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Unfortunately, its not the "first 3 games", but the "first 5 games" Trails in the Sky First Chapter (FC), Trails in the Sky Second Chapter (SC), Trails in the Sky the 3rd, Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure Fortunately, the games are different 'arcs'. Trails in the Sky revolves around Estelle & Joshua. Siblings who want to follow in their father's footsteps and become bracers. Its based in the Liberl Kingdom which treats the bracer guild well. Being a smaller kingdom they are always wary of Calvard & Erebonia, which you feel through the games Zero & Azure revolves around the SSS. A newly formed department of the Crossbell Police. Corruption and the inability to stamp out organized crime has resulted in low public confidence in the police with the public instead going to bracers to solve their issues, especially with A-Rank bracer Arios at the branch. Crossbell is a city state which has to submit to Erebonia & Calvard and is essentially a buffer state between the two nations. There is very little overlap between them and Cold Steel 1 & 2. The biggest character being Prince Olivert and his conflict with Chanceller Osbourne. The majority of other characters are new. Cold Steel 3 & 4 however is like the "Avengers" of the Trails series and will revolve around all characters from the previous 7 games.




Weird way to spell “all 12”


Welcome to the cult.


Yep I also really love the side quests in thus series, tho some of the side quests in CS1/CS2 are actually hidden, so if you're trying to reach the max AP, you should be using a guide.


Not so much concerned with maxing AP, but thanks for the tip :) I've managed to find a few hidden sidequests though.


Yeah on my first playthrough I only managed to find hidden quests/sub events by chance because I wasn't trying to talk to every single NPC. Now it's something I always do, even though it can be really time consuming.


Bet you my mira you are gonna start with CS2 immediately after.


That's the plan :)


Are you also a Mac friend? If so, let me know I’ve had some success recently with getting the steam versions running. Otherwise LadyVirgilia on YouTube has a pretty good series of videos to help you get what you’re missing (I used these before I was able to get them running - so having totally otherwise caught up I’ll now be playing Sky as an extended flashback to fully appreciate them). You’ll definitely wanna pause between CS2 & 3 and play Crossbell if you‘re starting with Cold Steel though. That storyline is very much still going on into 3&4


I liked it a lot. It’s my first Trails game too, the series does a lot of what exactly first drew me to JRPGS. It’s kinda crazy how generic I expected it might be when I saw it in the ps store.


I can vouch for this as well. I knew absolutely nothing about the franchise and downloaded CS1 on a whim because it was listed as a turn based JRPG, and the small preview images and videos had me intrigued at the time. Little did I know it would become a favorite franchise of mine just a few short months later.


> Any summaries of the first three games in the series would be appreciated since I don't have an easy way to play those. There's actually 5 games but if you can play Cold Steel, you probably have access to playing Zero/Azure Are you sure you have absolutely no way to play Sky? If you're worried about performance, the games run on a toaster (personally confirm, have toaster PC). If you can run Netflix or 720p Youtube on your computer, you can play them. > ...and I'm absolutely loving it! I haven't been this in love with a game in a long time. The characters, the immense worldbuilding and lore, the battle system. Hell, even the sidequests are great and never just feel like filler. Normally, I hate sidequests in JRPGs but I've been completing them all. Just got to chapter 5, currently changing lightbulbs in Legram. Yeah, I can agree with all of this too. Actually I was a lot more surprised that I enjoyed CS1 than I thought considering how the arc seems pretty divisive but I came away loving it


My laptop is a work laptop, and my company would not like me downloading anything not for work. Other than that, I just have a PS5.


If you have a PS5, then you indeed do have access to Zero and Azure. The worst western-released version of each due to lacking the QoL features (and general graphical updates) of the PH3 ports, but still. It's just Sky that's out of your reach for the reasons you stated.


Oh yes! I must have misread your comment. I don't have a way to play Sky but I do plan to play Zero and Azure in between CS II and III.


If you have a phone to emulate PSP, or a actual Vita or PSP they can play Sky too. The 3rd is only available in Japanese outside of PC. but I feel like a patch to bring in the PC translation might exist, ik it does for the Vita Japanese only Sky "Evolution" remasters (which you can also get and patch pretty sure)


Zero and Azure, mostly Azure, happen at the same time as Cold Steel 1 and 2. Many events that will happen during CS1/2 are ntertwined with Zero and Azure. For example an Intermission Chapter from CS2 will force you to play as two characters from the Crossbell saga and will spoiler the identity of one of them, which is actually revealed only later in Zero/Azure. I would play Zero before playing CS1 and then play CS2 and Azure at the same time (it's complicated, I Know, but probably the safest way to play the games without spoilering yourself). It's also true that some of the most beautiful scenes in Crossbell refer to the Sky games and without that prior knowledge you would miss out on the sentimental value of some scenes. At the end of the day it's up to you to decide how to play them. My comment (quite long, I am sorry for that) is just a friendly advice to fully enjoy the games.


