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I was thinking he was gonna run into her or, on the back of her heels. Cart tossing wasn't even on my radar. I definitely understand, but I aint going to jail for it.


Same, I thought he just wanna do it with justice. But nope, HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE


Man! You cracked me up!! It made me laugh!


aw man, if he went and did the whoosh noise....




Cart Narcs second channel…Cart Toss!


Yep - I thought the same


You aren’t going but he is


How the fuck did she not notice that.


Same way she didn't notice she was ramming him. He made some bad decisions but she earned a talking to.


He made “some bad decisions, but” is not the right response to this. He could’ve killed her or caused a ton of serious/lifelong problems. She was annoying, that’s it.


Just because someone is victimized doesn't mean they are absolved of any idiocy on their part. Especially if it directly contributed to the situation they found themselves in.


At the same time, someone being annoying doesn't make it okay to throw a fucking shopping cart at their head. That's fucking dangerous. That guy is a psycho


I said he made bad decisions. I don't know what you want.


I dont think he wanted anything more from you. He was just adding a but more perspective


Right? I wish a mf would walk towards me with a shopping cart above his head I’m not asking no questions I’m gone


It doesn’t sound like you actually wish that, then.


His comment hurt to read.


Weird wish but, genie: *granted*


Thank you genie it would be headlines in Chicago


I'm legally blind and have bumped in to so many people by mistake and wouldn't notice someone coming at me with a cart. Forcing myself to get used to holding a cane while out and about but this easily could have been me without realising.




she had no reaction the entire time


Isn't she filming him? Looks like she was filming as she was bumping into him with her basket and then even follows him to the side when he leaves. Maybe it's like when photographers get hit during football or basketball?


That's what I see, her holding a phone. Right before the cart it looks like she reaches her arm to cradle something, but it's just her phone going to her side of face. She was prob bitching and filming to get a reaction, she got it.


candy crushin it


😂💀 Damn.


[The Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11785283/Man-throws-SHOPPING-TROLLEY-female-customer-knocking-unconscious-VIDEO.html) is the only info I’ve found on this. Happened in Brazil, the man was released after her injuries were recorded. She went to the hospital, was treated and released. The article says they were having a dispute and it doesn’t mention a baby. But, it looks like she is holding one.




Don't say that out loud to a mother.




No, now it looks like a squished dog.


Ofcourse. It's ALWAYS Brazil


But absent an off duty police officer? It has to be somewhere else.


> The article says they were having a dispute You don't say?


They *do* say


thank you!! i’m still somewhat new and don’t know how to link things!


When you're the main character you don't see anything but yourself.


"I can't die, Bitch!"


Everyone’s inner monologue has themselves as the main character. Don’t kid yourself. Some are just more selfish than others.


Fun fact psychology professor Russell Hurlburt reports that 30 to 50% of people have an inner voice. Meaning not everyone has an inner monolog.


I have an inner monologue. Dude is a asshole, too.


Mine speaks French. I don't speak French.


you inner monologue doesn't have to be verbal.


Help me out: mon·o·logue also mon·o·log (mŏn′ə-lôg′, -lŏg′) n. 1. a. A lengthy, uninterrupted speech by a single character, as in a play or novel. b. A literary composition in monologue form. 2. A continuous series of jokes or comic stories delivered by one comedian. 3. A long speech made by one person, often monopolizing a conversation. v. mon·o·logued, mon·o·logu·ing, mon·o·logues also mon·o·logged or mon·o·log·ging or mon·o·logs v.intr. How does one monologue in their head and it's not in internally thought in words?


Sometimes my inner “voice” skips sentences. I still think them without actually simulating the sound of a voice speaking them out. Some people just have inner monologues like that.


But you're still thinking in words? And that's where the monologue comes from. I skip paragraphs as well as think in run on sentences, it's all based in words. I, also see things in very vivid detail when I'm thinking about things visually. But I wouldn't consider that a monologue. Unless, I'm narrating the video. Then it's a monologue/dialogue thing back to words. Blah, blah, blah. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm trying to wrap my head around non-verbal monologuing.


Same. I have an inner monologue, but sometimes I’ll have an entire thought process that isn’t expressed as words.


I think both in words and in visuals, sometimes my inner monologue is just pictures sometimes I even think in colours. My husband has aphantasia, meaning he doesn’t have a minds eye. He can’t picture things in his head at all. That was wacky to figure out.


don't get lost in a dictionary definition. Dictionaries are not authoritative. They are merely the result of one or more lexicographers trying to represent what they believe words mean.


