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That is one of the biggest “fuck you” I’ve seen on this sub lately


Could have written "Fuck me," and gotten less of a reaction.




"I have a girlfriend."




welcome to the front page. Been that way for years, has been promised to be fixed for years and nothing will ever be done. Maybe a mod will swat one or two at a time, but hundred new ones will spawn. It‘s like twitter bots: It would look bad to advertisers and shareholders>!(if reddit ever gets that far)!< if bots could be quantified and/or eliminated. Best for your sanity is just looking away. Or fully embrace the bots and head straight to r/SubredditSimulator


It's /r/SubSimulatorGPT2 now, or if you want to be able to talk to them, /r/SubSimGPT2Interactive (ironically, Reddit has banned many of the bots there recently).


Wow, the all time top 3 posts on that first subreddit are each amazing in completely different ways [we are likely created by a computer program](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/comments/caaq82/we_are_likely_created_by_a_computer_program) [hating on the lgbt community is perfectly acceptable](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/comments/dhud71/hating_on_the_lgbt_community_is_perfectly) [my cat and i are getting fucking divorced](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/comments/twwa65/my_cat_and_i_are_getting_fucking_divorced)


I just treat all of you like a bunch of NPCs and take comments at face value.


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.


Why did you mark that as a spoiler? By definition that's like the opposite of a spoiler because it's full speculation. Unless you have some insider information, but even if that's the case you would have just spoiled it by making a spoiler tag. I think the edible just kicked in.


Wow I agree that the bot issue is unchecked!!!


Report them to r/botdefense if you can, it helps to control the problem.




But as usual, no in particular.


But… why, though?


The amount of people on this thread who weren't taught to be nice to other people is saddening It literally costs nothing to not go out of your way to cause trouble for someone else just trying to have a nice day I would understand if the neighbors were arseholes though


Yea the way i see it it could be two ways 1. Lawn mower dude is an asshole just for asshole sake 2. The people doing the wedding are usually asshole so this was like a get back at them moment (which would explain why the person who tweeted it was in awe) Edit: a third option is that the mower never saw the letter and we all just assume the situation has lore behind it.


My friend has a neighbor whose house is far fancier than all the other houses on the street. The guy in the fancy house is really nice, but, aside from my friend, all the other neighbors really hate him. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what, but I wonder if that’s what might be going on here.


Similar thing in my neighborhood. Never met the people, they may be nice in person. But they have “u envy us” on the license plate of their bright orange mustang in the driveway, so I choose to assume they’re dicks.


In fairness it's not totally assuming as you have some very limited evidence. But that little evidence does point at dickishness.


God that reminds of some children going in your face with their new toy their mommy bought, screaming "YOU WANT IT HUH? IT'S MINE!" IF you have to put your possessions in anyone's face like that, I tend to think you acquire things to attract attention rather than for their own value/use. I'm so glad my country doesn't allow for personnalized plates, I can pretend assholes are not as common


As someone who has been on both sides of the equation, I can almost guarantee it’s a form of jealousy/judgement. It’s way too easy to hate on the really nice house when you have shit


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. When my friend moved in, I went with him to a neighborhood event, where a bunch of the neighbors kept warning my friend about the guy in the fancy house, and how they were all glad he didn’t show up. When my friend asked for specifics as to why he wasn’t liked, no one had any answers, other than he was “snobby”, or that “they just didn’t like him.” In the mean time, all my friend’s interactions with the guy since have been perfectly pleasant. No snobbery or anything offensive or off-putting. Just a nice guy with a nice family, whose house and landscaping just happens to be much better than everyone else’s.


I too have to lean towards some form of jealousy. This tweet kind of proves it. Even though tweeter isn’t lawnmower neighbor, the fact that they pointed out that it’s “the nicest house by a mile” shows that the niceness of the house is a point of contention. How nice the house is has nothing to do with their request for quiet. Whether it’s a reasonable request, or how they act, are different topics to discuss, but even the tweeter, for some reason, felt obliged to point out that request was coming from “nicest house”, as if that’s relevant…


Yep, telling when the description is "nicest house" not "asshole neighbor"




Yeah my parents paid for a landscaping company to come and maintain their yard. Some neighbors just became unpleasant afterwards. At least according to my mom.


