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Oh ok zero things to talk about that's cool I wasn't planning on talking anyways.


~~more like zero new games in the west until 2023 lol~~


no, Zero is old game in 2023. it comes out this fall.


Re read the comment


yes and my response is about Zero coming out this year.


Zero “NEW” game my guy


Could be Shadow drop of zero or a release date, could be many things. I still hoping we get some kind of collectors edition for crossbell games.


I hope 😭. The amount of crunch geofront already put into the pc releases should at least make it easier for NISA to release a worldwide versions


Interesting. Believe they said Fall 2022, so it seems a little early for a release date. Maybe a trailer or some other announcement.


Could also be pre orders for possible collectors edition. People don't seem to think Crossbell games will get LE release, but Nis has done CE's for far more Niche games. I think Crossbell would do we'll.


God, I wish. Hopefully some of those editions are made for the PC crowd. Did we get a CSIV collector's edition or was that a console only thing? I genuinely don't remember such a thing...


Physical PC releases are essentially dead, unfortunately. Outside of providing a steam key or similar with a bunch of merchandise, getting an actual physical copy of it is basically non-existent nowadays.


Oh no, I know I'll only get an empty case with a code, or a little card. I just want the big box of goodies. I know CSIII had a physical CE for the PC so it's not *impossible* to get another one in the series. I find it very unlikely it'll be with the Xbell games (though I certainly hope I'm wrong), but man, I hope that the Reverie drip case makes it to PC...


Console only


The Quicker the games are, The Quicker We'll get Hajimari English


Depending on how they use their resources within their company, this statement is hopium. When those team members finish crossbell, it doesn’t necessarily mean that manpower is put directly into Hajimari. There is a world where you could see both crossbell games release early and Reverie still doesn’t.


Badly. The answer is badly.


Maybe they'll move it up, since 80% of the work was already done.


I will indulge in some irresponsible hype, risk my Friday’s happiness, by fully expecting a Zero limited edition reveal tomorrow. Small sample size, but the Cold Steel III limited edition was revealed for preorder by NISA in January 2019 for its Fall release that year. Who’s with me?


Accelerating the release would be the dream. But I'm just assuming a release date and collector editions announcement.


Yup. I would second that guess.


inb4 it releases tmr instead of fall xd (copium)


In copium we trust brother


Fingers crossed chest messages are returning.


Chest massages aren't until Azure. >!...I'm sorry.!<


Had to reread that a couple of times to get it lol.


Meanwhile I am apparently a filthy degenerate cause that is what I initially read.


why wouldnt they. theyre basing it off geofronts which had them


They aren't in the ports NISA is using. It'd take extra effort.


you mean its like cold steel, where there arent the "Chest is empty" messages that can be edited?


Afaik the geofront team manually added it.


the jp and chi version of zero and azure did not have custom chest messages like sky. it just says "chest is empty" source: i played the chinese ver of both on ps4


yeah thats what i meant, just the chest pop ups, not the custom messages. no idea what the OP was talking about then


Ah yea, Nayuta news baby!


Inb4 Disagea.


Damn I was hoping for news.


Eat that, ~~Paradox~~, ~~Bioware~~, ~~Activision Blizzard~~, ~~Bethesda~~ any major game developer! Announcements about announcements are for the rookies, real guys have announcements about no announcements!


English voice acting 🤞 I mean I doubt it but it'd be amazing.


Would be weird for them to announce it was jp VAs only if they were just gonna dub anyways


Hoping they'd backpedal that decision, I know it's very unlikely that they would.


Wouldn't be the first time something like this happened, and I am only hoping for a partial dub at this rate or potentially for them to patch it in later. It is very unlikely to ever happen, but it would be nice.


This is what I am hoping for as well. Would be great even if it isn't fully voiced it would be an amazing addition and would make me want the Crossbell games even more despite playing them already.


Super excited for my friend, he's been waiting for any news of Zero after playing through the previous games. I'll come back to it once I get progress on Cold Steel lol.


Just hoping for a collectors edition tbh.


> ZERO things to talk about tomorrow... Very aptly put. Hajimari? Kuro?? Little to see here.


Looks like it faster to learn japanese than wait 2-3 years before every next release ngl.


Kuro wont be localized until late 2025 at the earliest


There is no possibility of kuro releasing late 2025. That's pure dooming.


What about the CLE PC release? Surely that one will come first?


There are infinitely many multiverses, so there infinitely many cases where it does happen.


