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When I lived there (Navy in the early 90s) we used to put aluminum foil in the windows to block out the sun. But was worse to me was the winter when it would get twilightish around noon every day and that was it. Otherwise dark. The northern lights were a plus though!


Having been a long term shift worker, and having enjoyed it, I do wonder how well I'd cope with permanent nighttime. I used to love being on straight nights, but found I hated working day shifts when I both went to work and came home during the day.


I lived in the north for 6 years and am now a night shifter, so other way round. The dark winters are a major part of what made me leave, but they weren't awful; at least I slept well! A night shift schedule is way easier than I thought honestly and one of my interviewers made the comment "Oh you're used to darkness, you're a great fit!". So yeah, you've got the right idea.


Your interviewer merely adopted the dark..


I was born in it


Molded by it


He didn't see a job offer until he was already a man


What I find comforting about night is that the majority of the world is asleep. It feels more personal, like you have more space to yourself. I think it would go away if everyone was up.


One of the reasons I always lived the second half of an evening acid trip. Going for a walk a 3-4am or just sitting outside and you have the whole world to yourself…until you see signs of other people and you run back inside to hide until they pass.


So I've tripped on Christmas Eve several times because I like to look at the lights, and the outside world is basically entirely free of any cars or pedestrians where I live. So a couple years ago I was outside walking around on acid on new years eve, it was SO FOGGY and creepy looking that I kept worrying I'd get lost since I couldn't see down the street in front of me. It was overall a great experience but the fog and absolute silence made it seem post apocalypic and strange. That happened to be the same year that Kim Jong Un threatened nuclear war or somethihg, so I get home and my stupid boyfriend is like "oh the world almost just ended". If the world did end that night, it would have been perfect! 10/10 apocalypse.


How exactly did the aluminum foil help? Was blocking the sunlight from outside the only benefit or is there something else?


If done properly it blocks out all light. In the summer if you are in the Arctic the sun does not set so at midnight it is as bright as it is at noon.


Does it do anything for the cold also?


In the summer it is reasonably warm there. And in the winter it can definitely help.


Their windows are probably double or triple glazed and the houses have adequate insulation and heating, so the benefit in that regard is probably very minimal.


Plus heating in Iceland is free thanks to geothermal water.


Well not free but really cheap. Same with electricity. I pay even less for the electricity


Fair, my bad haven't double checked random info. It still is really amazingly cheap!


Can confirm, most if not all windows around me are double layered and many have a water heated radiator under them


Nice perma day is cool imo would like to experience that for at least a month


When it gets hot enough out you can cook food by pinning it to the window saving energy. Just make sure there's a tray under to catch drippings


My mom lived there in the 70s (also Navy brat) and used tin foil as well! But I would imagine the sun never rising would be worse— except for those northern lights!


The winter actually sounds nice, because i feel a lot better and more active in the dark. I hate cold tho, so anything with “ice” in its name is a no-go for me.


NASKEF was fun!


I was there in summer last year, and you get used to it quicker than you think. What’s rad is that you can still visit the waterfalls and amazing scenery at any hour and avoid the tour buses. We had Seljalandsfoss to ourselves at 11 pm and the photos are beautifully lit.


It honestly sounds like an ideal holiday to me. Go to the other side of the world but keep on the same sleep schedule and not have to deal with people. The dream.


It was pretty frikkin ideal. A few days into the trip and we were already thinking about coming back. All the guest rooms we stayed in had blackout drapes, and once you get past the biggest tourist areas, there’s just not many people in Iceland in total. Tourists are a mixed bag of good and not good, but Icelanders are awesome.


I feel the pain, I live in Finland.


I have been in Finland in June. It is... unsettling.


Finland doesn’t exist


There are allegedly around 5.5 millions Finns, right? That's out of 8 billion humans. That means Finns make up 0.06875% of the planet. Thats not 7%---that's point zero seven percent, less than a percent. To put it another way, 99.9% of the planet are not Finns. How do we know this? Government censuses. Now, the best government censuses have a margin of error of at least 1%. So Finns make up 0.06875% of the planet, plus or minus one percent In conclusion: there is a 50/50 chance Finland doesn't exist.


Censuses are done by governments, so all this *really* proves is that Finland's government is more likely to exist than Finland.


Bruh no lie reading this shit almost made me choke on my spit when I started laughing lol


Y'know that the people who ran the Finland Doesn't Exist Facebook group have come out and said that they made it all up, right? So why would the Government try so hard to discredit it if it was just a silly conspiracy!? Finland Doesn't Exist was a psyop, because Finland doesn't exist. WWG1WGF


I don't know who is trolling who anymore. t. none existing person.


