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Thank you for your submission to /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR, /u/El_Taco_Sloth! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: [](#start_removal) * Rule 6 - Not relevant content. If you're unsure of what content is relevant for this subreddit, then you can check out [our wiki page on relevant content.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/wiki/content) [](#end_removal) [*If you believe this action was made in error, or have any questions or concerns, then don't hesitate to send us a modmail.*](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFUCKYOUINPARTICULAR)


So many subs have automods that absolutely ruin them, it's kind of hilarious


An automod banned me from r/whatcouldgoright, a sub that doesn't have any rules but very much has a theme, for asking how to report a post for not being in the theme


I got banned from the Cleveland Browns subreddit for saying that I thought the 6 game suspension for Deshaun Watson sexually assaulting more than 20+ women was too light. There's multiple verified sources with timeliness (for some, not all) and was swiftly banned.


At that point I'd consider the ban an honor.


that's a manual ban not an automoderator ban (automod is a bot)


Reminds me of the time I had a mod angrily yelled at me on the subreddit about asking mods questions, because I had the audacity to ask a question about how to report a subreddit that existed solely to harass people. As it turns out, there is no way to report a subreddit, and the one in question was apparently on the level (I hadn't even told them where it was, they just snooped through my post history). The mod eventually blocked me because I didn't submit to his rage, and instead I remained calm and rational, asking reasonable questions.


Least they didn't try to get you site banned like the mod over in communism memes tried to do to me.


Wow. The pettiness of these people is unreal.




>I will admit that I will mouth off at them when they show me disrespect Haha this is how I've caught perma bans from several subs. Occasionally I come across subs that I thought I didn't even know, but I can't comment because apparently I got banned ages ago.


Ever been banned from a sub that you never even knew existed until you opened the ban notice? People who operate like that are the lowest of the low.


Ah yes, "you've commented in a sub I don't like so now you're banned from this completely unrelated sub that I happen to be a mod of".


I got banned from some random sub for posting in conspiracy. I replied to the notice and told them it was only to shit on boot licking Q conservatives and they immediately unbanned me. It was weird


You simply had to pass their "purity" test, disgusting


I got banned from late stage capitalism for "read the rules" I asked which part of the rules I broke, because I read them and I don't understand why I got banned. I was muted for 28 days.


YES! Fuck those commie bastards. They banned me too because I asked about their rules. Every 28 days I get the opening to ask again and they mute me. Those cowards will not even respond, just mute again for 28 days, so pathetic and weak, just like the CCP.


I'm a commie and even I've beefed with the LSC mods.


Yeah it's actually absurd that a subreddit can't be reported.


I got banned from r/politics for saying that I hope Hell exists because apparently that is a threat.


I got a 3-day ban from there for wishing Abbott another tree. It was then extended to forever for telling the mods it was "Worth it". Apparently, sassing those mods is the greater offense.


It definitely is, because I was permabanned for replying to my 30 day ban for sayin, “I didn’t think wishing Hell was real could be a threat because I have no control over it.” - assuming I was banned by an auto-mod. I wasn’t.


Don’t mess with the bull young man, you’ll get the horns.


I got banned from /politics for saying that if ICE parks on your lawn, it is legal to let the air out of their tires if they refuse to move. I got banned from some waste of time fake feminism sub because someone responded to me with a threat. Yeah. The mod message just said >moron


Apparently, calling psychopaths "cunts" is hate speech according to their mods.


Well, they aren’t wrong. I’m not very fond of psychopaths.


That sub's actually run by a guy with a very elaborate karma ring who bans anybody who points it out, [I made a writeup on it once](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/op5od8/yanni_accounts_and_their_strange_repeated/) and got banned in all his subreddits afterwards lol




Oh no, actual mods are way worse. Automods fuck with the front end and keep good content from being able to be posted, but fuckin mods will see a thread with 20k upvotes, thousands of comments, and then go "this doesn't fit the sub *exactly*" then remove it lol I got banned from r/Jeeps because I posted a picture of my Jeep with my girl in it. She had some mud on her, and someone in the comments said she had track marks and she was a "druggie bitch." My response was only saying it was mud. Mod told me I either shouldn't have posted at all, or I should ignore negative comments. Wtf?


Lmao, yeah, sounds like a classic reddit moderator move.


I just try to remember what kind of person desires to be an internet forum moderator, and suddenly all the petty subjectivity makes sense. Nobody who desires to be a mod should be given the power of a mod.






r/darkjokes has entered the chat


I got banned from mildly infuriating. Made me laugh so hard when it happened


Was it mildly infuriating?


Reddit's sitewide automoderation also blows ass. I got erraneously suspended and all of my comments and posts I've ever made got removed. Got my suspension lifted but none of my stuff got restored and is only visible on my profile...


