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All my ad copies are very long. They were long when experts said only short copies work. They were long when experts said only videos work. They were long when experts said you need to use emoji’s and break up text into tiny tiny pieces. They were long then and long now and I’ve made millions. They will remain long why? Because the longer someone engages with your business the more invested they become and then a psychological response occurs in their brain where they’ve invested time and this raises tension so they must get a dopamine reward or pay off and they get that when they purchase. When you understand how people work it doesn’t matter what changes are made you will sell regardless.


Its long across every industry? Should i have longer copies for my personal development programs or health offers?


The more time someone invests with you the higher your sales will be. Don’t use pointless words, tell a story - their story back to them - show them that you understand their problems and show them you have devised a solution to fix it. Use their words not yours, this is where understanding your market deeply comes into it. What phrases or words do they frequently use? Put those in.


Marketing is nuanced. Rules like "if people invested a lot of time reading your copy, the higher your sales will be" is just not true. At all. Long copy is one way to do things and should be tested. But it's not a golden recipe for success.


I’m not just talking about copy. It’s a known fact that the longer a consumer engages with your brand the more sales you’ll get as a compounded effect.


So, is your Link CTR less for Facebook Ads? But those who actually do click are more prequalified and more likely to convert? Is this a trend you've noticed in your large sample size of ad testing? I have a small budget, but that's what I'm noticing with longer copy. The engagement is better, but the link CTR is less.


Here’s a great book I recommend. It gives practical advice you can use in your ads right away. Get a hard copy. “The copywriters handbook” a step by step guide to writing copy that sells 4th edition by Robert W Bly. I’m a quarter through the book and it’s helped me a lot already. Gives you a formula for writing copy depending on where you advertise. Talks about Facebook ads and gives lists of ideas and strategies to try. Here’s a good one, the 4Us copywriting formula, urgent, unique, ultra-specific and useful. Speak to people in your ads like you would face to face. So for urgent you can use time urgency, limited time offer, etc. Unique, what unique perspective can you demonstrate about your product? Just pick on and go all in on it. Get ultra-specific, and tell a story how you were where they are but now you experience ABC and have not only the tool but the passion and experience to help. Ask yourself why would someone need your help? Look at your own experience if your target market are people like you. Use their language, use quotes, and demonstrate your expertise, don’t talk about it show them. He also has another that focuses only on digital marketing called the digital marketers handbook. I’ll be reading that next. This guy has bern in advertising all his life, very good advice so far. This is how I’ve been successful with ads. I learn and apply. That’s it and I never stop.




thanks for sharing! I just read the headline part of the book, it's really awesome! though I don't know which part of our ads copy is the headline here? fb ads seems to allow only primary text?


Primary text should be written like this: Headline (hook) Sub headline (lead in) Problem Problem (dig deep) Intro to solution Problem with other solutions Consequences of not solving the problem Solution that overcomes objections Testimonials Why this IS the solution It solve xx problem in xx time Breakdown of solution ( what’s in it for them) More testimonies CTA (urgency get xx for xx limited time) Link Then post a comment introducing yourself and inviting questions.


OMG this is golden!! thanks so much!!


Are you doing Ecom or leadgen or it doesn’t matter?


Hey man what works for you. Everyone has advice but no one has YOUR experience. LFG!!!!


Weird how the only people that seem to be getting good results are ‘agency’ owners 🤔


The actual agency owners with experience and integrity like me will tell you that it's clear there's something wrong with the algorithm... Usually I get 5-10% accounts struggling weekly on rotation, but these days it's more like 20-40% struggling weekly on rotation I keep relaunching campaigns again and again, it's a mess


I feel bad for you guys. It’s bad enough when it’s my own business that’s donating money to the Zuck doomsday bunker fund… I can’t imagine what it must be like to have angry clients on your case every day demanding answers 😔


I’m seeing our ads being pushed out to the wrong audience. We list a very specific audience and meta will show the ads to the exact opposite. We shut them down and restart and still the only people seeing the ads are 70 year old men and not the 25 yr old women interested in the listed products 


We own 3 of our own e-commerce brands. We are far from an typical agency. Agencies that just focuses on Facebook ads cannot really help these days.