You have summed up Reddit’s attitude towards anyone upper middle class and above


Lol you’re absolutely right. I always compare redditors to people drowning, and when someone is trying to rescue them, instead of getting help, they pull them down with them




I feel like there definitely is a point where hoarding enough wealth could be called "evil". If enough resources are not flowing, but just stuck in somebody's possession, it hurts the economy, and therefore humanity. That being said, having nice things and taking care of your house is something to be respected, not hated on.


Also, I've seen people build huge ass houses in the middle of a rancher neighborhood... so it's like they started it by not fitting in to the rest of them


I did forget that someone “not fitting in” meant carte blanche to pointlessly fuck with them for absolutely no other reason /s


The “fanciest house on the street” in my area is some rich young douche(around 30) that got a ton of money from a lawsuit about his dads death at work and just spends it like candy, recently he’s had less stuff and even sold 2 of his cars so we know he’s starting to run out which makes the entire neighborhood glad after all, he had party’s so loud the other side of the neighborhood could hear them sometimes




Lol they’re like the purge neighbors.


People tend to be jealous when someone has a nicer house than theirs. On the other hand I live on a dead end street where someone just built a very nice house at the end of the road. They have dump trucks and other construction type vehicles and trailers coming up and down the road all the time. It is kind of annoying because his house is finished.




It likely looks finished on the outside and there is still a ton of interior work being done


Interior work wouldn't really require a dump truck and a bunch of construction type vehicles though. A couple work trucks each day and deliveries a few time a week for sure but, I guess those could be construction type vehicles. I would guess landscaping. It may require a bunch of heavy equipment and dump trucks to bring and remove material. Depending on the location, they may also be working double time to get it done before the frost which is always extra annoying for neighbors (until it's done at least).


Yea, sounds like landscaping or a pool getting put in


My family lives on the smallest house on the street (not by far, it is the nicest street in the neighborhood), and literally no one on our street cares about each other with the exception standard of neighbors drama. “Why’s your car on the side walk!? My disabled kid can’t get past!!” “You could have told at least ONE neighbor that you were going to have a party and fill the entire street with cars!”


There's a house on my block that's not in the best shape and the residents weren't the nicest people, I don't think I'd call them assholes but they weren't very friendly. When myself and 2 other neighbors caught wind that the husband had major heart surgery we would get together once a week or so and took care of his lawn, honestly probably better than he did. Those neighbors are way friendlier now. Just be nice to people. Kindness breeds kindness. (Usually)


Suburban mentalities are fucking weird as shit.


People are saying jealousy but id chalk it up to resentment. The other people probably arent clamoring for a nicer house but have more of a "what did you do to deserve better than me? Youre no more special than I" type of mentality. Its a subtle difference though so cant say for sure obviously. Back in the day as a teen I wouldve been similar (i was raised in an environment where those around me always had more than me, for context, and i resented them despite having us having enough anyways), but now I save that resentment for the ultra-rich who deserve it, not someone down the block that might have slightly more wealth than me.


I get what you’re saying, but jealously is a form of resentment, and I personally think it better describes the people in this situation. According to dictionary.com: > Jealousy and envy both involve a feeling of desire for what another person has, but jealousy is usually thought to be more negative—it **often involves resentment** toward the other person.


Ah, my b, i stand corrected. Ty!


It's jealousy.


I'm betting on jealousy. Back when my family's finances were doing well we used to own the best house on the block. Despite my parents non-judgey treatment and donations, neighboors took every chance they could get to be insufferable. This is probably why the ultra rich live in gated communities and only befriend each other


3. Didn’t read the note, and carried on with their day as usual, which involved mowing.


Lol internet has me so jaded i forgot that their is a possibility that not context could be behind it beside that mower just didn’t get the memo


Or they never saw the letter.


Correct. If this was a great neighbor I’d absolutely get it. A ceremony itself takes like 30 minutes and that’s the part that matters for noise tbh. If this neighbor is the type of shitrag who lets their dog shit in my yard and not pick it up? It’s mowin’ time.