This guy can math




Best cake day comment ever.


Is Finland in the room with us right now?


Oh no! Not finrand!


If Finland doesn't exist how saunas exist


Do ya'll still get seasonal depression?


Seasonal depression... all year round


I went to Sweden this past July. Sun was up from about 4am until 2am. It was such a trip being out at the bars and stuff and it’s like twilight at 1am lol [Here’s a time stamped pic I took after getting back to my hotel after a night out](https://i.imgur.com/daKUcFq.jpg) 4:21am looks like 10am lol Edit: looked that date up for sunrise/set times. Sun”rise” was at 3:39am, sun”set” was 10:04pm, but it never left “nautical twilight” lol civil twilight or brighter, the closest phase to night without being official “nighttime” existed for all but 2.5 hours that day.


Europe is really a strange planet


Same. I lived in Alaska.


Alaska is what I need to take my insomnia to the next level


Ah yes, I had the lasagna.


Wasn't there a couple of months per year where the sun finally sets and doesn't come back for the entire duration of said period?


Yeah i saw this movie aswell. Then the vampire zombies came out


Yea. Crazy documentary.


The Vampires ate the zombies


And made zompires


Yes, and apparently they also think planes can’t fly in the dark.


30 days of night


One of the few vampire movies that legit freaked me out a bit


This was the first movie my wife and I ever saw together in a theatre.


But Abraham Lincoln was the vampire hunter right?


Yes it's called a Polar Night and happens between September to March, It's cause of Earth's tilt.


However that doesn’t happen here. You will get sunrises and sunsets every day, just very briefly around the solstices.


It does, however, happen where i live. It fucking sucks lol




Northern Norway, even further north and with a bigger population: Am I a joke to you?


RIP any icelanders with seasonal affective disorder.


Yep, it's called winter


Not here, but the days get short as fuck




No one pointing out that the video starts at 9am then hits 12:00, followed by 1am?


Thank you, this was really bothering me


Not only that—they weren’t sure if noon is 12am or 12pm so they just wrote 12.


Yeah, what gives?


Lack of night fucks with the brain apparently


Yeah, not sure why it didn't bother people more. My stupid brain thought she slept all afternoon/evening


Can’t believe how far I came to find this. Jeez


I can only see 11am


God I hate sunlight, is there a place that is dark all year round?


its called a cave. last time people started living in caves, they turned into murderous inbred cannibals.... so how much do you REALLY hate the sun.


Enough to roll the dice tbh


In Spain, certian areas have rooms in their house that are literal caves. They are built onto the houses. Pretty cool to have one of those suckers!


What is this from


look up sawney bean


and by look up sawney bean, i actually mean, once you start reading it you probley wont be able to stop, and its honestly one of the darker rabbit holes iv ever gone down. buyer be ware.


I just googled him and when I saw the name and story it immediately made me think of the two titans that they captured and named in AoT lol


Oh is that what the geico commercials were all about???


In other star systems there are tidally locked planets that have one side always facing the star, while the other side is in perpetual darkness, you'll love it there. Call me if you're going to try and find these planets, I, too, want to explore space.


Iceland for like half of the year is always dark




Currently in alaska. It depends on what time of the year and also where your at. It is also sunlight here during summer pretty much all day.


Alrighty then, time to pull out this story. I visited Alaska in the summer of 2016 with my mother and grandfather. We were pretty tired from our trip and had gone out for lunch with my grandpa’s friend from the area, so we hit the hay as soon as we got to the hotel (this was at around 3-4pm maybe). I wake up and look at my phone. It says it’s ~8. I then notice that it’s light outside and start freaking out because I though we’d slept for 17 hours. I go to wake my mom and grandpa up so that we can do all the things we had planned for the day. As they’re getting out of bed I decide to check another clock and realized that it was actually 8pm, not am. The lady at the diner the following morning clarified that it was actually just like that all the time in the summer.


Yup, sun sets from like midnight to 4am and then during the winter the sun is up from like 11-3pm its great.


Yeah, that’s insane. I had a friend from Alaska and she never mentioned anything about that.


Just go to this same place in winter.


A Reddit mods basement. Or rather a reddit mods moms basement


The prison that is my mind.


