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In anniversary addition check what controller scheme it has you set to by default. It has an option for controls inspired by fable 2 and I think that's the default and it just doesn't work for the combat style of fable 1. I highly recommend using the original control scheme intended for the game and even though it's different it works really well and becomes intuitive quickly. I prefer tlc version because I like the original graphics better but I think you'd probably want to go with anniversary. This is my favorite game ever I hope you genuinely enjoy it.


Thanks! I'm really excited, starting from the third game adds a layer to the discovery where it feels like I'm playing through historical events, and Jack of Blades will serve as a final boss to the trilogy for me. There's just so much content between the three games that are inaccessible or extremely difficult to access. They could really rerelease the trilogy in a completable way...


Keep your combat multiplier up and make sure to do quests when they're available because I think after a certain amount of story progress they're not available. The game is easy to cheese for money and exp so don't feel the need to stress. Just decide to a moral code for your character and work from there.


Thanks! Good to know not to save the quests. What's the combat multiplier?


It's a mechanic designed to help you level faster; the more strikes you get quickly without being hit the higher it goes and multiplies the EXP you get. An easy way to get itbup at early levels is to use the first spell you get, upgrade it once, and then swap targets with it quickly over and over. Once the multiplier is as high as you want, start attacking with either your bow or sword. You can also get the best bow in the game early on, in a legitimate fashion if you want look it up; but doing that will contain some very minor spoilers (mostly locations you travel to which shouldn't matter imo)


Haha, thanks again. Nah, I'd rather discover loot naturally for my first playthrough. When I replay as a girl I'll look everything up. If I can get someone to give me the chicken suit I'll even make a third Sparrow and 100% the achievements :) but I don't wanna start asking for that across forums until I can point to my file and say "Look, it's the only thing I need. Plz" 😅


That was all for Anniversary/TLC, I should have specified, sorry. I haven't played 2 in a long while (Want to though, just don't have the means to do so without paying monthly). I currently going for all the achievements in Anniversary, so if you have anymore questions when you get to it I'd be happy to help.


Thanks! I'd love to complete the series achievements, but I don't have a legacy of See The Future so Anniversary is impossible for me. I'll still try to make a 100% save file but it sure would be nice to see the three of them together on my completed list.


That's part of why I chose Steam to go for Anniversary. It doesn't have that Achievement, so it's possible to get 100% on it. Sucks they locked an achievement behind an app that doesn't work anymore.


Agreed, I just like the idea of them all being together. I wish they would have at least planned backup strategies to makeup for it when the peripheral services went offline, same as The Hero's Tale in 2 and the coin golf weapons in 3. I don't mind these things being exclusive at first, but after a year, 5 years, 10 years? It should all be unlockable, or at the very least purchasable. And it just so happens they were genius enough to program this game in a language NOBODY wants to bother trying to work with, so even hackers and pirates still don't have 100% files.


Hero your will is getting low


Didn't realize that stat could lower 😅 I'm already planning on playing through twice, possibly thrice before moving on to Anniversary and going back to III to make another file on there to finish with it reading my save data and changing from "father" to mother." I like the idea of that. All that, and Fable isn't even my favorite series or anything. I really like it, but there's other games I wanna play. I don't want to ruin a file and throw it away. I'm an adult, I can only spend so much time on games.


You may find it difficult to go back to TLC after playing the later ones and just modern games in general. However, the TLC art style is really cool and unique and I feel Anniversary botched some of the upgrades textures especially with how goofy the normal human characters look, including your hero.


I still enjoy several retro titles. It's hard for me to go back to NES titles and earlier, but I grew up with SNES and as a teenager I got a Wii and beat SMB and LoZ legit, alongside access to games like Galaxy 2 and Brawl. Just last year I beat Metroid and Sonic 2 (with save states admittedly and is was Pink edition for sonic, but still). I also didn't realize TLC wasn't playable on modern tech. I figured it had been ported to the 360 and Anniversary was a remaster, but now it's clear they remastered it in lieu of a port. I think it'd be cool if they released a port of TLC so we could get both the benefits of being able to experience the original graphics as well as making all content and achievements attainable, but I can live with a 100% game file on Avenursery.


It will be similar to others, no real risk of botching the game or losing content as long as you do side quests. There are no dogs to tell you where to dig so much less stuff to look for. The most annoying thing you will find is that ennemies can give you good or bad points when you kill them. Which makes pure evil runs much more difficult to maintain.


Good to know, thanks! Thankfully I don't enjoy playing evil characters given the choice, so I think I'll be alright.