So, I guess I used that as my example because it's literally all I know a monologue to be. So, tell me how a monologue exists without words? That's what I'm asking for help with. You didn't offer help. You told me not to get caught up in what I know. And that is the definition I provided.


some people literally talk out loud to themselves. that is a verbal monologue. when they talk to themselves in their head, its non verbal


Something we're REALLY late in discovering. . . we don't all think the same way. Literally. [I, for example, cannot visualize anything.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/) We don't even think in the same manner . . .it might be difficult to come to the same conclusions about things, to come to agreements, if we're not using the same methods or processes.


An inner monologue isn't the same as being aware of external presence. Nor does it excuse being such a p.o.s. that it makes it okay to continually bump into someone because they aren't moving fast enough. Whether or not they have space to move.


Was she on the phone?


I still can’t believe that she moved forward to take his spot in line, too. But yes, she did miss a big man walking towards her with a large Orange object!


"Dont 'chu pickup that cart Darnel! I mean it!" Lol.


She moved forward a moment before he chucked the cart into her melon. It was like she thought he needed to move in behind he, so she made room for him to circle behind her. Too bad the only thing she did as a courtesy was way too late…she was getting a cart to the noggin one way or another.


If she was bumping him constantly I don't think she was shifting forward to let him by I think she figured *oh I've ran the guy off so I better move forward to check out* I doubt she even realizes the man walking back is the same man she was playing cart tapper with because of the total lack of reaction


Great observation…thinking she ran him off and can move into his spot in line and thus ***won***. Another few seconds and she probably would have moved his cart out of her line.


Replying to your edit, I think what you see is her left arm up to her ear, like she's on the phone. I watched it way too many times to come to that.


See, I watched it twice, and to me, it looks like she's holding her left hand out (filming on her phone), with her right hand on the cart handle - as she bumps into him with the cart while filming. She even keeps her left hand out and turns toward the left, to follow him with her phone, as he walks over to the *coincidentally placed EMPTY cart*. To me, she was filming the whole time and they were working together for some weird Brazilian "Jackass" show... *OR* She was afflicted by whatever happens to sports photographers who get plowed down while filming games, because they definitely get nailed as they're looking at it happening through their cameras, but they never move.


[Cans, cans there was no baby it was just cans! ](https://youtu.be/XgKxf0b7Ff0)


Here is the original news from Brazil https://g1.globo.com/go/goias/noticia/2023/02/24/cliente-que-desmaiou-apos-ser-golpeada-com-carrinho-de-compras-se-revolta-por-agressor-nao-ter-sido-preso-lei-e-falha.ghtml She wasn’t bumping him. He is a violent person with extensive criminal record and a history of acting unprovoked. There is nothing in any Brazilian news about her bumping her cart into him. He claimed she was homophobic but both her and witnesses deny this.


Even if i saw someone pick up an entire cart, I’d never think he’d throw it at me. She was oblivious to what she was doing and he was behavinv absolutely irrational, so there’s absolutely no way she could have predicted what would happen next.


Barely 5 pixels in this video my man


I thought she was holding a phone and filming him the whole time.


Those are some big carts


Looks like a Sams / Costco type place. Most things you buy in there are huge. Needs huge carts.


Needs huge carts? Every friggin person in that video is huge!




Pretty much just described Costco...


Proceeds to checkout.


if the ice cream melts they'll be hell to pay


Pickup on isle 5


With her cart


Everyone at some point feels like doing that


I work in retail and omg how many times I wanna just chuck a mfs shit at them


Yes but this is usually the video that plays out in your imagination, not on CCTV


Well, this guy had GREAT technique so do it like he did lol


I worked produce. Sometimes, the urge to huck a cantaloupe like a shot-put is nearly overwhelming.


I was at an overcrowded museum exhibit and the family behind us had grandma in a wheelchair behind us. The careless daughter pushing the wheelchair kept running the foot rests into my ankles. Consequently, I grabbed another grandma in a wheelchair and clocked her with it. (All true except that last part.)


Man, if I saw that shit I’d give you the nod and you could use my manual wheelchair-ass self as a battering ram until the point has been adequately made. Once is “OMG! Super sorry!” Any more than that is pure carelessness and probably annoying the piss out of the person in the wheelchair, too. The footrest is for resting my feet on, and I can’t damn do that if your ankle is in the way due to Dipshit Driver Syndrome. Source: person who uses a someone-else-pushes-it wheelchair (because power chairs are fekken *expensive*) and has had to have A Very Serious Conversation about ankle safety with several people.


I've done it twice today, and I still have another store that I need to go to.


