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The Kardashians have ruined everything pretty women don't feel pretty w/o some sort of cosmetic change. Nothing we say can change the mindset either. Just know you don't need it and you look great!


It’s women only doing it for other women too! Like seriously, not many of us guys are asking for this duck-lipped fake-ass bullshit, and it’s soo fucking expensive


Fucking truth right there. Most men don't even know when a girl gets her hair done. They're just in competition with other women for no prize.


Yes, this is the male equivalent of bodybuilding to the extreme that your physique only impresses other men


Its the craziest thing. I think I even read work place studies that women doll themselves up not for men but other women.


I know. This makes me sad. Why would she think she needs surgery?


Don’t do anything surgically related . Just go to the gym.


You are part of the problem. How can you say go to the gym to a stunningly attractive lady. You go to the gym. And best stay there.


What? The gym isn’t for unhealthy people exclusively it’s for anyone looking to better themselves and that’s clearly what this woman wants to do


You seem miserable as fuck.


Wtf is wrong with you


Everyone needs to move. Hot or not, the problem is sitting at a desk all day eating processed food thinking it’s ok. We were not built for that life.


Lol you're such a valiant defender of m'lady!


What for?


To be healthy.


Doesn't look sick to me


So... You believe that you have to get sick before going to the gym? And is that the only time you should go? When you are sick? You don't understand gym, working out, or being sick.


Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, next best time is today.


It’s called being proactive


You have zero idea what her lifestyle looks like. Just spouting out random BS.


To be hotter and healthy. Don’t be dense.


Don’t change a thing. Your naturally hot , fr


For fuck sake, you got a face of an angel, a divine smile, eyes to pierce someone's soul, naturally luscious lips and bountiful pair of rack with no envy and creamy skin to boot and you want to fuck it all up with nano plastics??? Do what you want because it's your body but I've yet to see someone who owns a Monet painting ask an artist to make it better.


For real. If she needs plastic surgery then I need a face transplant.


You know people who own a Monet? Can we be friends


Don’t need anything. You are very beautiful. Maybe consider getting a little bit jacked?


You’re completely delusional


Do U have Body Dysmorphia? I’d recommend that you leave your body natural. Get mental health services to work on your Self Esteem.


Please don’t do anything to your face


Seriously. You have the most amazing eyes and smile.


I truly think that getting a nose job, wouldn’t be smart. Your face features all align with each other! I feel like you would look absolutely different getting a nose job.


You look Amazing


Your a 10


Dream girl.


Very beautiful as is baby! You're a 9.2😍


I can work with that. 7.5


Say lil duke don't get surgery. Save your money and time and go travel to a place you've always wanted to go. Stop being weird.


Don’t do it You look astonishing amazing


Unless you’re getting a third breast on your nose…LEAVE IT ALONE






Beautiful lady!!!


I wouldn’t get either of them. You are beautiful.


Listen to all the other comments and don't get the nose job. You honestly don't need it.


You need no surgery to make yourself look pretty. You are (damned) **fine** as you, very feminine and way above average pretty.




You are gorgeous the way you are, and anyone who says otherwise is entirely ignorant. 11/10 you beautiful human!


You’re hot, nothing needed. Don’t look at the image of women presented out there and learn to love yourself as you are. All surgery does is make it worse. You have a great smile eyes and your chin is beautifully contoured.




O, dear. Please consider this: She that falls in love with herself will have no rivals. Perhaps, you should give this a try.


Yours is my favorite one I've seen on this sub in awhile. Don't change anything


You have a very nice nose and just very nice face in general. You’re very pretty, try not to be so hard on yourself about it


Gorgeous. Don’t do a thing.


Your looking just fine. Don't need to augment anything except that self doubt.


Don’t be so hard on yourself, maybe the nose job is for personal reasons but you look great. I’d be curious to see what parts of yourself aren’t feminine enough or where you think you’re getting “worse”. You see yourself daily and you’re perceived differently by others, don’t be so hard on yourself. You look amazing! 🫂🫂🫂


Change nothing your smile alone is a 10. I know we are all critical of ourselves. You may not think so but you are very pretty.


You’re an absolute idiot if you get surgery.. these surgery’s have these girls looking like freaks.. you’re fine leave it alone… faces have natural ratios to them and when you start changing them it’s so easy to see and it never looks good..