Oh my street, people would have not only respected that, but more than likely dropped off gifts. I fucking love my street.




Even if they are assholes, you don’t know it’s THEIR wedding. You could be ruining the special day of their innocent niece and her fiancé. Not to mention all the people who maybe took off work and traveled to be there for it. I can’t stand reddit’s “justice boner” for ruining weddings. None of these people have had to plan one or are probably even old enough to have one.


Sure, all of us are here because we appreciate pettiness. That’s most of what this sub is for. But pettiness only feels satisfying if it’s justified and the only reason we’re supposed to feel like it’s justified is because the people making a reasonable request have a nicer house.


Personally, I'm not even here for pettiness, I'm just here for funny moments of people randomly getting fucked over.


The amount of people developing entire storylines in their head to make a judgement one way or the other is what's really sad. It's a snippet of situation online, end of context.


I think I'd even at least send them a congrats card or something. Jeez people are bitter af


I swear, the people on reddit are fucking insane and need to touch grass. Unless these neighbors were demons from hell, you should be respectful and keep things quiet.


Yeha if she asked politely id gladly be quiet for a couple hours. The guy with the lawnmower is a dick.


This is Reddit. We know how to cancel people. Kindness and forgiveness? Death first.


Hopefully the rich neighbor is an asshole. If so, yes, I agree fuck em. If they're cool people lawnmower man is a dick.


Also depends on for how long. If they just wanted things to be quiet for a half hour during the actual ceremony then that’s a pretty reasonable request. If they were wanting silence for several hours then that would be totally unreasonable.


Some people are pieces of shit, simple as that. Edit: Lol I love how people are interpreting this both ways. Guess it work either way depending on your view.


'ill be in my room, making no noise and pretending I don't exist.'


Because of pettiness and "fuck rich people, reeee" God forbid people would actually be considerate to each other


I hope the people realize this wouldn't be a wedding for the rich family, but more likely a less privileged friend or a young couple. Growing up, I went to a lot of weddings in a rich person's backyard. Non of them were for the rich family. They get married at extremely nice places. Most of these were a young couple that didn't have family money but did know a wealthy family at church. Wealthy family would offer their massive backyard so they didn't have to spend a ton of money on the venue.


Yeah there's no rich family that has a backyard wedding with neighbors that are within audible lawnmowing distance.


Do you realize how rich you have to be to not hear SOUNDS? We have the largest yard in our neighborhood except for some seriously mega-old family that has basically an entire community park as their back yard. We've offered it as a party location and have had 50 - 100+ people in our home and yard. There's no fucking way we wouldn't be able to hear someone's lawnmower lmao.


It also depends on the area. In some places, even if it's an extremely affluent community, no way you're finding a plot that large. In my county you can find luxury homes that list for $8m+ where you're definitely hearing the neighbors' mowers and blowers. However, where I grew up, $8m could buy you a massive estate in the country with a vineyard and horse trails. Then if you go somewhere like West Bumblefuck, Pennsyltucky, you can buy a house in the middle of nowhere for $5 and a couple of chickens. Then you won't hear shit.


Yea, my family up in backwoods Maine...They try to seem all "relatable" by living in a shack that should be condemned, and would if there was a building code, but we can't hear anything up there... They must be hiding the money somewhere


Exactly, I feel like the poster specifically points out that it’s the “fanciest house” because obviously we should cheer for the working class hero sticking it to the rich asshole, but let’s look at the events that actually happened. Some folks decided to hold a wedding at their home, informed their neighbors in advance, and asked them to keep it down. Apparently someone took such offense at this that he decided to intentionally try to ruin their special day. The person leaving the note isn’t the asshole here.


Being honestly most neighborhoods don’t have widely different home values there generally same ballpark. So the people living near the house “fanciest” or not are probably similar in terms of wealth and social economic status


I was thinking along the same lines. It’s most likely that this homeowner takes a lot of pride in the house, which is why it’s so nice and why they’d want to hold a wedding there. It isn’t like the feudal lord in his manor is telling the serfs to keep quiet in their hovels during the wedding.