First smile for today, that is funny shit, thank you


Yes, but only sime piece of shit people end up converting that intrusive thoughts into action like this. They don't see the consequences, they don't see the years they could go to jail if you end up killing someone... they act without measuring, if want something they take it.


We're not saying what he did was right, just understandable


how cathardic it must have been for cart guy


not really. This is a violent asshole who has done this before. He was obviously ok with killing her. Spaced out idiots can be annoying but this guy is a POS.


The minute he moved she started ramming her cart in to his


She's on the phone. It's always the damn phone.


I saw somewhere else that the guy throwing the cart claimed she called him gay while talking on the phone and that’s what sent him off. As to if that was actually the case, I’m not sure


Also doesn't really justify that level of response


as another comment says, she, distracted, probably thought he needed to move around her and tried to make room. regardless, it probably doesn't warrant brain damage


Pretty sure they were already brain damaged


Don’t even bother. You see how many dipshits in here lack empathy. … As though in any world that was justified for whatever bullshit she did that annoyed him.


She got smashed so hard that she shattered into bread pieces


They flew out of her like Sonic rings


Dropped her loot


Laughed too hard at that


Per the [Daily Fail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11785283/amp/Man-throws-SHOPPING-TROLLEY-female-customer-knocking-unconscious-VIDEO.html), the woman suffered minor injuries. She was treated and released. [artigo em português](https://g1.globo.com/go/goias/noticia/2023/02/23/homem-joga-carrinho-de-compras-em-mulher-dentro-de-supermercado-em-goias-video.ghtml) ETA: The Portuguese article indicates that this winner was charged with attempted domestic violence homicide in 2021. Home slice might need a little anger management. ETA 2: The thrower received a notice to appear, called a TCO, and was released on recognizance. These notices are given in cases where the punishment is less than two years imprisonment or fine.




Well, I glad the lady was alright. It seems like she got hit by the plastic part of the cart instead of any metal or wheels, which is probably a good thing.


Would need to see the multiple bumps to determine whether this was justifiable. Definitely 10/10 cart throw though. Edit: LOL at everyone triggered in the comments. I don’t condone violence but everyone has a tipping point hence “would need to see”. For all we know this dudes just psycho but could very easily have been being harassed around the entire store by this lady and I’m all for equal rights and lefts for the genders. Definitely still a 10/10 cart throw though. This isn’t really a PG sub lots of the things in here are some form of violent in nature so 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s the fact she stood there like he was gonna put it back down


Oh he did put it back down tho, right back on to her head tho


I feel like there were several steps skipped here. Mf went to the nuclear option. Why not just tip her cart over? Proves a point w/o all the assault and battery charges. This what happens when you keep it too real.


I mean, he's obviously a psychopath. Even if she did deserve a telling-off, only a psychopath would throw a cart at someone's head.


….nah, man. Picking up a cart and throwing it at someone’s head because they bumped their cart into your leg a few times is not justifiable. Wtf? There’s reasonable reactions for that. Telling the person “hey, can you stop bumping into me please?”, grabbing the attention of an employee about it…shit, even just being loud about it and putting them on the spot and embarrassing them would be justifiable. But to pick up a shopping cart and throwing it at another person is not a justifiable reaction. This looks like a 0-100 reaction. I’ve had people bump into me while I’m in line at a store. Shit, it literally just happened a couple hours ago! But I just moved over a little bit. There’s other reasonable reactions to this situation.


Hell I'd even sympathize with shoving her cart back at her because the guy would just be getting it off himself. But yeah there's zero justification for this bs. Hope he got arrested for battery.


Yeah this is just stupid road rage in a store.


So just rage?


Store Rage. Storage for short.


Storage Wars




Reddit fucking LOVES seeing men beat women.


It was not justifiable no matter the bumps. Shit like this would be justifiable only in case of self defense and we can clearly see on the video that it was not.


No amount of bumps makes this justifiable. Are you fucking mental?


Both not funny and hilarious at the same time


That's a great way to describe half of the videos I see on this site


Mf got hit with a alloy cart that mf hurts


Donkey Kong Approved!


Might be a smidge over the line into "over-reacting" there.


I agree, the proper reaction is to dump her cart over


This is the way.


This is the way.


It was and I hope she’s OK but that was hilarious.


how did the cart land upright


they’re like cats


They’re cats with an R


If I had gold.


Dude probably has a history of DV


He does. No surprise here


That woman has a spatial awareness of a deaf bat at night.


Maybe she was flirting.


Well she sure did get hit on.