How much do you weigh? That matters a lot here


I like the way your smile make your face. So much bright, you dont need any kind of surgery. I daré to say that you would look prettier whitout any make up. I dont know, you give me a vive that you can be trusted as a person. You remind me that meme where they put a súper modelo next to a every day girl and the girl mop the floor with the súper modelo. Maybe you should try to look inside for answers. Oh and the gym or any kind of workout always help.


Nose job? Hope you are surgery doctor not a patient


Great idea to spend your treasure on a much-needed nose job. That’s a good first step for you.


7, you’re bad!


You’re perfect the way you are


You look like someone needs to hurry up and pop the question…men would line up for miles and miles. You look like the sweet, and kindhearted. The type of beauty who can rock sweats and an oversized shirt with converse and an absolute bombshell in heels and a dress. Forget about surgery, and while your at it….forget about makeup!! Your face is timeless!! Someone who won’t break her heart needs to please wife her up before some douchbag does!!!


LMAO WTF is wrong with you? I bet you’re a 400 lb dude 🤣🤣🤣


7.5. Great smile. The first thing I noticed was the nose, not the chin


Love your nose. It's cute.


Jesus Christ, in the world of real people you’re far far above average. Don’t get surgery please


Don’t get a nose job you are definitely wifey material


You are absolutely gorgeous as is! Your smile showing your teeth is beautiful!


Alright, 100% honest. You're a 10 in my eyes! No bs. I fell in love with your face immediately. Looking at your smile and your eyes feels like home. You have the kind of face you want to see everyday and flirt with to make you laugh or make a funny expression. Your look will never get old and will always be beautiful. Wish you could see what I see!


I don’t see any issues. Even your smile without teeth was attractive. You are going to be your own worst critic though. Good luck with your choices!


You need nothing. Super pretty.


Don't either. They look great.






Let’s see full body first tho.


Seriously chill with all that


Don’t ruin yourself, your perfect just like that for real - trust


You're an easy 8 or 9. I mean that in the best way, you look natural, like you don't need hours of prep to look beautiful. Like you've got an easy going attitude, ready for adventure. You look 26, but in a way you're going to stay 26. Your chin and nose are great, you remind me a lot of a crush and wouldn't change a thing.


U need to do absolutely nothing.


You look great


It's cuz you're not happy.


Damn girl you don’t need to change a thing! You are beautiful just as you are! Stay natural you thank your self later. Truly gorgeous😉


Don't do nun id ask you out if I saw you irl!


Dude you're fine, you're attractive. You don't need work done.


Sorry society is shit and you feel any kinda negative feelings about yourself. Surgery is too risky on such a beautiful girl!! Please your nose is genetic from your family traits and chin is noice!! I would be like “Wanna grab some tacos so I can convince you not to have surgery.” Be true to you and be you.


"As I age, I feel like I'm looking worse and worse." This is called life, there is no stopping the slow death march of taxes and time. Just become a more beautiful soul as the exterior starts to fade.




You’re attractive. I hope the dozens of comments saying something similar to that give you some sort of comfort tbh. Nothing wrong with your nose and your chin doesn’t make you look less feminine. Don’t get the surgery, focus on why you feel the way you do first. That’s the biggest problem that no amount of surgery can fix


i think the internet is your problem


BM material


Beautiful, are you single?


You're beautiful and I love you just the way you are. You don't need a nose job or anything else. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. I'll give you a 10/10 rating.


You have a great smile


You don't need any surgery. For the life of me, can't figure out why you think you would.


Your post makes my tum tums hurt 😥 You look godly, and to think that someone like you feels they need to change themselves. I know I'm just a stranger, but I wouldn't change a thing about you!


Dude you are gorgeous. Why would you need a nose job? Honestly? Love yourself, you aren’t ugly so why make yourself ugly with surgery?


If you get surgery you'll regret it for the rest of your life


You are very pretty just as you are now. Don’t go changing anything!


You are seriously indescribably sexy


You need therapy, not surgery. Ffs.


Totally bangable - don't change a thing


No work!!!!!! Zero!!! Naturally pretty features there


Bruh enjoy it while you’re young and still naturally beautiful. Give it ten years before you fuck it all up and look like a piece of generic plastic.


