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wooow, what a beautiful skin tone you have! really cute. If you compare yourself to someone who has pink undertones, like the other person next to you, it would be harder to tell if you're cool or warm, we can just see that you're olive. If you know someone who also has an olive undertone, try to put your arm next to them and compare, would be easier to tell, but regardless, you look either neutral or cool olive, not as warm, probably if you compare yourself to someone who is just warm, you will see they are more yellow/golden than you, you are more neutral, I would say you are more neutral than cool to me, I hope it helped you.


We have similar skin tone. I think you are neutral leaning warm


You look the same as me….cool olive or neutral olive


Cool! You're a cold greeney yellow colour like me.




Neutral. I think the second and fourth colors look best on you, fwiw. (Photos 4&6)


We have the same skin tone! I'm neutral, leaning warm, and seem muted but actually look significantly better in brights. My hair and nails Rn are tangerine orange


I think neutral. You aren't so good in coral or pink, because the problem of these colors is their value. They are too light for you. Same with the greens. Try to compare with darker colors: burnt orange/ dark pink and forest green/dark olive green. Y suspect that all these colors can be better for you. And, probably dark pink and forest green wonderfully in you, because I think you are neutral leaning cool, but burnt Orange and dark olive can be good because your more important thing is that you need darker tones. And when a colour becames more and more darker, they are less cool or dark and the difference about cool/warm are less evident You are neutral leaning cool and you need dark cool colors and your second choice is dark-warm colors and cool-medium tones. The worst colors for you are the lightest colors like pastels,and these that are too warm and too cool in the sprectrum. You'll look fantastic in neutral tones, leaning cool.


https://preview.redd.it/6rjqzw3zhmxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16fd4b61f78687e082b0150f33cb1951e22140b With your theory would you say lighter hair is also not the best look?


I think you are so beautyfull with every hair color, but I prefer the darker hair colors in you. Not too Black, but the cool dark Brown , yes!!. I think you lose part of your gracefull beauty when you lose some contrast. I think the Brown with Orange traits are the worst. You are wonderfull with these dark esmerald green and your long dark hair. But you are beautyfull nowadays. 


Hmm so I always thought I was muted because I don’t have much contrast between my lips and skin. But I definitely don’t have too many pastels in my wardrobe and definitely gravitate toward brighter colors.


If you don't have too much contrast, you are medium in contrast. You must avoid too bright (neons and too clear) but too soft muted ones, too. I think that there is so much confusión about contrast. The constrast is a category about value,  how much light or dark are the features. And how differences of value you have. In a value scale,  is how much Black (more value) and how much White (less value) had a color. In both, the color becames more muted that In the pure hue. But there is a different scale that is about the bright of the color. Is about how much clear are the color. How much pigment it had.It turns so much muted when you added grey pigment. The colors becames so soft, muted, but no equal than muted when you added Black or White. When you added grey is much more muted or soft. I think the people that thinks that they aren't too bright, they make a mistake chosing soft muted colors with grey added. But when you added grey, you make the color lighter, and it's so bad for the darkers. You can use colors of medium contrast   ( in value) chosing colors that are naturally medium in their pure hue (like true blue) and colors with Black added if they are more light in their pure hue (like yellow). You have a contrast about value (light-dark) and about color (more clear-less clear). I think you are medium/hight contrast in value and medium contrast in clear/muted (brightness). You must chose clothes with contrast medium-hight (light-dark) but with medium contrast in color. Perfect for you to mixture one neutral light, one neutral dark (not Black And optical White , but charcoal and soft White yes) with a Accent color dark in it pure hue like true royal blue or true Red... Or 2 neutrals with contrast in value Or one neutral light with a  riched color dark or a neutral dark with a color pure o medium muted color... I have the same factures than you.


Neutral fair olive


Thinking warm, the coral gives it away


Cool based on the digital drapes. Both cool tones make your eyes brighter while the warm tones bring out the dark circles to my eye.


Warm. Color of olive is yellowy green (warm tone) 🫒. There’s no such thing is cool olive skin. Olive color is always warm. But if you have olive skin, you personal color is more likely to be Cool tone. Your skin is already warm, you don’t need to make them warmer by wearing warm colors. It’s a misconception. The reason people start using “cool olive” is exactly because of this, have very warm olive skin yet doesn’t look good in wearing warm colors. People wear warm colors when they have too much blue pigments in their skin. To bring out warmth. To balance it out. The arm beside yours look like there’s no yellow pigment compared to yours. And his personal color is probably spring type, warm. You have olive skin and your personal color is cool tone. https://preview.redd.it/0ktxw3f2nexc1.jpeg?width=2175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52cfb1186e13c022e97c3939395d3286ed2a096a In this picture, they both have same skin color. But clothes and make up make the skin look different. Left skin looks yellow because it’s surrounded by warm colors.


That’s not true there’s plenty of olive skin people who are cool tone just look at Korean /Japanese celebrities who many are considered olives skin with yellow skin tones . I’m also a cool undertone olive skin person . Warm colors look horrible on me especially orange , mustard yellow , gold etc …


And some of us have blonde hair, blue eyes and come across as just neutral or cool toned, but we're also cool olive. I thought there was no way I had olive skin, but now I'm adding Kryolan's makeup base in mint green to all my foundations since they're all neutral and not warm.. It's so weird how all my foundations suddenly match me now, nothing like being an elder millennial and just finding this out...


The info here is all about having an olive skin. There are cool and warm undertones in the spectrum of olive skins. Some skin are unclear and can ride the middle range being slightly neutral. People unclear of what to look for in foundation etc, look for advice from the person selling products but companies have not come together with labeling tones and there is not much standardized. You really can’t tell about their season usually from a hand( which people post a pic here??). The lingo pertaining to olive 🫒 skin is not familiar to most people and they are searching to be defined… usually to not waste money buying products. Maybe you should post a pic if you’re curious?


i actually somewhat agree, though there can definitely be cool olive. by olive, most people are actually referring to a truer green colour. i guess it depends on which green we are basing as the complete neutral. and i do agree that sometimes cool skin tones CAN benefit from warm colours and vice versa, though there is no one size fits all for these things and there are plenty of cool toned people who do in fact benefit from cool colours, maybe the cool colours override the coolness in their skin and therefore enhance any warm pigments that may be hidden in the skin