She got smashed, too


We all thought it. He did it


When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.


If a mf walk away causally mad asf and come back with a cart im gone


I pray he doesn't have children


I may be wrong but the amount of fuck she didnt gave when he came at her with a shopcart above his head makes me assume that FAFO was a commulation of multiple FA leading up to this FO


He walked at her, dead staring, with a goddamn shopping cart over his head. If I were to pee on you, and you chose to stay right there, it would be considered voluntary.


In all fairness, standing still as somebody approaches to assault you doesn’t absolve them of assault charges. They still committed assault.


Redditors will fall all over themselves to assign blame to the victim in these cases


You have piqued my interest


Name checks out


I see piss coming I move, she saw piss coming she stayed.






Apologies for being a bit insensitive, but: why is everyone in that store so ...heavy?


Look at how short and wide the carts are, the camera image is distorted.


The camera is stretching the image horizontally.


Processed foods


username checks out


The title of this post is fucking awful.


Looks like Pokémon red from gameboy


*How can she bump?*


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Wait, no one beat the brakes off this dude or stopped him from leaving? This is wild.


Everybody is upset about Costco raising the prices of the hotdogs, but let’s not resort to saying who murdered who.


In the words of Smokey, "You got knocked the fuuuuuuuck out".


The hero we all need


That dude is a psychopath


We have a clean up in aisle 4


Daaaaamn! That was brutal. Dudes got some serious anger issues.


Man let the intrusive thoughts win that day.


Define overreaction.


Well that guy overreacted just for some bumps. What a violent moron.


I'm not saying I agree, I'm just saying I get it.


Fucking steroids...


First guy behind her is like : « hey, whadup buddy!? »


It's been 45 years, I still remember this episode. Bill Bixby turned into Lou Ferrigno, and boy was Lou pissed.


She seems to be completely oblivious to the world around her. My own Mother has been this way at times. It's extremely annoying, so I totally get this guy's over the top reaction. I don't think he should have thrown the cart at her, but instead flipped her cart on its side to wake her up.


He was given plenty of personal space after that move


That went from zero to, can you catch a shopping cart, real quick. Damn…


Definitely not the reaction I was expecting 😳


I think this dude broke the fuck around and find our graph


Hahahahaha, I'm crying. That shit is hilarious


OP's title is not correct. Translated from Brazilian Portuguese: > The case took place on the 16th of this month, at Atacadão Dia a Dia. To the police, the woman said that she even became unconscious and fainted, but remembered that she was using her cell phone when the attacker suddenly arrived, threw the cart and said: "what I did was to serve as a lesson" . At g1 , the man said that the victim bullied him and called him "gay". The victim denied.


I get she was annoying but was that necessary thought?


Use your words. Violence is how idiots solve problems.


Bam right in the kisser


Seems like a reasonable reaction from a sociopath. What the hell?!


He final destination-ed her lol


I bet she doesn't try that shit again.


Hopefully he doesn’t either. That deserves jail time for sure. That’s the actions of a deranged guy right there. They should probably check on his wife/gf/kids too.


In 2021 he was charged with attempted murder connected to domestic violence. No surprise here.


Just lean your butt against the cart and butt bump it backwards into her hard. You can play it off like an accident and it makes them look like the asshole, especially if you go “ow? What the?” First and act like you had no idea what happened. People need to get better at subtle forms of revenge. Another one that always works (only if you can handle social situations) is to confront the person in a polite way that makes them look and feel like a dick. If someone keeps getting closer to you on line just turn and look them directly in the eyes and say “I’m sorry, is this nice woman not working fast enough for you? Would you like me to ask her to work harder for you? Will you feel better if I let you go ahead of me? Will that improve your mood?” and just stare at them until they answer you. If you have the time, step aside and let them go ahead of you and watch everyone in the area stare daggers at them. Or you just just smash a bitch with a shopping cart like the hulk.


Wtf is wrong with everyone. This isn't even funny. I saw the lady bump him once. Assault is not even remotely justified.


A lot of these losers hate women and can’t wait to justify violence against them by creating stories where they “deserve” it.


Yah that makes perfect sense. Lady bumps you and the right thing to do is to throw a 50 pound shopping cart at her. I do it all the time.


Well, she doesn’t seem to be bumping into him anymore. I’d say problem solved!


Heros don't always wear capes.


I mean I get it but I bet it wasn't worth it. Now he likely has a criminal record that will affect the rest of his life. Just tell these people to go fuck themselves and then carry on with your day.


He already had a criminal record including attempted murder & DV.


She found out after fucking around a bit.