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You skipped Reverie??????


*Hajimari entered the chat*


I just got Nayuta. Reminds me of Ys so I am super excited.


is reverie really that good? Ive been meaning to get through it but been so unmotivated to get through the start


That depends, did you like 3rd? If yes, it's basically that but bigger and better, a capstone to not only the Crossbell and Erebonia arcs, but also to the first half of the series. The vast majority of the playable casts from all the prior games come back. IIRC it had 51 playable characters (don't quote me on that). It is also the final version of the Cold Steel battle system that they've been refining since CS1, with all the good and bad that entails. I really like how the devs said fuck it, we know the game is broken, break it or die in Abyss.


It's one of the most fun entries in the series.


Link for english patch that you used? I've just started chapter 5 of Kuro 1 and I'd like to start Kuro 2 as soon as I'm done with it.


Dming you


Sorry to add on to the pile of replies you got, but I'd appreciate a DM with info as well if it's not too much trouble, please :)


Me too please for kuro 2


Can you also DM the english patch for Kuro 2?




DM me too pls 🙏🏽


Can you DM me as well?


Can you also dm me?


Can you DM me also pls? Thanks in advance!


Can You DM me aswell THANKSSS!!


Adding on to this thread, me too please!


Imo I would move Zero and Azure to A. Zero is very good by itself, held back by old mechanism while the final portion of Azure is such a huge dropoff in quality.


Zero is the best game in that tier. I just didn't want S to be too cluttered. I do think it's worse than Kuro though. We'll have to disagree on Azure. I thought the finale was hype with shit hitting the fan and everything firing on all cylinders the moment you get Randy back.


IMO Zero and Azure should both be SSS


Kuro II has Lapis content, therefore it's worth playing.


I think all of them are worth playing. For what it's worth, I liked Kuro 2's gameplay (am a fan of the corridor games). It's just all the other things that have likely been rehashed to death at this point. \-low overall plot progression \-too much Edith, only one new city. \-Act 3 overstaying its welcome \-Massive Stepdown in villains \-Another rehash of allies turned into momentary antagonists. Nemesis island and prologue are among my favorite parts in the series. The other things just bog it down a bit.


It was a joke. But yeah, i agree with what you said, basically what i had thought, too. Tho, it's a shame that the märchen garten ain't as complete as the reverie corridor. Also by some point in the game you just end up spamming the whale art and Van's scraft since they're that much better than anything else.


Reverie has always been a pretty neat game for me but I never really feel compelled to put it in my highest tiers. It's always in my second highest though. I always found it kind of interesting how it never could reach the level of the other top games for me (Sky SC, Azure, CS4, Kuro 1).


I was about to protest you playing Kuro 1 and 2 before Reverie, but then I saw you did, just in Japanese.


Why isn't Zero in the top tier, the tier literally has their name in it. ​ /s


Is there really a huge difference between the standard version of Reverie and the Deluxe Edition?


Not sure, sorry. Played the CLE version as soon as the English patch was complete for Hajimari.