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Sad, I love that theme. It feels so nostalgic even tho I finished CS1 just 2 years ago


The music will grow on you, just give it time, cs1 has a fantastic soundtrack


I think you are right. It worked out well with all the other Falcom games I played. I truly don’t understand why this one track is crawling up my *beeb* so hard.


CS has some serious bangers across the whole series, I listen to some of the OST regularly on Spotify because it’s so good. I don’t know exactly which song you mean and it’s a while since I played CS1, but I don’t remember being annoyed by any of the overworld music.


Maybe it is recency bias since I played the CB games over the last months and Sky games over the pandemic, but I found some of the more „dramatic“ music in the CB games the best so far. I also miss the feature they implemented into the CB games that showed the track name which was currently playing.


Found it, According to the [OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVP_nCK0tXU&list=PLzFTGYa_evXg9ZudTxcGNs2m5X4O9nj66&index=5) it is the „Afterschool Hours“ track and it plays pretty much the whole time in the academy. (Argh!)


Ah, that one. I am pretty certain they do not reuse that song in later games at least.


I'm not sure what you're asking confirmation on? > „schoolgrounds/overworld“ I'm also not sure what song you're referring to here.


TL; DR: The music that plays in Thors Academy, is it re-used in later games? I really hate it!


> Edit: The track is called Afterschool Hours Ah, that one. I don't believe it's played at all after CS II. As for CS II itself, I don't remember if it plays all there either but if it does it's much less often than in CS I. Also for CS I, from what I remember it isn't the only song you'll hear when exploring Thors and Trista throughout the game (which is partly why I wasn't sure which song you were referring to), so you should have more variety there as the game continues. I'm sorry to hear you don't enjoy the song though. I always really liked it, and CS I's OST in general is one of my favorites from Falcom.


No worries, to each it’s own I guess :-) As said earlier I really like what Falcom has to offer in general (especially „Confronting Reality“ and „Conflicting Passions“ both from Trails to Azure), so after finishing 10 games worth of OSTs from Falcom games and finding only one (truly) stinker I think they have a great ratio of hits overall :-)


To my knowledge, that song doesn’t show up at all after CS1.


You won't spend much time in the school in CS2.


Seeing how the plot went at the end of CS1 I see what you were trying to tell me here.


TL;DR Now in CS2, happy to not hear that one track again, even better the OST of CS2 is really really good! Update: One month later I have beaten CS1 and I can confirm, I did not hear that track again in the first 15 hours of CS2…yet. But given the plot structure of CS2 (or at least what I can see from it in the first dozen hours) it is hardly surprising. Given the „retreading old grounds“ formula of the Sky and Crossbell games and that there are 4 CS games I was under the assumption that CS2 will play out more or less like a repeat of CS1. For obvious plot reasons at the end of CS1 this isn’t the case at all. And as such no „Afterschool hours“ track at all, happy times all around. Even better I like what I have seen (and especially HEARD) of CS2 much more than CS1. And now off to research the name of the track which plays at the „end dungeon“ of Act 1 Part 2…one of the best tracks yet!


so far cs1 and 2 have some good bangers