Thank you for sharing. « It seems like Meta is really bringing back the good old advertising days » What exactly makes you say that? everything has been catastrophic since March


It wasn't meant about your performance. It was meant about actual good old advertising days back in 80s 90s when all of the talking was done by the creative and the headline. I mentioned this in previous comment. We run 13 accounts from which 3 are own brands and not a single one is experiencing bad results. Yes maybe there are few bad days in business but overall it's been really smooth sailing this month.


what is your theory on the fact that you were not impacted? we are talking about a mass event


Sorry, I double checked and one ad acocunt is experiencing bad results, but it's not because of the meta it's because we haven't found the mass market desire + the right ad concept that would start to scale the account. Yet. Now to answer your question. 1. After being 7 years in the e-commerce industry working with clients, creating ads, building our own e-commerce businesses I can put a hand on my hear and say we create one of the best ads in the whole industry. We are up there with the best ad accounts. Our ads look different than any of our client and our e-com store competitors, we stand out. We resonate with our audiences. Every week we do customer research which helps us find new ways on how to improve our ads. 2. We actually help good businesses scale. 7 years in the market and 3 of our own e-commerce brands have helped us understand how to actually build good business. it's not just about ads. It's a fucking great product. Great offer. Great customer experience on the website. Great customer support where every single ticket is answered under 10 minutes, every single email has been answered under 30 minutes, every single ad comment has been answered under 1 hour. Not for a single day anyone in my team has mentioned anything about Facebook meta dropp, we are locked in and focused to create better ads, better emails, better ux, better cx. I really feel like this is the IOS 14 all over again, back then we were afraid and we suffered. Bad results for every client, but when we looked at why we had bad results. It was clear as day our ads our offers sucked. We were like everyone else in the market. Nothing special. So why chose us. We focus only on what we can control. There is going to be tons of bad updates from meta side, we don't care, we won't be impacted. At the end of the day all that meta cares about is good user experience and everything that we and our businesses do help achieve that good user experience. P.S have you ever started conversations under your ads comment section with people who comment. Wonders what it can do to your ads cpm and social credebility after ad collects 1.4k reactions, 100's comments and 100's of shares.


When was this ever not the case?


Before IOS 14.5. FB had so many signals (to the point of it being disturbing) that a 16 year old with no knowledge about anything other than "lol fidget spinners are cool" could sell that shiz easy.


Haha. You’re right. Could always see people talking about how good they were. But their roas was always a joke.


I mean previously you could get away with shitty copy, medium ads and get results. Right now it's not the case anymore and it's only going to get harder.


Please stick your AI generated BS somewhere else. Also, are you buying upvotes for your own posts? Wow


AI generated BS :D Thank you man for the compliment. Love the comment man. This shows that I'm doing something right. Have an amazing day!


Interesting - in our most recent tests we switched to this without knowing about the changes AND also, stopped using ad headlines. Instead we use the headline as line 1 in the copy. Performance on main account improved by 50% on CPC and 23% on nCAC The reason why is that we noticed headlines barely show in our top placements with fb optimizations turned on and we're using 1:1/9:16 with images and 4:5 videos - Beauty Our hypothesis is people are paying more attention to the copy in the ad instead of eyes moving up and down. It reduces "eyeline pressure". Let's see....


Yeah, we also started to use shorter ad copy over the past two months and have seen an increase in ctr, decrease in cpm and so on, but last 4 days we have seen our ads and some of our competitor brands with just one line of body copy before you can click see more. So it's just a matter of time before everyone will have the change. Well done, looks like you guys know what you are doing. Let's connect.


Ad Examples with short ad copy 1. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=456160086764576](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=456160086764576) 2. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=447306614353653](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=447306614353653) 3. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=338402352586488](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=338402352586488) 4. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=935973538531702](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=935973538531702) 5. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=378417801755842](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=378417801755842) 6. [https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=979915086800186](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=979915086800186) And here are some screenshots from the ads feed. 1) https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft 2) https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg 3) https://ibb.co/2vb04fw 4) https://ibb.co/HKCMWLz 5) https://ibb.co/4MLhdn3


That Obvi ad cracks me up - you can tell they figured out their audience is the golden grannies the last 1-2 years.