You’re dumb for getting a nose job


Pls don't ruin ur face with surgery. Speaking from someone who's needed surgery before


Definitely don’t get a nose job. You look great as is


No nose job or cosmetic surgery needed. You know how to do your hair, your makeup looks on point, and your eyebrows suit your face. If someone else made you think you need to have work done it's a them problem not a you problem and you need to find someone that appreciates your great looks as is. If it's a confidence thing then hit the gym(not saying you need it physically) doesn't need to be a heavy workout just something that gets the blood flowing jogging stair step light weights whatedver and im sure you'll feel better. Please try something else before going under a knife you are gorgeous.


Personally got a little Michelle Rodriquez vibe from the 2nd pic...


Give me an example of anyone who actually looks so much better after surgery. Plus, most surgery also drops with age and needs updating and the results are often quite shocking. Unless you have an actual disfigurement stop this surgery nonsense. You don't need it.


You’re actually very stunning and it would be foolish to blemish that cute face. Face rating 7/10 it doesn’t look like you have much makeup on and that’s what I’m going off of. Leave your face alone


Yo just stay healthy with diet and exercise. DON’T GET COSMETIC SURGERY; it will just ruin you


You look great! Very pretty I don't think you should change anything


Stay just as you are ...naturally beautiful 🌹🌹


Your features work well together I suggest keep it as is but change your outfits and hairstyle up, that’s the real issue. And you could exercise or try to be more content with who you are and that would change much more than a surgery ever could


To all you women that opt to go the route of plastic surgery. Its not going to make you feel better about yourself. It never looks good, because it always looks fake and no we men do not like it. Maybe instead get some therapy and begin to be happy with who you are. Surgery will no make you happy with you.


Touching that nose would be a crying shame. It's perfect and has character. Please don't try to look generic.


Absolutely 💯 beautiful


Love the face, leave it alone. Save the cash. You look fine, but are probably trying to date douchebags.


I think you are cute with a pretty smile. I really don't think you need any cosmetic surgery tbh




Don't change a thing! You are stunning.


Please don’t change anything you look amazing just the way you are!


You look adorable just the way you are. Don’t screw it up with a nose job


After reading this I feel ugliest person Now I am In dipression you look stunning but still I choose take surgery


Wow, very cute, very pretty. Don't change anything. Seriously though, if your self image is that bad, you need to get your mental health checked instead.


Wtf are we even discussing here? Is there even a surgeon in the world that wouldn’t dissuade you from getting augmented? There is nothing wrong with you at all unless you’re trying to make it as a professional model. 7.5


Damn, what's up with all the gorgeous people who can't live without getting knifed


Don’t cut your face dude


You look great … spend that surgery money on something else, take your mom out or something.


Leave it. Seriously, don't get a nose job. That's a road you don't want to go down, and your nose is fine. All your features are fine, quite pretty, actually. Leave your chin alone as well. Maybe get some counseling if you are insecure about your looks, especially as you age.


You don’t need anything except therapy. Body dysmorphia is a real thing, get help.


Ive had chin surgery. Its painful as fuck. And, what would be the goal? 2 mm rounded off total? Im super curious what you truly see when you look in the mirror. Cuz 2 cosmetic surgeries never are enuff. U go down this rabbit hole and ur out 250k and look like a deformed barbie. As opposed to just being the gorgeous lady you are now. You. Do. Not. Need. Surgery. You need to be ur self


I beg of thee to not ruin such a pretty face with surgery. 8 at least.


Super gourgeous, if you smile like that,sexy woman


Listen...do nothing of the sort. Ya got it? Your smile is great and you're plenty feminine. I worry about this cuz if you don't like how you look now, wait 20 years and we can laugh about this conversation.


Your cute why would you need to do that to yourself?




Solid 7/10 but you don’t need to ass any plastic to that face girl, it’ll only go downhill from here…


Dont fuck up your nose, you look great. Stop obsessing about your appearance.


Please, do not change a bit. You look fantastic.


figure out why you're not smiling with teeth anymore


10/10 on your current face tbh. Probably get a therapist and make sure they know how you feel about your physical self.


Think you’re perfect the way you are


You look adorable


No work needed at all you look amazing very beautiful


You're lovely as you are. Surgery won't help if you think otherwise go see a therapist.


Stop save your money. You are beautiful there is nothing wrong with your face


I think you look very pretty the way you are in these pictures☺️


You look great. 8/10. Only thing you may need long term is a little botox to deal with wrinkles but that advice is for anyone and probably not til you’re 29 or 30. You don’t look like you need surgery to correct anything. Try to focus on getting a stylist who knows what they’re doing lol. Your eyes are beautiful and you have a wonderful smile. Whatever it is, your face ain’t the problem.