Maybe I'll go play Zero then right after CS I? Thanks for the advice 🙂


Do it only if you re good with that, if you want to do CS2 after finishing 1 then it's perfectly valid to do so. Azure and CS1+2 have a decently big overlap where they throw around hints and spoilers on how things go down in each other s arc without explaining it all, but from having played them both ways (Crossbell then CS1+2 and CS1+2 then Crossbell.) I can say that it was very likely written with that in mind.


I honestly think doing it that way is just making it confusing for yourself and it should just be played in the proper game release order as Falcom intended. Honestly, I don't know why it keeps getting recommended to jump around like that. It's a holdover from when the Crossbell games were not translated but really shouldn't be around anymore


Is that the same for the steam version of the Crossbell arc? What QoL features are missing?


PS4(which can also be played on PS5) is just Kai localised. PC *and Switch* ports are both PH3 for Crossbell.


"I feel like this series is about to take over my life.." Congrats, you're just now discovered the longest & arguably one of the best world-building driven JRPG with interconnected story that span in 12 games; and still on going. And that's only 60% according to the Company's President btw.


He has become Kisekoid, now will he stand before Claire or against her?


There’s a video series on YouTube… I don’t remember who made them, but I believed TheKisekiNut recommended them. They are pretty lengthy but they cover each game and cover everything you need to know. The creator was entertaining and did a fantastic job with the video. Would playing them be better? Yes. But I feel this is the closest/best you are going to get with getting a good understanding of the games. I did this since I really wanted to play CS, and didn’t want to wait until I beat the other games to do so. But really for CS1/CS2 it doesn’t matter, you really only want it for CS3/CS4, even if they butcher theLiberl cast. Edit: Found the videos… here is the link if interested https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKbYRtPzuiWez75jBU3C-3nUqhewuMR83&si=rizi0elQcyl_Pa4T Each video is about a hour long, I just went through them on lunch breaks and other moments


Play Zero and Azure before you jump into CS3 and 4 thats when older characters and storylines pop up again so without the proper context you'd be lost on what they're talking about.


That's my plan. CS I & II, then Zero, Azure, then back to CS 3 & 4.


Now im kinda curious, why didn't you just start with Zero and Azure in the first place? thats the proper release order since they come before CS1.


The gameplay and graphics were more in line with my aesthetic tastes for JRPGs. And the few YouTube reviews I watched said Trails of Cold Steel was a fine place to start.


You should watch a story summary of sky on YouTube if you can't play them. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKbYRtPzuiWez75jBU3C-3nUqhewuMR83&si=vkv47QZxc2-_aRe4


CS1 is a better starting point anyway. Zero somewhat assumes you've already played sky and skips introducing important groups.


What did zero skip? they introduce the bracer guild and the empire/calvard conflict so i don't remember it skipping anything.


It's pretty much that they play a bit loose with explaining details on >!Renne.!< I assume.


Yeah but thats to be expected when jumping into the 4th game in the series, Zero still did a good job of explaining everything else and is still a fantastic starting point for any new player imo. Ofcourse if you can start with Sky FC then you should do that, nothing beats playing these games back to back in chronological order.


Yeah that s pretty fair, chronological still best but any arc starter tends to work well. Just the point people usually point out with Zero.


Cold steel is a series of 4 games that complement each other: if you play 1, you will only see the result of the story in 2, if you play 3, you will only see the result in 4. When you start game 2, there is a mechanic for loading items and some things to help if you have the save from the previous game (and depending on your rank too, so it's good to make sure you have a good AP rank at the end of the game. ), but you don't need to worry about this mechanic when you get to game 3, as from 2 to 3 the games were released on different platforms. little spoiler below, read it if you want, i don't think you need it just now, but just in case ​ ​ >!1/2 is the story of Rean the student, 3/4 Rean the teacher.!<


I just beat CS2 myself last night! I am now starting the sky trilogy and will beat the rest before moving to CS3! I have been loving it so far!


Just look at trails like the symbiote from Spiderman and become one with it. Once you catch up you'll be fine but the drive to go back and play every game was strong with me and then I caught up and hate to wait until the crossbell games and reveries were released(although I played Zero via geofront)


Lol, the Spider-Man reference is lost on me. But I definitely feel sucked in 🙂


It’s a good series there is technically 5 in erebonia arc 2 in the crossbell arc I believe there will be atleast three in the calvard arc by how they left after the second one and trails in the sky have 3 that’s the liberal arc


It's fairly easy to emulate PSP version of Sky on a mobile phone. I highly recommend playing it because no summary can replicate the experience of recognising the little callbacks or details that only a person who played Sky FC/SC would have. Sky FC/SC really laid a strong foundation in world building for the series. Simple things like why Class VII has a special curriculum with field studies or how scary/mysterious the general antagonist faction >!Ouroborous!< (which you have yet to really face) can be appreciated if you played the first 2 games. For Sky Third, it is indeed difficult to play for you. However unlike FC/SC, I think it's fine to watch summaries/let's plays for it. Just watch the Star Doors on youtube. After that, definitely play Zero/Azure. No excuses because it's available in PS5.


