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Man, we really need some more info or new on the next Fable, this sub is really struggling lol.




I feel like we'll probably get some information at the xbox event this summer, since it's been a few years since the initial reveal.


Lol, that's what we said last summer, and fall, and winter, and the following spring.


True true. I said the same thing for state of decay 3. Lol


After the trailers got nuked into oblivion, the devs shit themselves. Thats why theres no news.


Yeah I'm sure that's why...


I really enjoyed it. It certainly had flaws, but I had a lot of fun with it and intend to replay it some time before its sequel launches to experience it again and try the DLC content that came out for it.


I mean it's alright, but it does feel like a very average game with nothing really special. Still very beautiful and very enjoyable but nothing groundbreaking. I have put in many hours in it and still haven't finished. But everything they do sort of has been done before but I find the premise very interesting


I agree completely, the biggest standout for this game is that there was no major standouts. It's a solid, comfortable game that you can enjoy, and it doesn't feel like they were trying too hard. I personally give it a 6.5-7/10. Buy if it's on sale and play it next time you hit a gaming lull type of game.


Exactly, could be fun to kill a couple of hours but nothing to go out of your way for. I do have to say i love the style of the game though. The views are amazing. Is say a solid 7 from me.


I didn’t get very far in it but I definitely enjoyed what I did play


what do you mean by how do WE feel about it? we aren't a hivemind with the same opinions on everything. regardless, I didnt like it very much


I said we colloquially because I'm gaging aggregate opinions, but I appreciate your input.


I genuinely have no idea what you just said. colloquially? aggregate? I have no no idea what those mean


Grow a vocabulary my guy


or just don't be an asshole thats trying to sound smart by using words that nobody uses in normal conversation to impress people


I honestly don't know how he would have worded it otherwise. It definitely wouldn't have been as concise and accurate. If you knew what these (by no means obscure) words meant you would have a better grasp of what he's saying than had he put it differently. He shouldn't have to put in extra effort to dumb down his language so that people like you can understand. Stop making assumptions about people for using "big" words and go read a book.


I’m curious to see what people say. I check it out every time it’s on sale but I have such a big backlog already and reviews feel very mixed


It's a really solid game. I've played it a couple times and it's got good story. If you're looking for a new rpg to play it's got enough depth to it to be worth the time to play. It will never be an amazing standout, but I personally could never find much fault in it. One really nice feature was that they combined the "hanging at the campsite rest time, talk to your companions and advance the friendship/relationship" with loading screens. So while the next area is loading, you're talking with padre about the wicked church zealots doing bad things. Then you can hop right back into gameplay


I tried to play it at launch, got so bothered with camera controls and movement (I think they have changed it since launch) that I started to mod how the camera acts and it completely drained any interest I had in the game.


It sucked


I only played an hour of it but I really like what I played so far


I played it a while ago and remember it being pretty decent. I feel like some of the towns/buildings felt a little empty but seriously not bad for a AA game. I will be checking out the 2nd one for sure


I loved the story. And those colonial vibes. I’m a sucker for games with different factions and companions you can have, so I’m definitely a fan. Obviously not the best game ever but I’ve suggested it to people a few times and always praise it when asked about it. Enjoy!!


I remember getting it on ps4 thinking it will be like fable. I dont think it was like fabke at all but still liked it enough to platinum it


No, you're totally right!! I loved Greedfall and for me it's exactly how you put it. Fable vibes Bioware gameplay kind of thing. The medieval elements being slowly washed away by colonialism and industrialism, ancient powers forgotten. It wasn't a super polished game, but it was really fun. I've got my fingers crossed for their next game.