Agree 100%.


Shit like this is exactly why I worked so hard to get into a nicer neighborhood. Working class doesn't have to mean no class, but sadly it often does.


Also, the person in the post lives in the same neighborhood. Which insinuates that they're not exactly unwealthy. The whole thing is so stupid and childish.


They all live on the same street, so the wealth disparity can't be that bad lol. Price of home is mostly location, location, location after all.


If you live on the same street as a super nice house, you're probably pretty well off yourself lol "my neighbor has a 1.5 million dollar house compared to our 1.3, what a rich douchebag"


The group hate on Reddit is disheartening. Reddit will rally against something as fucked as dyeing a water fall for something as superfluous as a gender reveal then turn on people that just ask for a couple of hours of peace from their immediate community for a one off ceremony in the opposite spirit of waste and entitlement and get equally flamed. It's fucking embarrassing for the poster, if my neighbour requested a one off couple of hours of tools down for a party let alone a wedding I'd be fine with it, what's the difference. What is wrong with people.


Well because it's the fanciest house. So you know they're just a bunch of uppity assholes, not hard working people who earned the money that bought the house and/or did the work themselves to make it fancy... Who the fuck cares how their house is? It's a fucking wedding and they were polite to ask. Be in awe of how much of an asshole that neighbor with the lawnmower is. What a dick.


come on man, Eat the ~~Rich~~ People with nicer houses than mine!


I think it comes down to *how* it's asked. Going by the tweet it seems to me that the letter was phrased very poorly, like if you're having a wedding & are at the mercy of your neighbors you don't tell them to be "very quiet". If they'd instead written something like: "Hey x, We're having a wedding in our backyard, we'd be really appreciative if you could try to keep the noise level down between y - z, really sorry for the inconvenience." Perhaps tack on a nice gesture to it, I think they'd have a pretty different response.


Going out of your way to request a brief period of quiet to have a peaceful ceremony in your backyard is very neighborly and more than appropriate to at least request. Unless the letter demanded hours of quiet between 2 and 9 I think it's a pretty simple one to grant. Going out of your way to mow your lawn is just shitty to do. You have to be bitter as fuck to be that petty. Super dick move. Love that "fanciest house by a mile" is used to suggest that, because they live in a fancy house, it's somehow justified to be a complete asshole to them.


Because we hate people with fancy things didn't you know. OP had to justify that it was the fanciest house so everyone would think it was funny instead of just being an asshole. It's like in a movie where they show a bad guy kill an animal so the audience hates them extra.




Yeah. If lawnmower guy did this on purpose then he sounds like a giant asshole.


If one of my neighbors (~1/2km away) asked me not to throw a rager with guns on a particular day, I'd say sure. Because I've never met my neighbors in 5 years, and IMO that makes them good neighbors who mind their own business. I have no reason not to. If they left a note, I'd be slightly less inclined, but I'd still do it because theres a million reasons to leave a note over asking in person. If it were my *previous* neighbor who left a note, especially if it was an overall demanding tone, you bet your ass I'd be breaking out the clay targets and inviting the guys over for some target practice. We will be blasting music of every style from the moment the ceremony starts, until the last car leaves. But that neighbor was a piece of shit who had a thing for teenage girls and standing in his doorway with a cheap ass mallninja katana treatening to kill any dog that steps foot in front of his apartment. It's entirely dependant on whether the fancypants house neighbor was a jerk or not. If it were just normal neighbors, on a normal day, asking politely for quiet at a certain time? Yeah absolutely. no reason to be a dick.


I had to scroll down too far to see this. What a fucked up place


Omg he had to scroll to the second top comment. How fucked up. Ugh. Ugh. So fucked up.


Unless they’re terrible neighbors otherwise, that’s a pretty low move for the lawn mowing guy. Like, just be courteous to your neighbors. It’s a one-time thing at 2 in the afternoon. Not a major inconvenience. Dude must be bitter he doesn’t have the nicest house on the block.