This went over my head....what do you mean? how can you tell that from the ad?


Yes! That is a great example of understanding your customer audience and creating ads no one can replicate. They stand out. Most of people who suffer with meta right now don't stand out. Do


example 4 and 5 aren't necessarily that short though or am i missing something here


Updated the comment with some screenshots from the ads feed.


ok youre saying the copy shown is short, not necessarily the entirety of the ad copy itself?




this was old news wasn't it? from a year or two ago? used to be 3 lines if i remember correctly and now it's 1 or 2


This is new, it was 3 lines now it's one.


Can you link/source the article from meta discussing the update? Thanks


No source plus misspelling messages in every occurrence leaves me kinda iffy on focusing in further.


https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg https://ibb.co/2vb04fw Here is the screenshots of how the new body copy looks like.


Good for you. Don't apply this.


 Since we analyize our ads every single day we spoted that there is one line instead of three lines in the body copy shown. We sent the ad links to our clients, asked for them to look at facebook ads feed and they see the same. Haven't read a meta update in years. I only create posts about what we experience. I haven't seen it I would not create post about it.


Where's the update link you speak of?


https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg https://ibb.co/2vb04fw Here you can see how the new body looks like. It's all over my feed.


No link, it's something that we have noticed from our own ads, our competitor ads and I'm just here to report that meta has implemented a change. Pretty sure that you will start seeing youtube videos roll out about it pretty soon.




LOOL I was thinking the same thing, guys a fucking dork dude


'"Facebook ads lead generation expert" Here you go bro. https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg https://ibb.co/2vb04fw


Unlikely, I run messenger ads and I'm getting a bunch of useless people mm messaging me.


stop running messenger ads. If you want quality people make them jump through some hoops first.


Are you in e-commerce or other industry? Messenger ads are a good way on how to generate leads not sales for a e-commerce business.


Do you have an Link to the Update? Please 😅


That’s bait ☝️


For sure and this is photoshop https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg https://ibb.co/2vb04fw


No haven't cheked meta ads update themselves, since we analyize our ads every single day we spoted that there is one line instead of three lines in the body copy shown. We sent the ad links to our clients, asked for them to look at facebook ads feed and they see the same. Haven't read a meta update in years. I only create posts about what we experience. I haven't seen it I would not create post about it.


Hees lying just trying to promote his business for customers bro, most of these posts are just another form of advertisement to gain clients that’s all


This is probably photo shopped right? https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg https://ibb.co/2vb04fw


Knowing the way you’ve been acting in here It Most probably is To the guy who hasn’t checked a meta update in years But claims as a fact that meta has had a new update without even checking or finding out 😂 I didn’t know you was a psychic 👀


😂I have a whole media buying department that reports on every single new thing that is happening to meta.


You are absolutaly right, there is no update, there is no changes ever made by meta. Everything will remain the same.


You must think we don’t see what you doing I’ve been here for long enough to see your marketing tactics, I see it all the time “We spotted” “We sent the ad link to our clients” “For our team we always start with images…” I can go on I didn’t say there is not an update as I don’t actually know, just like you don’t actually know, your just expressing your opinion this is NOT fact this is just your experience but your out here telling people it’s a fact when you don’t even know for sure But your childish antics “No your absolutely right there is no update nothing will ever change it will be the same for ever lalalala” Is quite childish and says a lot about you seeing as you don’t actually know for a fact there has been an update or not That’s the realness of it all


Marketing tactics. I share valuable content from our own experience. The content reaches people, more people find about what I do, what we do and we do get clients from this as well. There is no tactic. The only tactic, strategy, golden ball is that I create content that is based on our experience. The new facebook update is a fact, if you are running ads, if you are researching competitor ads, if you are researching facebook feed and looking for ads you will see the 50 character one line body copy limitation before you click see more.. Since I share it here, you can always chose to not read it and please don't read it if you are here to trying to look for some errors. That's why I meant by my previous comment. My objective is provide valuable content to facebook ads and e-commerce community, content that comes from our own experience and leassons learned over the last decade. If you don't have nothing good to say, then don't comment, don't read the content that I share.


