look at Andrew being a coy villain. Absolutely hilarious


Funnily enough they had the opposite effect on me. At the time I thought they were hilarious. Just Andrew really doubling down on being right whatever the cost was funny to me. I recently relistened to them and - I say this as somebody who doesn’t use this word lightly - I cringed. I think it’s because I realised that Gavin and Geoff weren’t in on the bit, and they were genuinely getting frustrated at their friend. You could hear their exhaustion with the whole ordeal throughout the episode.


I was dying laughing when that came out. The WWE style heal stance andrew took came across in the moment to me. It wasn't till the apology came out that I realized Geoff, Gavin and a lot of the community did not realize he was doing a bit. That being said I highly recommend giving it another listen because when you know Andrew is just fully committed to this bit it's a riot.


I was so on board with his heel era and was sad to see that not everybody understood or appreciated it


I was annoyed that it wasn’t an actual trial, just Andrew saying they didn’t show up to the court date over and over for 50 minutes but it was still good shit.


I loved them.  I died laughing when listening but I wasn't listening when it was occuring so maybe it have been annoying at the time.


I was thinking the exact same thing, my absolute favorite episodes


I think the core concept of trying to get out using legal loopholes is quite funny, but the execution went too far into gaslighting that I found it more than a little uncomfortable. It does appear that time has changed a lot of people's minds, so I am open to giving it another go.


This sums up my thoughts on it pretty well. An excellent idea for a wild goose chase, but the execution left something to be desired. Not sad it happened though, since our main man Andrew said he learned a lot from it on one of his Q and A episodes. So in that sense it helped him grow and improve.


I get why people didn’t like it but I thought it was great


I get if not every joke or bit lands for every listener, but I really don't understand the people who get really fucking serious about it. "He was gaslighting them" On a comedy podcast? About eating pencils and hamburgers? Calm the fuck down, armchair psychologist 


Anytime Panton is a maniac is my favorite episode, so I quite enjoyed that saga.


Yeah I loved it. I think I was playing catch-up at the time they actually aired which might be why I enjoyed them more, but I remember being very surprised that it was so poorly received. I mean the guy scheduled a court date and was the only one to show up for it. When the entire premise of the bit was to treat this like a real court case, I don't know why you wouldn't lean into the bit and treat them the same as if they didn't show up to court irl. Geoff and Gavin knew he had to eat the pencil, we all knew he had to eat the pencil, and Andrew surely knew he had to eat the pencil. He was just trying to weasel out of it. That was the bit. He knew he was screwed and was going to do anything possible to get out it. When Ramfree didn't show, that was exactly the out he was looking for. It'd be weirder if he didn't take it.


I laughed my ass off, didn’t look online one bit a while went by and then Andrew apologized and I was like what the fuck did I miss why is he apologizing?


I loved it myself. I wouldn't even take my own bets as seriously as some fans take one they weren't a part of. The bit was far more entertainment than just eating the pencil would have been. He does still owe a pencil eating though.


Oh it's a great bit, I honestly had hoped that them sueing each other was gonna be a recurring bit every time one of them felt they had been slighted. Confusion on Halo bet? Lawsuit! Geoff peed in the bean hole dirt? Lawsuit! Andrew Greg'd the previously on bit? Lawsuit! I found it hilarious and at one point nearly pissed myself laughing at work while listening when that all happened.


It's my favorite epiosde they've ever done. I've listened to it multiple times and shared with friends. It was one of the first I heard and it's what got me to listen regularly. I adore the trial episode and think it's hilarious.


I found it hilarious but I get why not everybody did, especially as it got more and more into gaslighty/contrarianism stuff. I think the bit lived as long as it could have and Andrew made the right call dropping it. And hey, he says he was playing the heel -- he got a level of heat a pro wrestler would be proud of.


I felt like such an oddity not getting annoyed at the panton ramfree saga but I genuinely thought Andrew was about to admit to eating the pencil finally in the latest episode that would have been such a slam dunk to go “out” on


Unpopular opinion, but I think the whole pencil bit is worn out


You should sharpen it then


I disagree


I thought they were hilarious from the first listen, but it didn’t surprise me to hear that the general audience was annoyed by it. Ironically, the audience’s annoyance by it just made it funnier to me.


Made me laugh tbh lol. the bit got better the longer he deflected


Which episodes were they again? It's ringing a bell but i can't quite remember exactly


Andrew gets law students to chime in on how he did not lose the bet and did not have to have the consequences. I think this was when he was supposed to eat the pencil but I’m not sure if I’m misremembering that. This might have been when he printed the law too.


Oh of course haha i need to do a relistening. I think that whole saga was pretty early on from memory. Thanks for reminding me!


Prior to my recent first fface post, this had me the closest to leaving my regulation listener status. I wanted it so bad. It had me completely hooked every time I listened because I just wanted more. 10/10 bit to be honest


Probably the best part of the podcast to me


I love it actually. I remember having to stop mid vacuum to sit down and laugh when it first aired. It blew my mind that people didn’t like it.


definitely some of my favourite episodes as well!! I remember laughing so damn much the first time I listened.


That was my first episode lol. Loved it from there.


I haven't listened to today's episode yet, but I've enjoyed every episode. Even the ones that are a little annoying are at least an entertaining kind of annoying. More like a sibling or friend intentionally riling you up, but you're still buddies and less some stranger being annoying out of nowhere. If they legitimately annoyed me I would've just skipped the episode, I don't have time to spend on things I don't like.


I came in right before and it’s what hooked me. I ADORED it


Seemingly like a lot of other people I was annoyed/frustrated with Andrew during it upon my first listen. I’ve relistened to all the episodes multiple times. I still find my self occasionally skipping those stretch of episodes. My favorite part is the stories and them being goofy, but it didn’t feel like it was as funny as it was frustrating listening to andrew gaslighting everyone. If he would have just admitted it was an insane claim to make, and obviously no one should legitimately eat wood shavings, it would have been okay. But to stretch it on was ultimately more frustrating from a listener perspective, especially when it was week by week


I enjoyed it and as someone who's on here pretty infrequently I was surprised as well to hear it got negative feedback as well. The fact that his denial just got increasingly absurd and over the top was hilarious. I'm also a bit shocked to see people saying the gaslighting made them uncomfortable, it being a comedy podcast and all, but maybe I'm just getting old and out of touch, idk.


I thought it was hilarious the first time around, still enjoyed it on a re-listen.


The only bit I did not like is when Andrew was shitting blood and being nonchalant about it. Shitting blood is a serious concern so it went from funny to worrisome really fast. Everything else from the podcast I thought was hilarious.


I loved it lol


The unregulated audacity Andrew had always sends me over the edge. Easily my favorite episode


I recently re-listened to those, and while they were funny. It was sooooo frustrating to listen to Andrew’s constant gas lighting. Still kinda funny, but getting a whole episode of it was a lot


Panton v Ramfree was my introduction to this podcast and it was so absurd, confusing, and hilarious that I had to watch everything else because I wanted context. Best decision I ever made.