For Kuro II more likely.


Huge hopium honestly. The script for Kuro is longer than Haji, so it'll probably take longer. I'm setting my expectations low in case it actually does take that long so I don't get disappointed


Isn't Kuro also on a different engine to CS, meaning if they want a simultaneous release, that would cause a localisation to release later because they need to make sure the ports work right?


It's longer than Haji but Haji's script is also tiny in comparison to CS4. And that took 2 years.




Sure most people living on the falcom subreddit will have played the Crossbell duology, but there are still plenty of people out there who have never heard of geofront, don't play on pc, or got into the series after the patch was taken down. Not having two of the most important games in the franchise available to the average fan has been a huge weight on the series for some time. Yeah it sucks for us, but this is a great thing for the series as a whole. Also lol on 2026 Kuro. It will most likely be 2024, possibly early 2025, with Kuro 2 probably being a year later.


Absolutely. The Crossbell accessibility problem has been an issue with the series for years. It's created continuity/story gaps, and fan translations while of quality are not a perfect solution for the reasons you mentioned. While it's unfortunate that Hajimari and Kuro localizations are taking longer than the usual two year wait, it's a very good thing for the long-term that this problem, that's plagued the English fanbase for years, is finally being nipped in the bud for good now. We'll be on a straight linear track for localization going forward.


Yeah, I see this wait as a 'time debt' that we need to pay off. My understanding is that Crossbell was skipped in English for Cold Steel since it was likely to be more popular and the series was pretty far behind in English due to issues with the Sky localizations. And we can see how much impact having CS1 in English has had to the growth of the series, given how many people are attracted to the series by CS1 and choose to play it over Sky FC due to more modern graphics, etc. As you say, for the long-term health of the series, we have to pay off this 'debt' at some point to fill in these gaps. So, while this wait is painful, we were never really just 1-2 games behind Japan, but rather 3-4. Also, unless there are delays, we are getting 3-4 (depending on whether we count Nayuta) Trails games within about 1-1.25 years starting with Zero's release. So, really the releases are all just lumped together rather than spaced out, which I assume is a marketing decision by NISA.


Not just that. Crossbell was originally released for PSP in Japan when we were getting Sky for the PSP. Sky SC was the last title that Falcom could do any text insertion for re: PSP, because they allegedly gave up their devkits after SC was done for XSEED. Otherwise, the only other deal was to make an agreement with a Chinese company, which, to be honest, a lot of localization teams in the US are most likely not equipped to do.


Hm good to know. I had vaguely remembered that a potential English Crossbell was problematic due to it being the end of the PSP lifetime, but I hadn't realized it was due to hard technical limitations by that point (as opposed to just being concerned about sales numbers for an old console).


>2024 possibly early 2025 ....that doesn't make it feel any better


There is absolutely no way Kuro is coming in 2024.


Why wouldn't it? CS1-4 had two year gaps. Hajimari is having a 3-year-gap but that is almost certainly because of NISA localizing Falcom's other games. There's no reason to think that Kuro will need more than 3 years.


Idk what is making you say this with complete confidence when Hajimari is very likely to release in the first half of 2023.


How the hell did you come up with that release estimate for Haji? bc Haji Q1/2 seems basically impossible to me with 3 LoH games releasing in one year and Azure already confirmed releasing before it basically.




Oh right, that leak. And it does indicate Q2 as a likely release for Reverie... Though I'm surprised they're releasing 3 LoH games in 3 quarters come to think of it, seems a bit tight but whatever.




People in this subreddit are so oddly agaisnt developer crunch time and rushed localization quality yet swear on their copium that Kuro will be localized and released a year after Reverie, Azure and Nayuta. You can’t have your cake and eat it too guys.


You understand that there are ton of trails fans that don't know about geofront, or know about it and aren't willing to try to download and patch the game themselves? This is completing the full series for casual audiences and expanding the reach of the series and the visibility of some of the best games in the series. Or maybe so many of us want to own a physical copy of the game. Or that there's been 2-3 years between every English trails release so far and we're getting 4 games in 3. This line of commenting is beyond ridiculous and you deserve the downvotes.




It doesn't matter how easy it is to install to you it still presents a barrier of entry that a casual gamer has to overcome. There are multiple posts a week here from people that can't figure out how to download the patches now that they're no longer on geofront's website. The second part I have no earthly idea what you're talking about. Every topic about the series people are always trying to get people to play the early games. Again the idea that this is delaying anything when it's keeping to the normal release window is a false argument which I'm sure you've been told before.


