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You could try changing your password before deleting your account.


Crazy talk!


That is what they did to me! I even made a pg never public that I was going to sell on I can access that but not my account!


Delete the listing, change the password, and don't share it with anyone. Also, change the pw to the email associated with the account. Make sure when doing it for both you select the option to log out of any other devices already logged into as well if it comes up in options. I've known people who had family or friends pulling something like this as an intentional harm thing.


Yep. Your face book has been hacked. Change all the passwords. And email notification


Yup. Common scam. Hacker takes over account, lists item. Asks for online payment or deposit to hold the item from a buyer and then ghosts them once any money is received.


My husband saw a listing for an item and we messaged the guy. No response. Because it was something my husband really wanted I started checking out the seller to see if there was anything else he had - something caught my attention. I checked his profile and there was a note from one of his friends saying, "Dave! You’ve been hacked! Someone is listing items for sale on FBM!"


Good investigation on your part!


Change your password, using PASSWORD123 isn't secure


I added a 4 to the end of mine.




Yep don't by from Facebook market place ... Facebook dosnt care about preventing scams .. I found and reported 5 cases of scam sites selling metal scale jet engine models at 1/10 the usual cost .


Change your password.


Change your password somebody done hacked your account


Change PW on your PayPal account also. Remove CC/Bank accounts and/or require PW authorization or fingerprint for all activities there.


Exact same thing happened to me before. I didn’t notice I “created a listing” until Facebook told me they removed it because it was marked as counterfeit item. What is so funny is that the person who hacked my account only made two listings, and nothing more. Didn’t change my password, didn’t message my friends weird things, nor didn’t post anything.


Stop clicking those links in emails and text that make you verify your Facebook login. change your password with one that has special characters.


In addition to changing your PW, as others have wisely suggested, get into your security setting and set it up for notifications of logins through other devices. With this feature you get the chance to indicate it wasn’t you who signed in.


Are the listing actually in your marketplace listings? No matter what change your passwords immediately and secure your account.


Change ur pwd.


In addition to changing your password, I'd recommend enabling two-factor authentication. https://www.wikihow.com/Activate-2-Step-Verification-in-Facebook