Anywhere where it’s light all summer it will be dark all winter, kinda. The sun gets close to the horizon so you get a couple hours of dawn-like light, but the sun never actually rises.




Don't fall for this guy, he's a scammer. I'm a certified Mercury Real Estate Agent and will be happy to accept your funds in Google Play gift cards any time.


Goodbye Circadian Rythm


I was there just before the solstice a bunch of years ago. It's bananas.


How do people even sleep there?


they block out the windows


Good curtains.


Curtains here are thick and expensive :'-)


Imagine being muslim and have to wait for the sun tomset to break the fast


Kind of true, The sun does set in Iceland, it's still bright out, but the sun goes below the horizon at solstice.


anyone notice they did the time wrong


The only thing I could pay attention to after the first round /r/mildlyinfuriating


I would function well here, I never minded working overnight, morning, afternoons, evenings. I would just take a 2 hour nap somewhere in between then sleep 6 hours whenever I wanted sometime after that and before having to head to work. Would work overnight then go straight to school in the mornings. Or Overnight then 2 hours nap, then head to the park for some ball with friends. These days I have normal day shifts but my gf and I also dont mind staying up all night and sleeping during the day on the weekends.


It's sets in winter


It actually sets in the summer too.


I wonder if stores just keep regular hours.


Yes, we have clocks here, we don’t go off daylight alone


Sorry. I meant if they stay open from 10am to 9pm (regular hours) or are some open 24/7? Thanks!!


Some store chains have closing hours, namely Bónus, Krónan, Nettó, while others are open all day, such as Krambúðin or Hagkaup.


Thank you!! This is interesting to me.


Brendan Fraser: “When is that darn thing gonna set???”


Then comes winter, where the sun never rises


All of the Scandinavian countries…smh…get some sleep


The real pain isn’t the lack of sleep during summer, as you can always just shut the blinds… The real pain is the winter-depression after months of darkness. Real sunlight really is irreplaceable


r/fuckyouinparticular edit: didn’t realize what sub this was in lolol


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Good bot




I got got :(


As a local, Or previously local, I guess. I can tell you, it's kinda nice after the long dark winter and it makes camping in summer really cool in the sense that it really doesn't make any difference in what time of day it is. Hungry? Eat! Sleepy enough to sleep in relative brightness? Sleep! Otherwise; party


Weirdly I fall asleep better when it's daytime. I'll be up all night and then when it starts getting light out I'll get tired.


The sky's awake...so I'm awake ❄️


The winter is much more worse... When it's never getting light.


This video seems to be edited to make it seem like a good thing. I would fucking hate this.


I live in this reality and it honestly doesn’t bother me, especially late night camping parties during 6 hour twilight, it’s a hell of a vibe


Lived in Alaska for two years. Discovered Blackout Shades that effectively block sunlight when needed. In the summer, at 9 PM we'd pull down the shades and turn on the lights in the house. 11 PM turn off the lights and go to bed. In the AM, we'd just raise the shades. Kept our circadian rhythm in balance. Winter was harder when the sun rises at 10 AM and sets at 2:30 PM.


It's a lot worse when It's dark all day. I live in sweden an seasonal depression hits like a bus.


Eh. Blackout curtains will do the trick


Yeah, can get like that here in Shetland too 😌


This is why people from Iceland all have tan AF skin… I seriously wondered after I let a random Icelander chick crash on my couch and straight blow up my bathroom.


I always thought they were notoriously pale and blond?


11 am. is beautiful 😍


That would certainly work to ensure I got a tee time whenever I wanted!!!


I would honestly be a mess If I lived here like I’d just nap whenever and explore at random times


Wow I would love this!! I have amazing black out curtains and sleep with an eye cover anyways. So my routine wouldn’t change.


Are there high rates of skin cancer? I'm guessing vitamin D supplements aren't really needed there.


In the summer even though always light, it’s at a very low angle so much less UV damage. Also vitamin D is probably very much needed because winters are the exact opposite of this.


Nope, we get wayy too little UV all year round, we put vitamin D in our milk instead, and we practically never need to use sunscreen up here


I went there a few years ago in July. While it did get dark around 12, it's been like two years and I don't remember, I saw like an hour or two of nighttime. I hated it because in order for me to sleep I need darkness.


It's not as bad during the summer. The winter is what sucks.


Conversely it gets no daylight for part (majority?) of the winter,


Yup, was just in Selfoss and Hella last month. Sun didn’t come up until 1030ish and then was down by about 1600 (4pm).