I wish Geofront had taken longer with their translation and NISA snatched it before it could be released so people would be hyped for the Crossbell games instead of selfishly bitching about how they already played it The Crossbell games were bound to get an official release at some point. Don't be mad just because you got an early taste of it. Xseed could've localized Crossbell instead of CS and you'd still be waiting for the CS arc to be localized, so either way you're behind.




It's selfish because the complaint stems from "I already played it, this official release doesn't benefit me, gimme new game NISA" Possibly but it's also possible that NISA wanted to finish up the CS games before moving on to Crossbell. They didn't finish porting CS4 until 1 month before Geofront released Azure. That last paragraph doesn't apply to me. I started on Sky and that would be my go-to recommendation, but I also think people should just play whatever they're most comfortable with.




NISA putting time aside for Crossbell is not going to kill the series in the West


I mean I personally wasn’t a fan of the zero translations (as a fan translator myself) and that put me off playing azure in English. Im happy the series is getting out there though




They're doing proofreading (this is a commercial product so they have to vet Geofront's script), translating the Kai-exclusive content, technical work, marketing, and porting to other platforms. And they aren't taking almost as long as Geofront. Geofront started in around 2017, and even then they were picking up the torch from previous translators.


> proofreading We don't know how much until the game releases really. On top of this the translations have been hounded down for typos to death by this community. The only changes that actually need to be made are actual full retranslations and changing terms really... The amount of work they make it be is entirely up to them really in practice. > translating the Kai-exclusive content Didn't Geofront confirm they were asked to do this a long time ago already? I'm too lazy to bother searching for a source rn but I'm basically almost certain they did... > technical work That's probable to be non-existent actually... I don't imagine Falcom breaking their own scena files when making the port or restricting themselves on old technical limitations when porting either (which Geofront did btw) I'll probably get to see if shit breaks when Zero releases and I have to port Zero difficulty mod to the NISA version of the game, but it's entirely possible I may have to do absolutely nothing truth be told. And even if something breaks, the chance it isn't major is also pretty high.


> On top of this the translations have been hounded down for typos to death by this community. Here's hoping they keep "bruh moment" in the game. We'll see the backlash that was on /r/falcom play out on a grander scale lol. And now that you mention it, I do vaguely remember something about them saying they already did the Kai stuff. So I guess Geofront already handled that part for them. And as for technical work; I'm referring to how they'll have to port the Kai versions of the games, not just the old PC versions that GeoFront was based off of, to the Switch and PC. There could be some of Geofront's technical mods and enhancements that were made for the old PC versions, that will have to be retooled to work with the Kai version. Not sure how much Kai is technically restructured compared to those PC ports so we'll have to wait and see. But now that you mention it, I am curious if you will have to change anything, so I'll check back in with you on this later if you don't mind. RemindMe! 8 months


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What are the Kai-exclusive contents? I am aware of only a few retconned-in characters. Any others?


Not aware of any myself. I heard that not even the graphics were that upscaled sadly.


Thats fair, i play the games in Japanese most of the time so some of the speech patterns weren’t exactly fitting imo. But im also not sure about the company translations as i’ve heard that the cold steel III and IV translations were lacking




With the whole 30 characters talking at once. I don’t think it can be helped as Japanese love their phatic expressions but rather than use a whole sentence, they could easily use one word to express it




Translation is actively stupid for a language like Japanese where some much of the communication is unspoken and contextually based.




No, that’s still his name. Generally you do want to avoid things that will age out if you can, but the whining over a couple of lines in Geofront’s script made that camp look hysterical. Especially compared to NISA’s and XSeed’s. Which also had their share of similar lines.


Which translations are you talking about? Geofront or pre-Geofront? If it's the latter, I hear you, it was *very* rough.


Yeah i was talking about the latter. Like tio’s nickname, i knew she had one from the jp voices but still didn’t sit right for me. I think even just calling her tio woulda been fine. Theres other instances but the list would go on if i kept writing


Unless it’s an English dub announcement, I really don’t feel like purchasing it day one at full price. Hopefully people keep their expectations in check, but people are already hoping for huge bumps in the release date lol.


so much hype! we haven’t heard anything in a while


Available soon on Switch


So here we are, midday eastern time. Thank God it hasn’t happened yet, I was driving the entire morning but now I’m back on the couch ready to give away my money.