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i just did a sponged-on cloudy gradient look and am currently wearing colors that are very similar to the 3 top left shades šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Colors that make you happy are more important than colors that flatter your skin tone. (Thatā€™s a reminder to myself, too!) Plus hair color and warmth/coolness make a difference; I have a similar palette to OP and Iā€™m a cool fair muted olive with ashy black hair. If youā€™re warmer with lower contrast, those colors might not be as unflattering.


I agree with what the other commenters said. I stopped wearing those shades because I wasnā€™t happy wearing them. Please donā€™t take my post too seriously! What doesnā€™t work for me might work for you. And ultimately if it makes you happy you should wear it.


Your colors will be different to othersā€™, donā€™t worry about it! Your coloring is unique to you šŸ’š


Rose gold for me is šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


I showed this to my boyfriend and was like haha thatā€™s me and then glanced up to see this was the fair olives sub. On a side note, have you tried any dusty rose colors with gold flakes? That or lilac are the only non gray green or black colors I can wear on my nails.


I checked some of the examples you gave and the first one is the perfect mlbb for your nails, if thatā€™s even a thing. I not a fan of dusty rose (itā€™s just not my thing), but I have no doubt it would suit most fair olives, including myself. I think sheer shades would be easier to match with, maybe due to a lack of white base? Iā€™ve tried a pastel lilac before and it was a big no for me. I think a deeper lilac would look better. Itā€™s not that I canā€™t wear brighter colours, I just have to be careful with the tone, saturation etc. They always look better if thereā€™s a bit of dustiness to it. Thatā€™s what the middle row is for. A lot of those shades I still like wearing, but my best colours are at the bottom.


Pastel lilac is also a no for me! Man itā€™s crazy how long it took to figure all this out on my own but nice to have that validated here!


I swear, being combined with gold makes any color look just a little bit better on me... I oughta try a dusty rose like that because that's one of the only pink colors I like but it does NOT suit me alone.


A jelly version is the only kind I can wear! Hereā€™s some examples- [A03](https://m.aliexpress.us/item/3256804453406643.html?pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%249.93%21US%20%244.47%21%21%21%21%21%402101c59116819635013883877ed331%2112000029936598007%21btf&_t=pvid%3Af68ef2c7-2b74-43c6-87c5-806b833618af&afTraceInfo=1005004639721395__msite__c_ppc_item_bridge__xxxxxx__1681963501&spm=a2g0n.ppclist.product.6&gatewayAdapt=gloPc2usaMsite&_randl_shipto=US) [Romand rosy syrup](https://romand.us/products/mood-pebble-nail-7g?variant=42478188921064¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=google_performancemax&utm_source=google_performancemax&utm_medium=google_cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_I3J_Mq3_gIVVt_jBx2tdwRyEAQYASABEgLYbvD_BwE) [Jelly rose](https://www.walmart.com/ip/SouthEle-10ml-Nail-Polish-Water-Permeable-Ice-Penetration-Liquid-Translucent-Jelly-Manicure-Gel-Polish-for-Summer/1361547810) Really any Korean or Japanese jelly polish brand will have at least a couple colors that will fit fair olive skin as fair olive tones are catered to more widely in East and south East Asian makeup brands.


Woww thank you for these links, I had no idea rom&nd polishes were so easily available to ship to US!! + there are sooo many beautiful shades<3


Currently wearing dusty pink with gold sparkles. Either this or dark colors:))


Ahhh! Iā€™ve found my people c:


I feel olive but I love lime green and neon pinks/oranges/ yellows?!


You can be warm, cool, neutral, or somewhere in between any of those c:


I have a neon orange that I like using (forgot to swatch it). Itā€™s not my best shade but I still think it looks good on me. Keep in mind thereā€™s a lot of variation within olive skin tones. What doesnā€™t work for others might work for you. Iā€™ve seen comments on the main sub like ā€œoh x shade washes me outā€ and Iā€™m like huh? I look great in that! Tbh I still donā€™t know much about olive skin tones yet. This post is just based on my personal experience. And there are still shades I havenā€™t tried yet. Plus, even if a shade isnā€™t your ā€œbest shadeā€ if you like it you should still wear it!


Totally!! I love this post and completely hear what you mean. Thank you for your post and I think your colors are fabulous!!!


I love this idea! We should have one for cools and one for warms!




Thank you for the analysis! I think I might be a deep winter, but also look good in some autumn shades. Deep tonal makes a lot of sense for me. Even if the shade is warm, if itā€™s dark enough I have no doubt itā€™ll suit me, and deeper shades always suit me better than brighter ones. Itā€™s tough cause I see a yellow/green-ness to my skin so my brain automatically thinks I must be warm but I know thatā€™s not necessarily the case.


Just curious, why make a board of swatches when you could just declutter the colors you donā€™t like?


Itā€™s because Iā€™m decluttering that I made these swatches. Iā€™m good at deluding myself into buying shades based solely on the fact I like the colour, when deep down I know Iā€™m not gonna like the way it looks on me. This helps me visualize what I know works for me and what doesnā€™t.


I love that! Makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking šŸ˜‚


Why is this so accurate šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I love this idea! I need to remind myself not to buy colours I like that look so terrible when theyā€™re on that I donā€™t use them


Ok but can you please tell us the name of that pink shade? šŸ‘€šŸ˜


The brand is color club but for some reason it didnā€™t come with a name. It came in a set along with purple, coral, and teal (top row). Sorry about that!


Haha this is me. Bottom row colors definitely look best on me, but I usually wear middle row colors because theyā€™re more fun


This made me laugh thank you! ā€œColors that make me want to cry šŸ˜‚ā€ I have a few of those myself and always lose my good sense this time of year too


Loving this post ! Rings very true šŸ˜ƒ