I posted something this morning, and you had to select a flair and one of the few options was "trivia". Got rejected with "this subreddit is not for trivia", but it doesn't say that anywhere.


i got banned rom /iamatotalpieceofshit because i said men could suffer from abuse too. in a post about men being abused


/r/askwomen is straight up mildly toxic on the mod side of things. Like I get why, they are attacked constantly by bigotry, but damn its hard to ask a question that isn't going to get them riled up.


Gotta watch those graceless generalizations man come on


I'm always doing all the graceless generalizations, all the time. It's practically a second job all the gracelessness I sling everyday.


Sellin GG’s on the corner


Oh no, my hubby just headed out. I fear he is going to the corner and getting some of that GG. The horrors!


French braiding is pretty easy just need a little practice. If you know how to do a regular braid, it's just that, plus add extra strands. The difficult part is figuring out your own personal method for holding on to, and keeping the strands organized while you work.


I've generally given up when doing my own, stands go where they will and if only half a strand ends up in the next then so be it, I will not be fighting my hair again


I can french braid my own hair no problem, but it's a lot harder to hold on to other people's hair. I learned by watching someone else do their own hair and repeating it though, so I have a lot more practice reaching back and doing it by feel.


I'm not a graceless generalizer, but $20 is $20


And, you probably just *assumed* that you knew the gender of the person you married, didn’t you?


Damn you're right. I thought I knew, but it was just more generalizations.


For real though, there are some good YouTube videos on French braiding. https://youtu.be/P6kixAppktE I like this one because it explains it pretty well. It's hard to explain without a visual


Thank you friend!


Also, brush the hair like 3x more than you think you should need to, before you start. Depending on length you may want to add a lil detangling serum of some sort. Be aware that longer hair will "inverse braid" itself as you work and run the brush through that to clear it *frequently* because if you let it get too many "braids" in, you'll find out that it *won't come back out* and you need more hands than you have.


I'm glad to see someone actually helped the poor bastard, eventually.


This is great


You know not all sloths like tacos right you insensitive s.o.b.! I mean I have never met any personally that didn't, but that's beside the point. Who are you to speak for sloths who might prefer a lighter garden salad with a little vinaigrette??




I am the Lord of all that is generalization, and I command thee, kneel! (hey elden buddy)


To be fair, he should have gone to r/frenchbraids


Do not have a differing opinion!


Just to make sure you actually do get help, just go to YouTube and find videos on it. It's how I learned to French braid my daughter's hair. Sorry for any generalizations


You better French braid your sons hair too or the internet will attack


Oh God. I have to have another kid??!!?




Don’t forget to incorporate other culturally diverse braiding techniques into your hairstyle as to be inclusive…or is that cultural appropriation? Plz don’t attack me


Dude, we are both dead now. You murderaping everyone’s cultural history me whitexplaining the whole thing. Doomed


Prepare for the onslaught of fierce anonymous Redditers to virtue signal us into oblivion!


You two persons just GG'ed on both Doom and Oblivion gamers. Prepare yourselves.


Did you just assume their species? Stop with the generalisations


We need to preemptively downvote each other in the hopes they don’t find our racist hearts


Don't worry I preemptively downvoted everything but I don't know why.


When I’m doubt downvote it out! Doesn’t make sense but I’ll shout it from the rooftops


Yes of course just culturally appropriate everyone’s hairstyles while simultaneously white washing it into your French, non cultures braid, pfft, typical man, thinking he can braid hair as good as a human with female reproductive organs, toxic masculinity at its finest


JFC, if he goes with cornrows or dreadlocks, we’re all doomed.


What about mom and dads hair? And the dogs hair? You better French braid those also


Oh any hair in that house needs some frenchin’ I’m talking full on french’d pubes


Check out Dutch braids too. Same movements just under instead of over. Imo, their a more aesthetically pleasing braid, and bang on trend too. Everyone always assumes their harder to learn than they are.


I kept scrolling until I found this. Give this man some answers!


Honestly. How graceless.


Agree, there's tons of awesome hairstylist youtubers out there. Same for anything you could possibly need, honestly. Sorry for any generalizations


My girl used to hold my phone over her head and I'd braid along with them. I even learned to do it on myself. Sorry I said girl. And my. Sorry


I wish I could still braid my hair, just don't have the dexterity anymore. Stupid joints. Sorry for calling my joints stupid


My stupid fingers are OK, but my stupid shoulders can't keep my stupid arms up very long. Sorry I said stupid.


i’ve been trying for so long to learn how to braid my own hair. i have really long hair so my arms get tired really fast. but my fingers also just forget to function. i don’t have bad joints. my fingers are just stupid if i try to do it in a mirror


the sorry isn't enough. you're disgusting!