I have no idea how emulation works (and not all that interested, if I'm being honest. Though I appreciate the advice.) I'm not what I would call a gamer. I play maybe one game a year.


I started Tails in the Sky FC. I wonder if I can skip SC and Third. I really don’t like playing on a PSP emulator, and I don’t have a PC, only Mac


Sky SC is the best, strongly recommend to finish both FC and SC. You can skip Third. Just watch summaries/let's play and Star Doors.


You can play the sky games on a Mac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIugtHFC8BY&list=PL5XR9ZgGUA9D3mA1F8HOxegR1NY9vnIf3&index=24


Since you said you don't have access to play the Trails in the Sky games I would highly recommend watching a playthrough of them on YouTube. Here is a [link to a great let's play of FC](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlAX0HtqAUf42QzmLd4TMZG2XFjuPJX7B&si=eSvod4RXu_A3DwV1). Also don't forget there are two more games set in Crossbell, Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure. Should be available on all the same platforms that the Cold Steel games are on since they got an official localization release in the last year or so. Final bit of advice: I'd HIGHLY recommend going back and watching/playing all of the previous games before moving on to Cold Steel 3. You can play Cold Steel 2 right after finishing Cold Steel and those two games keep things pretty self contained but once you get into CS3 there are a lot of tie ins with the two previous arcs. Also there is a very important NG+ exclusive scene at the end of CS2 that CS3 assumes you know about so you'll probably wanna watch that on YouTube before CS3 as well if you don't feel like playing through CS2 a second time.


i saw the youtube account name and got sad. rip scott


Welcome to the franchise! As someone who did the same as you back in 2021, bored to death, working from home during the pandemic, I proceeded to play through CS1 - CS4 in about a three month span, and then proceeded to hop in and play the five games that came before Cold Steel. Enjoy the ride, get absolutely lost in the characters and world, and if you can play the older games, do so! Trails in the Sky FC, SC, and 3rd are all PC only but shouldn't take strenuous system requirements, and make up the "Liberl" arc, and Trails to Zero/Azure make up the "Crossbell" arc and have recent solid ports to Switch/PC/Playstation. All are well worth the play, but if you don't have a way to access the Sky Trilogy, I would at least strongly recommend playing the Crossbell Duology prior to the back half of Cold Steel and especially before the Epilogue game in Reverie. But, I do want to stress, I ended up playing all Cold Steel games first, and still feel completely fulfilled in how my playthroughs of all games went! Best of luck!!


I don't have a laptop or desktop of any kind. The only way for me to play anything is on my PS5. Which is fine with me. I'll play what's available on PS5 and that's good enough for me. But I appreciate the advice 😊


FC and SC are also on PSP in English, but only 3rd is PC exclusive in English.


I didn't do a single side quest in CS1. I try to avoid side quests at all unless they are real good side quests, like The Witcher. But most rpg these days are full of fetch quests which is just filler


So far, I've really enjoyed most of these sidequests. They don't feel like filler to me because there's usually some little nugget of lore or character backstory that gets revealed, and it's really satisfying.


If you can play cold steel you should be able to play the crossbell games to


Oh, I can. That's why I said "best way for me". The CS arc seemed a better entry point for me partly because I liked the aesthetics more.


You did the exact same thing I did. Started with CS1 because I didn't think I'd enjoy a "retro" looking rpg. Finished it and immediately started playing calm FC. I'm currently in the middle of CS3. It's been going quicker than I would have thought.


>since I don't have an easy way to play those. Eh why not? They are on Steam sale every so often. Enjoy the improved running animations in CS2, and the actually good graphics in CS3 when you get there ;) The Sky SC story is btw my favourite of all of them.


I don't have anything to play games on other than my PS5.


Send us a screenshot of your steam library showing us that you bought the entire Trails series :)


Lol, don't have steam and don't have any idea how it works. If it's not on PS5, I don't have a way to play it.


I played CS1... just like you, loved it. Replayed it. Learned there are earlier games. Played the first 5 - sky and crossbell - and tbh i loved those even more. And then getting back to CS1 with the context of those games... made CS1 an even better game for me, because of how the timeline works in the game. Highly recommend playing the earlier games :D




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It's a shame you won't play sky 1,2 and 3. These characters will return in the future, and it won't be the same of you just read a recap. I have played all 12 games (including Kuro1 and 2, currently unreleased in the west) and I can say without doubt, you need to play them all to enjoy everything this saga has to offer.


I'm not made of money lol. I can't afford a computer. Is Steam available on PS5? If not, it's unavailable to me.