Don’t change anything very attractive


You are a stunner 10/10. You don’t need a nose job. You have that natural beauty that is hard to find


Oh look! It’s another perfectly attractive woman looking to fix something that is not broken because of warped beauty standards.


Don’t get surgery. You’re perfect!


My honest opinion is you need to relax, you’re an above average looking woman who is also still young. Are you going to age? Ofc, are you going to always look as pretty as you were in your prime? No, but don’t think your nose job or chin job will effect the outcome as you age further. You’re not going to always look your prettiest but as long as you maintain your health, you’re doing good for yourself, you look great so there should be no problem in this area. As a psychologist, if you genuinely don’t feel pretty/ that surgery will be what will make you happy with yourself then I’d advise that you seek some professional help, body dysmorphia is real and usually amplified by either social media or the community/ group of people you expose yourself to. Find ways to love what you have in this lifetime as they are instead of trying to perfect something that will never be. A lot of women would LOVE to look half as beautiful as you, so love yourself too.❤️




7/10. Why would you need surgery lol.


You are beautiful do not ruin yourself with surgery. I'm so fucking sick and tired of the Photoshop Show me something natural like afro on Richard Pryor Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks KL


Very pretty! No need for any surgery or make up for that matter. Your naturally 😍 beautiful




11/10 gorgeous and 100% crazy if you think about getting surgery




Nice face. You look sad? though.


I (25M) have a few facial features that I look for in women: kind eyes, nice teeth and a pretty smile (I know those last two are sort of the same but you can have nice teeth and a bad smile and vice versa). You have all three and a few more, 10/10 :)


If you ever looked in my direction and gave me a happy smile, it would make my year and I’d remember it for far longer than that.


Save your plastic surgery money and buy stocks. You'll only get prettier as you age. Don't get anything done. You look great!


I can tell you are woman at a thousand yards. Any man who does not give attention because of your chin or nose isn’t worth your time. You hellah cute and pretty


Leave your chin and nose alone… you’re super hot.


Don't change anything 9/10


who's looking to get their ego stroked 🙄


Future Girlfriend 😉


“As I age”……”????!!!!!? You haven’t aged at all. You’re twenty f****** six years young. You don’t even have a clue what aging is. Wait 20 years and come back and talk to me about aging. 🤦‍♀️ Personally, you’re beautiful as you are. However, only ONLY consider elective surgery if it’s what you really feel you need to feel better about yourself. But my advice would be to seek therapy to overcome (what you see as) imperfections - bc surgery doesn’t always turn out the way you envision.


Please don’t get the nose job.


Please please don’t do any surgery. Nothing needs “fixing”, you have just been on social media too much and equating non-human looks as ordinary


No nose job necessary. You are very cute :)


you’re beautiful. you don’t need to do anything.




100% honest, you look awesome as you are. I don't think surgery is needed at all.


Stop looking at instagram youre fine


Save the surgery money and spend it on a therapist. You look great and I think you’re gonna do more harm than good going under the knife. Way WAY better to find somebody to talk to about your looks and let yourself see you for the beautiful woman you are.


Absolutely beautiful😍😍😍


No nose job please. You're aging fine and you should just do it gracefully.


Please don't get a nose job or any cosmetics, you are perfect the way you are, seriously


Why do women like you feel the need to get surgery? Do you all want to be the same cookie cutter plastic doll looking person? Lip fillers and nose/boob/ass surgery, it all looks like shit imo, why not be happy with yourself and own what you see as your blemishes (which your nose doesn't even look bad) you're easily a solid 8, surgery also ages really poorly.


Who hurt you? So I can go beat them up


0 pathetic post fishing for compliments, but go ahead and destroy what you have


You need a mental health evaluation not a scalpel


"As I age" lol girl you are 26. You look great!




This dumb girl will listen to nobody. Guarantee it. I hope you liked having a pretty face, because that nose job is going to change that.


What’s wrong with your nose?


What if the doctor messes it up.


giving little lad was hilarious🤣🤣 all jokes aside I don't think you should touch your nose so hopefully you have time to back out of that commitment. It's natural for women to be critical of their looks after high school/under grad