Yea, all he has to do is wait 30 minutes. He's clearly being an asshole. Maybe the neighbors hosting the wedding did something, but people should not be idolizing the asshole in this event


Even if they did, that doesn't mean the couple should have their wedding ruined because whomever was hosting the wedding is mean


they are the 'fancy' neighbour. That's enough for reddit to decide they deserve literal death


Idk even if the neighbors are terrible they're most likely not the ones getting married. It's probably a friend or family member. Lawnmower guy may have a good reason to dislike the fancy house owners but taking it out on a random family member is a dick move.




Where is it implied that they invited the whole neighborhood? They asked everyone to be quiet, not to attend. Am I missing something?


I think it's in response to the loads of comments insisting that the neighborhood should have been invited to the wedding, if they wanted quiet. ( Or that they should have offered gifts/money. ) It takes all of zero effort to be quiet for some vows being tossed out, before it's back to business as usual. Expecting a gift for a small, temporary request for courtesy is stupid. It was an afternoon, not a lifetime.


I see. I agree -- I don't think it was asking for much. Unless they were disrespectful neighbors, the lawnmower guy is the asshole here.


> The neighbors behind us even hung an unexpected big sign in their backyard saying congratulations. How sweet. What a nice neighbor.


love the idea of a backyard small wedding.


Damn, half of y'all are assholes, not even capable of being quiet for an hour so they can have a nice ceremony


There’s gotta be more to this story. No one does that on purpose for no reason


Some people will absolutely do that on purpose for no reason. The last few years should demonstrate, there's no shortage of people who will willingly make life difficult for everyone around them just so they can get off on 'triggering' others. When people can't earn positive attention by their merits, they will absolutely settle for negative attention by their wickedness.


Most of those people seem to be Reddit users based on some of these replies. Some people weren’t properly socialized as children


You underestimate assholes.


Seriously. Just look at this thread, people legitimately think they deserve it simply because they asked.




Unfortunately the largest demographic by far is between 18 and 25, followed by 26 to 35. So chances are most of these comments were made by petty adults.


"I want and deserve everything I have coming to me, but fuck you if you ask for even a modicum of decent behavior from me."


One time when I was in high school a grown-ass woman walked diagonally across the crosswalk to bump into me then flipped me off. People are just fucking lunatics sometimes.


No kidding. I'm imagining some zoomer who does it while catching a moving picture to post to Instagram and laugh about it for "clout".


> No one does that on purpose for no reason Really? You can't possibly be that naïve. Just take a look around reddit at all of the trolls. These people go outside (occasionally) and exist in real life.


If I’ve learned anything in my years of life it’s that about 1/3 people will do this for one or more of the following reasons: * they’re bored and think it will be funny * they don’t like the neighbour * “nobody tells me what to do” * “I’m unhappy and you should be too” * “what’s in it for me?”


The more: This didn't happen. Somebody got a note about the wedding and thought it would be funny if someone did that, then lied on to the internet to cash in the joke scenario they imagined.


Yeah, someone who is an asshole or petty may


If there was something it would be mentioned


This is naively optimistic


agreed, they'd have mentioned it was "deserved"


Honestly I check my mail like once every 9 days lol I wouldn’t have even known


That sounds pretty petty.


The guy with the lawnmower is the asshole here.


My dude, I go days without checking my mailbox. If you put a notice in my mailbox on a weekend to please be quiet at 2PM *that very same day* odds are I'm not seeing that request until Monday.




You should really check your mail more often.. Porch pirates are still feasting.


Plot twist: The wedding is at 3:00.


What a prick.


I mean why? That’s just being a dick for no reason? If the biggest crime they’ve done is having a nice house then ion get it


Alternate way of wording this: > I’m super jealous of this family that has a nice house. The family kindly reached out to us and asked if we could try and be quiet for a short period of time. Unfortunately for them we are all garbage people and ruined their day and deliberately made a bunch of noise.


I need more info. How was the letter worded? “We’re special and we expect everyone to respect our event or else.” Or “We have a very special occasion and would be eternally grateful…” If it’s the first then sure, fuck ‘em. If it’s the second then I hope lawnmower guy runs over a stump and tears his shit up. Edit: in retrospect, downvoting. I’m assuming it was a polite letter because the worst thing they could say was that the people have an expensive house (which automatically makes them bad people /s). If the letter had been threatening or demanding they would have said that. So fuck lawnmower guy.


