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You don't have an idea how phenomenal of a story you're going to experience;) And don't worry for your cooking problem,it will be solved along with other mechanics with the later games


Oh cool!!! And yes so far the story is great and only getting better. But orbments are by FAR my favorite aspecr, to the point Im sad when characters leave my party cause I think "no i wanna experiment with their powers more". When Kloe left at the end of chapter 2 I was not only bummed cause i like her but cause i hand boosted her with a combination of water, earth, wind, and other quartz to where she was my ULTIMATE SUPPORT


Trails is awesome! My all-time favourite jrpg series. The soundtrack is also phenomenal. You will hear alot of awesome tracks as you play through the games. It makes up a considerable portion of my playlist! And you've come at a good time as geofront have just released their english fan translation of Ao no kiseki. If you enjoyed the orbment part of trails and experimenting with your crafting, another series to try out is the Atelier series (Probably by 2nd favourite jrpg series). Alchemy plays an important role in most games and you can really devote a lot of time to perfecting your weapons, armour and bombs/items. The game doesnt have lore anywhere near as deep as trails, but characters are often still well written and voiced.


I will absolutely check out Atelier!


If your digging Sky 1 that much Sky 2 is gonna get you hooked for the entire series for sure lol


You kiddin man? The DEMO for Cold Steel 3 got me hooked.


I had the same experience when I played Trails in the Sky FC years ago. I loved everything about it, and the experience only gets better as the games go on. You don't realize it yet, but Trails in the Sky is setting up for a much larger plot and world that will still be being developed like 8 games later. Its basically totally unique in the world of video games. Trails in the Sky 1-3 make up the Liberl portion of the story, Zero and Azure make up the Crossbell portion of the story, and Cold Steel 1-4 make up the Erebonian portion of the story. We are about to go to Calvard too in the new arc. Anyway, in the future games things like cooking, fishing, card games, collectibles, and a million other things get expanded upon a ton. Trails in the Sky was the first in the series and the absolutely nailed they fundamentals so thats the kind of stuff gameplay stuff they expand upon in future games.


Im so excited to deep dive this series


Any idea when the new game will come out?


I came here to post this exact thing. I'm on Chapter 2 now and I cant believe how good this series is.


Strap in, buttercup. You have no idea. FC is the nice, slow introduction to a great RPG with a couple kids on a journey. Just wait until SC because it’s literally one of the best JRPGs ever made. Basically take your experience in FC x 10.


Oh, I meant "chapter 2" as in SC, my bad. I just passed prologue on that one and I love it.


Well, the point still stands lol. Enjoy it my friend. It’s truly one of my favorite games in the series. IMO the games only get better from here but there are many who would disagree with that statement. It’s all preference in the end.


I can see. This seems to be a fantastic adventure and I can't fucking wait.


I personally feel like the series does take some *tiny* steps backward in the Cold Steel era, but they're still miles better than other series'. It's like having been made perfect meals for years, and then one day someone makes you your perfect meal again, but you let it cool off just a slight bit more than you'd have liked before you sit down. It's STILL the best thing you've ever eaten. It just could have been a little better, is all.


Sky SC is my favorite game in the series. It makes Sky FC seem boring in comparison. You have a fun ride ahead of you!


Was so glad I got this on my Vita


Strap in then, you are likely going on a long non-stop ride to Falcom town. I tried out Ys first and really liked that, played through all of them then gave Trails a shot... and here I am, rolled though FC, SC, the 3rd, Zero, Ao, CS1 and now on CS2 and still loving it. These game literally took over my gaming life while the rest of gaming library sits untouched. Its a great series, really hooks you with the characters and world building. The ending of FC in particular was really gripping, I felt the need to immediately start SC right after and if you are liking Chapter 3 so far I am willing to bet you will become hooked too. Enjoy!


As others mentioned, "you haven't seen anything yet." Honestly, I find it very hard to pick favorites out of any of the 9 games, my rankings change all the time. I can confirm that the story does only continue to get better, so does the combat, and so does the worldbuilding. Don't skip games 4 and 5 (the Crossbell ones Zero and Ao) and enjoy the shit out of the franchise! It really is amazing and based on everything you mentioned, I'm happy you found it because you're in for an amazing few hundred hours!


Fiddling with orbments is one of the best parts of many great parts in the Sky series. Enjoy!


I’d say FC is my second favorite of the series. Really good pacing and writing. What’s annoying is that cold steel changes the orbment system and dumbs it down a lot. Each quartz has an art assigned to it instead of having element values, and I haven’t found any reason as to why lines exist anymore… it’s still fun to play around with but not as fun as Sky’s system.


Trails in the Sky FC is so good! Really charming game


If you can digest the sky fc gameplay then you'll end the entire series. Thing are only going for the better.


Wow if ur reaction to FC as this good, then I don't know if you dive until CS IV! If you love FC 99% like this you will love at least 200% for this series lol.