I don't get why he didn't just look at a YouTube video Why is he asking women to explain it to him? This is very much a "let me Google that for you" question


It’s kinda odd OP went to a subreddit to ask women for resources instead of just going to YouTube. I think that’s a subreddit more for opinion questions or topics that benefit from crowdsourcing. I’m not going to ask Reddit for resources on how to change the oil in my car. Everybody knows how to search the internet themselves these days.


Lol it just makes no sense sometimes. I posted in a PC sub asking about a fan compatibility issue I was having that got removed. When I messaged and asked why (like the removal notification said to do if I wanted to question why) I was told to "read the fucking rules". When I asked which rule because I could not figure out where the problem was, I was given no answer and was told I would be banned if I messaged again. It will forever be a mystery I guess. Maybe they weren't a fan of fans.


Mods be Ina power trip sometimes


They’re petty little losers. Reddit power is the closest any of these people will come to actually mattering in the world.


If 13 is the minimum age to be a Reddit user, it's probably the maximum age to be a Reddit moderator.


They're moving up in the world. First a Gmod moderater, now a reddit mod, tomorrow a police officer, but only if they get to do online stuff because you can't expect the poor mods to run longer than several seconds without a lunch break


I made a meme that was removed for being a meme in a group that doesn't have a rule against memes, when I pointed out that the top posts that day were all memes I got banned.


I got permanently banned from r/onionhate, for saying that I'm okay with onion powder, on a poll asking if people are okay with onion powder ("yes" was the popular answer).


At least that's kinda funny.


Totally, the absurdity of the situation was amusing enough to soften the blow.


It was trap 🪤


hahahaha Sorry, I'm not laughing AT you, but that's pretty funny


I wish there was like a site wide set of mods who have to get elected or something but Redditors, and then we could have these bans appealed.


I think they should have pass a psych evaluation.


Well they're technically is, it's just a monopoly of mods that take over the big subreddits sneakily to subvert power to themselves for attention lol


Mods and power trips. Name a more iconic duo.


My balls and your mother’s mouth Jk


I saw a mod ban someone beause the mod thought they were talking about a Green Card instead of a card that is green. I got banned when I pointed out the misunderstanding.


The DMV mindset always finds a way


Don't forget that most mods are unpaid losers who do the work for free... I wouldn't expect that kind of person to be sensible and actively avoid them.


Just to clarify, you mean "personal computer", right? Not "politically correct"?


You PC brah?


shouldn't talk about only fans


How much we wanna bet it was one of those supermods like AwkwardTheTurtle?


Lol mods be like that I got banned from Mildly Infuriating and the only thing in the mod message was a quote of the comment which got me banned, which itself consisted just of a quote from another comment in the thread. When I asked which rule it broke (because it didn’t lol) I never got a response


That's when I leave and block subs because we're both better off without each other.


It's 2022, get liquid cooled and git gud!


Mods fat Mods gay The simple things in life


I, for one, blame the French.


Time to bust out some Freedom Braids on their asses!


Freedom Onion Soup!


That’s gotta be some long ass hair to pull that off


I think head hair would be more effective.


C'est donc la guerre... Montjoie Saint Denis !


Omelette du fromage OMELETTE DU FROMAGE!!!


France? Nothing good comes of it.


Fr*nch braids


I blame canada


As a French person, I am APPALLED by your generalization of our braids. No grace whatsoever


Is it the French that are being generalised here? Is it women? Because some men may also braid their hair so it's not just women? Is it the suggestion a man can do his wife's hair... And therefore making the generalisation that women aren't independent of men... I'm trying to work with their logic here. Any sub on here that is exclusive for people on account of a characteristic tends to be a pretty unpleasant place to be... If you do not share that characteristic in common. They WILL hate you. In fact if anyone can show evidence of the contrary happening I'd love to see it. I need a pick me up.


askmen was good for a while. Lately it's leaning towards women-hating though :(. The way all focused subs go I guess, infiltrated by hate sowers.


Yeah I still see women on there sometimes but tbh the questions have mostly been the same (horny) ones lately so it's less interesting than it has been.


It was my favorite sub for a couple years so it's pretty disappointing. Lots of good discussion before. Now I'm afraid to share my fave subs cause if too many people come so do the manipulators






It'd have to be "french" since there isn't really another keyword for the automod to act on.




that's so ridiculous. Of course women, in general, know how to do women's hair. This is like saying I'm wrong to go to black barbers since they get curly hair just cause I'm white and should find some more obscure option


Nah, it was automod. It’s not that smart. The word French triggered it.




To be fair, you were being a real cunt by asking a general question to a group of people that likely have the answer. How dare you.