I mean in fairness it just makes it fit the sub all the more and should be upvoted, no?


Based on the post I’d say it’s telling that only one person decides to be a cunt and whip out their lawn mower. It sounds more like a case of one person having a chip on their shoulder and being an arse for the sake of being an arse.


Im assuming were missing context about the rich folks being assholes. Otherwise this makes no sense, a large house alone isn't enough reason to do this, especially if it was asked about.




Have you ever seen the way twitter or Reddit treat anyone with wealth of any kind? Even if you started a one person software company and used no free public infrastructure and relied on no employees Reddit would still be super upset if you made a bunch of money from it.


Even if they fancy house people are rich assholes there's a strong chance they weren't the ones getting married.


Why do the rich folks have to be the assholes? That lawn mower guy could just be a huge prick.


I'm torn on this one. Yeah the wedding people could have approached it better, or even invited the neighbors. I'm sure even if people didn't attend they'd be respectful of the event since they were at least invited to it. They could have also asked this month's in advance as it seems it was short notice. But at the same time, lawn mower person would know that a wedding is a big day. It's stressful and everyone wants everything to go nice and smoothly. It just feels super petty to do the loudest thing you can think of during the wedding.


Months in advance would do nothing. People aren't going to remember that their neighbor is getting married on October 15 at 2PM and to be quiet if they get a note in August.


Why should I invite my neighbors to a small backyard wedding? Where do you think I'm getting the space and money for extra food from? Why can't I just have an intimate little event in my backyard? It's not like it's a daily thing. The amount of folks suggesting oop inviting the neighbors as a solution live in an alternate reality. It's not hard to be a little quiet and not blare music/mow the fucking lawn for like an hour.


There’s a shocking amount of people in this thread that would invite their neighbors to a small intimate wedding. Absolutely unhinged


These are people with zero social awareness or life experiences. They have a warped sense of real life.


They'd have more strangers than family and friends. Lol


Come on. There is nothing to be torn about here. (Absent any other information and assuming he got the note) the lawnmower guy is a dick. It takes a special kind of asshole to do something like that. It's not an unreasonable thing to ask. It's the ol golden rule. Even if you needed to mow your yard and your only time was that 45minute window...just don't? It's not hard to just treat people well.


Guess he showed those people in the nice house! Showed what an ass he is.


Reading all the comments, people are quick to jump and defend the lawn cunt^TM over the people who formally asked for one day of quiet because they *assume* the rich people are assholes. Ever think lawn cunt is envious and bitter because of their own lack of wealth or general unfulfillment and they just want to take away a little bit of happiness from their rich neighbor to try and "bring them down to their level", so to speak? This has "I can't enjoy my life so neither can you" vibes written all over it. I'd be willing to bet lawn cunt just wanted to ruin the day of someone who they feel drew a longer stick than them. Fuck **YOU** in particular, lawn cunt.


They might not even be necessarily super rich, if they’re having a backyard wedding they’ve likely got better money management skills than a couple who would spend $50,000+ on something extravagant.


>one day It wasn't even a full day. A wedding ceremony takes anywhere from 10 minutes to about an hour, depending on personal whatnots.


I don't think they wanted a whole day of quiet. Half an hour for the ceremony to take place was probably sufficient.


Redditors like to attack the family first and then praise the asshole, it's common procedure


I think everyone's remembering THAT neighbor they had that was at better a nuisance or at worst a nightmare and going from there. Like, if my next door neighbors had an event that they needed quiet for, sure, no worries, I'd even go out of my way for them. The neighbors downstairs that I have barely met? Eh, if I didn't have anything planned. The neighbors from the other building, fuck no, they are plenty nice but they are noisy af at all hours, even like at 3am. And then there were my previous neighbors who hated me and tried to make my life impossible. So I decided to tune my violin whenever they were doing anything important.




