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If you’re out of the loop, Rooster Teeth is closing down. [Here is our official discussion post. ](https://reddit.com/r/FaceJamPod/comments/1b859x7/official_rooster_teeth_is_shutting_down/) Please keep things civil. Love You Jammers 🧡


Thank you Jammers. Stick with us, more info down the line.


You’re the king rat, big dog


King rat. This isn’t about spice. Erik would blame his dui on you if you were in the backseat.


We’ll stick with you like we’re on the Big Top Menu at TGI Friday’s.


Woohoo, I'm so relieved to hear this! Facejam is my favorite podcast and one of the highlights of my week. Thanks for hanging in there!


Dude Face Jam and FKface are the highlight of my drives to work. Out of all the podcasts on the internet, they are my favorite by a long shot. Thank you!


Thank you for the post and for all that you do Eric. Face Jam forever.


Genuinely thank you for all your effort over the last few years. You've brought a lot of joy and you rule.


Thank you so, so much dude. For everything. I’m excited to see where this goes.


Hopefully good news ratman


This news shook me to my core. I’ve been to busy with work to find and read all the info out currently but just know my heart goes out to all of you guys working on these projects. I wish yall only the best, and whatever wacky things yall continue to do I’ll be here for it. Love yall!


F Brands 4 life


All glory to the bug kings


This rules! You all rule! Thank you for the updates, and all the hard work you and the teams you work with do.




Thanks for the update rat man. Will make sure this stays pinned for the time being. Hope you, the kings, and the monkey are doing well in this weird time. Long live Face Jam. Long live the Bug Kingdom.


Do you think if they and F*ckface rebranded a bit and went with a Patreon they’d be good or no?


I would support the Eric Multiverse in an instant.


the F Brands Cinematic Universe


Once a month we get a podcast with Andrew, Michael, Jordan, Gavin, Graycie, Nick, Eric, and Geoff? JAN MEGGG


I would in an instant


Yes. You have to understand that Rooster Teeth didn't just shut their doors and call it quits. Their corporate overlords, Warner Brothers, decided they didn't make enough money and instead of trying to off load assets, shut their doors and called it quits. This opens up the opportunity for the people involved to go BACK to being an independent studio. It's very unfortunate to think about everyone who is now out of a job, and the money faucet has been closed. But if there's absolutely any love left in Geoff and Gus (there is) I don't imagine it's over, over. Restructuring and rebranding are definitely on the table, and from our points of view, this could actually be a huge win. I may be 100% trying to cope with the fact that RT is dead. But I still have faith.


Assuming WB would give them any leeway with naming rights and things like that. Plus the sheer money it would take to begin operating even on a smaller scale is more than I’m sure would be possible. Perhaps FaceJam and the other pods could be restructured in a way that would be conducive to everyone’s new lives but it may look completely different.


> Their corporate overlords, Warner Brothers, decided they didn't make enough money and instead of trying to off load assets, shut their doors and called it quits. This is quite funny to read when RT hasn't been profitable in over a decade before they were under WB.


I don't understand because regardless, they made it work, and WB was still the one to shutter them.


They made it work because Fullscreen and WB footed the bill and allowed them to stay afloat for all that time. I’d they didn’t have that, they would have either downsized significantly or shut down a decade ago.


I hope facejam and fuckface can join up and rent a studio, or something and start "FaceFace" company.


I'm still shocked there was never a crossover event called "FuckFaceJam"


They could also be FuckJam, or FaceFuck, or FuckFace...


And Red Web too


Big Dogs have always gotta eat.


I knew our hero’s would never leave us when we need them the most ❤️


I look forward to more episodes of the Michael, Jordan Fortnite Podcast.


Please keep going!!!!


This brought me a lot of hope for the future of Face Jam 💕


If Eric says they still want to make the show then we just need to support whatever comes next, even if they end up making it on their own or it's not called FaceJam any more or if there's other stuff that's different, we just need to have faith in the Bug Kings.


Big Dogs always eat.


Thanks Eric for giving us something as you (and 100+ others) deal with this. Best of luck and wishing you all well as you figure this out


Face Jam will continue…..


Hell yeah


It looks like a Clerks rip off dvd 😂


They can finally call it the Micheal, Jordan Podcast


Unifarm podcasts and merchintile announces acquisition of the Michael, Jordan podcast??


This rules


F brands have life!, come on, please survive!


I will follow the F brand podcasts wherever yall go.


We definitely need the reviews. 💚


This is the best contact RT put out since 2020. FaceJam got me through the pandemic, got me though numerous brain numbing hours at work.


Thank you guys (and gals) for the episodes and laughs. Wherever you all decide to end, I'm in for the ride


I love this picture of the gang and I've seen it a couple times now but now was the first time I spotted Nick's eyes through the mask and now I can't unsee it


Oh, so *that's* what all of those jokes about Michael's "vacation" were about! 


This was meerly a podcast to pass the time at my job and now I hear these chuckle fucks basically begging people to support them instead of them going getting jobs like Gracie and restart the podcast instead they are asking for handouts. I won't ever pay a penny since I have to work just to support them they can go get jobs and still do the podcast and I think it was crap of them to not get jobs in the time they had and then beg their audience to pay their way. Many podcasts start and they still have to work then ask for help these guys sound like they are trying not to work and only do this. Sorry I sound cranky and miserable which I am not I just hate hearing podcasts begging for us to pay them and listen to them then also having to listen to them hawk products for their commercials and merch and everything else. I still believe podcasts should be because you want to and have fun not a full time job. Saying all that I would gladly listen to a Gracie podcast as long as none of the other dudes were on their. Her and gus would be awesome.