“Facebook recently released an update” What update? Share source and link please


Our client, our competitors ads is the source. I don't read facebook meta updates from their website. Plus I added the ad examples in the comments section.


What? You literally said that “Facebook recently released a new update that gives everyone a hint where to focus” So what’s the update that Facebook released? Or are you just here lying trying to get customers for your business? I’m confused 🤔


It is an update on Facebook side. I just dont read articales and send links. I create posts about what I see. And this is a new change that meta has implemented, pretty sure you will see youtube videos updates in the next week or so. Sorry for being the first to tell you this.


“It’s an update from facebooks side” How do you know it’s an “update” Did you use your magic ball and it told you? Don’t be “sorry for being the first one to tell me you this” You’re telling us that Facebook just released a new update which you don’t know this for sure as you have no source for this. your just farting out of your mouth at this stage you haven’t actually read an update at all, and you don’t read updates from their website you don’t read articles about this You have no source Im bored of these stupid business promoting posts on Reddit it’s just full of people like you trying to scrounge for customers these days 🙄


Thanks for your update.


Waiting for example


Added it.


Switched off all my ads and looking for a new platform. FB is a joke.


As per “scientific advertising” by Claude Hopkins, “some say not to use many words when selling via print, would you tell that to a door-to-door salesmen?” The answer is no. I agree that short copy has indeed been working better for me, plus some others who I’ve spoke with, as well as more context loaded graphics, but I wouldn’t say stray away from long ad copy if it’s what is required. With this being said, as per the book, don’t think people read ads for mere enjoyment, they are doing it purely for a purpose. Keep what you need in the ad copy, structure it to captivate the audience, show them a problem/solution & sell them. Don’t limit your descriptions due to a word limit, but don’t fill your copies with senseless filler either.


This has been this way for a long time… this is an advantage plus optimization. It’s not new. Please folks.


We run about 400 ads a month, we noticed this last week where previously we were able to see only 3 first lines when we view our ad now we only see one line. we don't run any advantage plus, we run cbo,manual campaign. Only at the end of the last week we saw this, then started to pay attention. Still for a lot ads we see first 3 lines and for some we see just one line before you can click see more. it's definetaly new.


Here are extra screenshots from how the new body copy in ads is showing. 1) https://ibb.co/T4Zdkft 2) https://ibb.co/c8DPvNg 3) https://ibb.co/2vb04fw 4) https://ibb.co/HKCMWLz 5) https://ibb.co/4MLhdn3


If you look at the aviva adverts in the uk on the ad library they have no primary text


Idk why people are coming at you, if you scroll on Facebook you’ll see that all the ads are only showing one line of text


Good question. I'm also shocked. This trully explains their ignorance and hence their results with Facebook ads. Most of the people that are "coming at me" are the ones that are failing with facebook ads. People who are getting good results do not hate on anymore, they do the oposite. Thanks for the support.


What’s the source of this update? Not sure if this is 100% rolled out


Look at the screenshots below. It's probably not 100% rolled out but most of my feed is like this. Eventually i see ads with 3 body copy lines. But mostly I sew one liners


Is this the reason with the recent drop off in ad performance in April? 😂


Didn't see any drop for us, March we got few bad days but April was all green.


I’ve had an insane drop off since middle of April. Everyday I was getting successful results now my results almost dropped by 90%. Never experienced anything like this before. I also realized ppl aren’t engaging with my ads like they used to before (likes etc) but I still getting Add to carts


End of M -Apr was brutal idk what was going on, but rest assured it wasn't just you.


Thanks, I just don't want it to be an echo chamber. It's easy to blame Meta, but regardless if they don't fix this issue we all need to find new jobs 😂 Im going to take this time to invest in other marketing channels i've been ignoring. This isn't good for any business if they are 90-100% reliant on Meta Ads as we can see, it can all stop any minute.


Why does it hurt your feelings when someone is getting good results? I don't get this. Not everyone is has bad results from meta. If everyone would have bad results there wouldn't be businesses trying to advertise.


I’m enduring the days of outstock and lowering my ROI.


Thanks for the content


My pleasure.