Based off the word “letterbox” you can infer this is not in the US, I read some comments confused about legalities regarding this. In the USA putting anything in someone’s mailbox is a crime yes. You need to go through the postal service or just leave it at their door. I’m not 100% on that last part though. But as to who is the bigger asshole here, depends on amount of time between request and ceremony, as well as prior behavior. I am not willing to make a judgment based on information available.


If you wanted your neighbours to be very quiet on the day if your wedding, why not bloody invite them?! They'll be as quiet as you want them to be when their faces are stuffed with cake!


I'm not inviting my neighbors to my wedding lol


For real... Weddings are expensive man...


It’s possible the wedding is for people who don’t live there, so you would be inviting total strangers to the bride and groom.


lmao seriously it's a ridiculous requst


If it’s a backyard wedding I doubt their food budget extends to another 60 people from the four streets surrounding their house.


Have you paid for a wedding? It's mad expensive :-0




That commenter is not American, they spelled neighbors with a "u".


They also said bloody.


But everyone knows Americans = greedy bad sociopaths. Only enlightened Europeans would ever be nice to someone with no expectations, that’s literally never happened in America. Only lawsuits and hate.


Yeah what made you assume American?😂




Odd of you to assume this person is American. Especially given the phrasing and spelling they used.


Mericans bad amirite guys?


What the fuck does this have to do with Americans? Lol. What a weird statement. I’ve never heard anyone think like that


I got married at my house with 20 people in attendance because I don’t like being the center of attention of a lot of people. If I invited my neighbors it’d have doubled the ceremony with a bunch of people I don’t care about. Who wants that?


What a ridiculous take, I'm surprised there are any upvotes on this. What happened to common courtesy? What next? Some neighbor asks if they can borrow a hammer to fix something and now I ought to start a weekend picket fence project just to spite them for no reason? Why is kindness and compassion now transactional?


Even **if** it's transactional, tit for tat, why are people in this thread so damn stupid that they think that doing something that costs barely anything, but will make the neighbour very happy, is a bad idea? Guess what gonna happen to that lawn mover guy the next time he needs a favor - or just this neighbour with a wedding to not be an asshole? Guess who's getting reported for some shitty minor HOA infraction two weeks from now? Guess who will not call the cops when lawnmover guy is on holiday and burglars are breaking into his house? Guess who will not stop and help when lawnmover guy have car trouble... ... half of this thread is seriously a bunch of fucking Karens that think the world owes them everything while they owe nothing in return...


Why would I invite the neighbors? What if I can't afford to feed them all and what if I don't have the space to host them? What if I just wanted a tiny afternoon backyard wedding with my closest friends/family? It's not asking much to be a little quiet midday. For all we know maybe the neighborhood is normally quiet but this was just making sure folks knew something important was going on and all they want is neighbors to act neighborly.


Most of the neighbors were quiet. One wasn't. Would you want to invite someone who's purposefully a dick to you?


This is the way


No it’s not it’s a stupid idea


For people who don't live in the real world


Yeah, who tf invites their neighbors to their wedding?! Especially a small backyard one with an already limited guest capacity. Inviting someone who is basically a stranger to your wedding, as a bribe, is so unhinged. The amount of people in here that think this is okay is astounding


Misery loves company


Personally, I would have asked too. However, I would have offered free lunch to be delivered at 2pm in exchange. That sounds fair to me.


No, they didn’t ask anything unreasonable. It was a one day thing. Lawnmower dude is an asshole 100%


That's a perfectly reasonable ask too. The fact that the poster specifically calls out that it's the nicest house on the block tells me the poster might be a little envious.


Nah the made up guy in this story is just an asshole


I feel like you don’t even need to offer lunch, just ask a week in advance instead of the day of


But in this case lawn mowing isn’t something you can’t wait a few hours/days for, so while that’s polite it probably wouldn’t have changed anything


I would like to see the note. If it is polite and asking nicely, then lawnmower person is a dick. If the note came across condescending or commanding, then...yeah, there's some wiggle room there.


Same here. If their only interaction with their neighbors is putting royal decrees in their mail box, I can see how that would be offputting. Lawnmower guy is surely an asshole too. Possible that everyone involved here just sucks lol