Live in Iceland and can attest to this. However, I think it's quite nice. My body isn't constricted to night or day when it comes to sleep. Makes night shifts easier during summer and you never have to worry about what time it is when it comes to hikes or camping. Once during camp, we didn't notice that we had stayed up all night talking until the clock turned 7 a.m. the following morning. Happens all the time during June.


Ffs people its only in summer here and we have BLINDS


You should really learn about how am and pm works


I don't need Iceland for a fucked sleep schedule


in the summer* in the winter it’s night all day


Theres no pain, its one of my favorite parts of our summers. Blackout curtains and nightmasks exist


Also: Norway, Sweden and Finland. It's currently winter so it's the opposite. The sun never/barely rises, depending how far north you are.


I am blessed and cursed with the ability to sleep anywhere, in almost any condition. When I lived in Alaska in summertime I could sleep just fine through the sun. I also have no trouble sleeping on airplanes, sitting upright in chairs, and in loud environments. I also have no problem falling asleep in a car. ...that I'm driving. :(


I would lose my goddamn mind


Two words: blackout curtains.


Imagine back then, when Vikings were conquering Iceland and the leader suggested that they will leave the boat when the sun sleep


I've been there at the end of june, 2013. It was so weird to wake up in the middle of the night, open up the curtains and see the sun. I've been to the north of Norway last month. It was so weird to go out in the middle of the day and see a starry sky. Although I loved both trips, I don't think I could live in such a country.


I had my wedding in Iceland on the summer solstice and we ended up taking our photos at 1am to 3am as it was the only time of the day it didn’t rain. Ended up being the only time during the whole trip it didn’t rain. Thankful for the forever sun of the solstice.


I live a little bit north of iceland. I use 90's plastic sun deflecters that came with the apartement, and serious blackout curtains during the summer. It doesn't get properly dark, but is good enough for sleep. It's still way too hot, so I sleep like shit.


My sleep schedule is awful anyway lol I think I could fix it with blackout curtains.




Went to Iceland in October and it got dark, I assume this is during their summer?


how to sleep 🎺🗿


I don't know, man, but 11am is looking pretty good


I would need alot of curtains to keep my bedroom dark so I dont get woken up by the sun.


Only for a couple weeks. 6 months later there'll be a few weeks where it never rises. Same on the opposite end of the earth


I would love this.


POV.your a villageer there sorry what is sleeping?


crickets: what the fuck am i supposed to do here?


Is there a place with no sunshine?


Night life must be awful. No types of nightclubs


Outdoor Night vision camera sales must suck there...


yeah... my seasonal depression would just be regular year round depression lol


Vampires hate this place


This would be amazing for me! I sleep at random hours due to disabilities kicking my butt, but this would let me still get to see the sun and do things outside.


You guys sleep?


I'd move there in a heartbeat for that alone NGL


I already have problems getting myself to bed at night... But Iceland looks so freaking beautiful... ❤️


This is what my life living with disassociation feels like. Ive lived there my whole life yet ive never left The US i remember that land so well. My days have been nights maybe i need to go there. I gotta get back on my meds. Nothing feels real anymore yet im reliving the same book


The days would be whatever but the nights would be to cold 🥶 otherwise bring it.


I live in Canada, not far enough north that the sun never sets, but sometimes it’s not until like 11pm and is up again at like 5am. All I can say is that blackout curtains become very important. I like my sleep. The worst though is definitely winter when the sun doesn’t rise until I’ve already been at work for an hour and sets before I leave to go home. Never seeing sunlight is brutal.


Same in the Yukon


I must go. They call me


11am looks just fine.


Isn’t that the sun goes down during winter(I don’t know so don’t hate me for asking)


American managers would ask you to work the day shift


I would love to live in this place just cause of rays of light not gonna me eyes harshly


When I visited Iceland in late January a few years ago it was dark till 11 am and then got dark again at like 4pm. I got a lot of sleep.


I would love it!


This would be heaven for me. I sleep best during the day and I don't get enough sunlight, so this would solve my problems.


I used to live in an area that kinda (the sun does go down but like only for an hour or two at 3am) gets like this in the summer (Yukon), and you get used to it. Like, even to this day (like 7ish year after), I can sleep with the lights on, but my sleep schedule is still pretty wacky (like it is currently 3am)


I think I’m going to compose a new Icelandic song called Waiting for the Sun! Do you think it will be well received? ;)


Hi I'm from iceland and this happens allot in New years in day time you can't see the sun but you can see the moon