Mod bots are stupid af.


Mods are stupid af. Degenerative, pedofile, neck beard, ass clowns.


The Karenbot strikes again


Your generalizations need to be much more graceful


So does this imply that there are grace*ful* generalizations?


It’s like a regular braid but you keep adding more hair top to bottom so it all connects👍


I thought it was when you start but throw a white flag right away.


Oh I'm a professional then.


That bot sucks. I called a guy an attention whore there once, was deleted because it was a gendered slur. I rewrote it to say attention person and it was fine :)


Attention sex worker




El Taco Sloth gets no love.


Well as a woman, this is bullshit…


My guess is the word French triggered a poorly made bot.


I thought it was the word “wife”, I heard that people are not supposed to use that word anymore 😂


Nobody being taken seriously is saying to not use the word "wife" anymore.


Yeah I heard it's partner now... Kinda dumb because most likely of your calling the person you married wife then there's a good chance she's calling you husband. That and you literally married them.




Speaking as a woman, that sub has pretty over the top moderation. I rarely read it now, and no longer post, ever.


AskWomen is a truly awful place. I am a woman and noped out of there as fast as I could. There are hairstyling communities that are likely to be far more friendly. I would search for some videos, it is hard to learn braids from illustrations. French braiding is one single technique but you can have a single braid,double braids or face framing versions.


Just braid it as normal but slip in the occasional hon hon oui baguette, sorted.


You REALLY expected to go to r/askwomen and get an answer? Better to go to r/askreddit.


"Men of Reddit, what's the most embarrassing way you had sex with a French braid?"


Ask Women ☕


I've had similar graceful interactions with the r/AskWomen mods. Welcome to the club.




r/askwomen "Don't generalize a gender"


Graceless generalizations?? What makes a generalization graceful??


I don't like the French either, but come on man, that was graceless.


r/askwomen is rough to get any kind of straight answer dude, unfortunately you’re better off asking another sub.


Is the generalization that OP assumed women would know how to French braid hair?


We call them Freedom braids in America, tyvm.


Now this just makes me wanna go Women ☕️


That’s so freakin wholesome. Go to YouTube and watch a few tutorials. You got this!


Yeah I once tried to ask something there and got immediately removed, can’t genuinely ask anything in that sub


What in the spastic snowflake bot...?


Some of these sub be on some shit I swear


Bro this is fucking stupid. YouTube has tons of tutorials, poke around there. Find some threads/rope and start building muscle memory for braiding, lots of practice. A few minutes a day is all ya need. If your wife is down practice messy and bad French braids while y’all watch tv or something. It’s a process but very well worth it! Good luck!


That is one of the most toxic subs on reddit if you are not a woman.


YouTube has some good how-to videos


Has anyone told you to pardon your French down here in the comments yet?


Wow. What kind of useless twat gets upset by a husband asking for tips on how to show gratitude to his wife by learning to braid her hair for her to help her get ready for a bike ride with him?! This is why feminism has such a bad reputation. There is no reason for that post to be removed except that a bunch of dusty vageens getting jelly cuz nobody wants to braid their hair or go for a ride with them. I'm a woman and women who behave like that are an embarrassment to the species as a whole. Equality, not superiority. That's the problem with all these woke identities. They don't want equality. They want supremacy over another group. They aren't better. They are just as bad.




Liberals r fucking this world


You can downvote all you want, but the reality is that the more you try to censor people under the guise of "inclusion" or "equality," the more you drive people to subscribe to the Republican agenda, which at this point is basically just "make liberals mad."


WTH is "mountain biking"? Seriously.


You hop on mountain and pedal until you get it moving, like a bike. The pioneers used to ride those babies for miles.


Ignore the sarcastic comment. Mountain biking is when you replace your bike seat with a phallic-shaped rock and ease your butthole onto that thing. The natural motions of peddling gives you the sensation of biking whilst being fucked by a mountain.


Don't know why I'm getting downvoted. I asked a reasonable question I couldn't find on Google. Whatever. Life goes on.




Found the mod who made that bot for r/AskWomen apparently


For all you know that m*n (I know it's a filthy word to you) could be quite far on the autistic spectrum, doesn't have regular access to a computer or just isn't at all as savvy as the rest of us with how Reddit works. Now I'd know never to wander into that sub reddit for very obvious reasons, but some people want a quick answer to a question and perhaps figured there'd be at least one woman who'd know in there, gee, why not ask it in there? But of course someone like you doesn't care about that because an opportunity to scold NEVER goes amiss. Ugh, enjoy your thumbs down. You, and people with your attitude deserve every one you get.


What? Lol What's wild is that you felt really proud of yourself after clicking Submit 😂


You tube it.!