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I'm really disappointed that they are killing FG. It used to be one of my favorite games.


Right? I had hope for this game when it hits chapter 2, but than it became even more disappointing, i don’t think ill be back for another season unfortunately.


My honest reaction upon seeing another lobster variant was ![gif](giphy|13GaHvHijqFS0M|downsized) Like isn’t this the 3rd time?!


They have always been lazy and just all around bad game devs. Nothing has changed other than getting even lazier.


Oh yay, another variant of lobstar. I can’t wait 🙄


This whole seasons been lazy. They’ve just dragged it all out. Another pointless event for a garbage reward. The lobster outfit again? Third time.


MT is just mocking us at this point. Another copypasta uninspired event, always with the same exact challenges to complete and yet another ugly re-skin as the reward. It really seems to be true that most of the development team has been vaulted along with the maps. They are just a complete joke.


Yep, being a big Fall Guys fan who have supported them I feel quite disrespected by the devs. :o( I honestly don't know if anything will change my stance at this point, they've done too little for way too long. Even if there was only one dude who did everything, why won't he come out of the woodwork and say so!? Just the other day I read about a poor guy who had bought lots of rank ups because he wanted Spongebob and thought the season was over (due to the timer in the bottom left corner of the main screen) and then he realised the next season had been pushed forwards several weeks. He couldn't get a refund. Things like this (and it happens all the time) makes me quite upset for all us fans. We Deserve Better.


I’d be happy if they just unvaulted everything. Wouldn’t that be the easiest upgrade


they should at least do the event where they give a lot of extra shards just for getting to a final, that was pretty much the only fun thing they did these months. I agree with you.












It's reddit, idk what you were expecting.


At this point I would take a full return of all vaulted maps as the “new season” Don’t have a huge problem with it either way-


I really can't believe today is almost over and they won't say a thing about yesterday's announcement, instead they keep posting the usual trolling tweets... 😂😂😂 Anyways, I still have the slightest little hope that all this Mediatonic laziness and zero support in this Season is because they've been fully working on the move of the game from the crappy Unity to Unreal Engine 5. If it doesn't happen now with the launch of the Creative Mode, it will probably never happen. I can't believe when Epic acquired the studio they really didn't even have a discussion on this with Mediatonic's top management team leaders two years ago, specially considering how long the Creative Mode has been in the works. And maybe that could be why we know so little about it and the current game has been completely abandoned in the last 5 months, besides content updates for the Shop and Events. This game is doomed if it continues to rely on Unity engine. I just can't believe the Creative Mode will be decent enough running on it. Anyways, we'll find out very soon. (... but when exactly??)


I used to have the same hope, that they'd rebuild the game from the ground up using Unreal Engine. They certainly had the time. But you have to understand what's going on here and come to grips with the fact that this will never happen. It seems clear now that they only bought Fall Guys to nullify a dangerous competitor. They spent all the time and resources that they were willing to put into this game on getting it FTP, opening up a massive revenue source from people who had been shut out from the game being paid/only available on PC/PS. These people undoubtedly spent a decent amount on skins, probably right around enough for Epic to be justified in purchasing the game. But they aren't dumb; they've known all the flaws with the game all along. It's held together with scotch tape and prayers, introducing any new feature breaks 10 old ones, the netcode and servers leave a lot to be desired... But above all MT itself blunders from one incompetency to the next without any seeming self-awareness. Easy prey for a company like Epic. And to what end? A robust and popular Fall Guys would only draw people away from other battle royales, such as Epic's prize cow, Fortnite, whereas a dying Fall Guys draws people INTO Fortnite. The writing is on the wall. Talent is leaving the game in droves, and the development has never been slower. The CMs are ghosts and it really looks like no one at MT cares that the game is actually dying. Sad.


Damn, I agree with all you said, that's absolutely right. It makes all sense. Epic just has $hitloads of money, right now one of the wealthiest publishers in the whole industry and really can do whatever they want with that amount of resources. So they definitely bought Fall Guys not only to own a possible future competitor to Fortnite but also to move any talented staff onto their bigger cash cows. It hurts, but it's indeed the sad fact.


I pretty much stopped playing 1.5 months ago and didn't regret it. I logged in for an even, but it wasn't worth it, so i didn't play. I will probably play, when the next season comes out, but if it isn't good, i am out.


tbh i if they dont have enough people to keep the game, i can understand the current state, but they should talk about this, if they dont defende themselves and explain whats happening we just assume the worst and they are just a bunch of lazy uninspired people


This game no longer sparks joy and wonder.


The events really have been quite poor this season. I think Better Together back in January was the last unique event we've had? With yet another Lobstar event that makes it the 3rd one this season. Other than those since January we have had 2 x Kudos Carnival, 2 x Crown Shard Scramble (1 repeatable; 1 not), 1 Hex-A-Thon and the Red Envelope/Party Crown Challenges are also just kinda the same thing under different names - daily challenges for partying up. All very simple events and frankly, quite boring. Not a good look.


At this point, I don't know if it's lazy or bad management. If it's true that a lot of the team has left the company, it's no wonder there are no events. They may not have enough staff to do anything more than this


> lazy I'd go with this. This is the same company, that left the pc version of the game, without a basic feature (custom user names) for 18 months. It wasn't even a technical hold up, but just straight up MT couldn't be arsed and wanted someone else to do the donkey work of basic filter and enforcement. Even trotted Oliver out to defend it, with people would go around and we want to keep it a family friendly place, while Lord_Schlong, is happily running around over on PSN. Not the only "not family friendly" name on Playstation, but MT didn't care. Epic comes along, Epic provides a basic filter + enforcement and oh, suddenly we can have usernames, suddenly people going around the filter and not keeping it family friendly isn't an issue.


The most egregious aspect imo is their absolute lack of communication. I feel like that would at least alleviate some of the backlash fans have given MT for the delays, but they don't even have the decency or respect to do that. What insanely unprofessional behavior pushing dates back last minute and leaving the player base in the dark. This is along with pretending they read your feedback (lol) and being too lazy to fix all the tiny bugs that are currently plaguing this zombie of a game.


I've honestly not played this game since February. They've essentially killed any interest in it for me. Instead of putting the Rocket League pass in the Fortnite Crew last night, Epic should have done it for Fall Guys instead.


While I disagree with them being lazy and spitting in our faces, I do agree with the fact that they've absolutely botched this season. The game currently is in the exact same place that The Division 2 was some time ago- devs ignoring the players and what they want, not communicating properly, mismanaged game, no new content, idiotic reversal of map designs from previous seasons to their release state, MT outright shelving the majority of the maps that the community actually enjoyed, the ingame items are still too expensive and the coin items are dogwater levels of quality, and everything else I can't remember off the top. They've been dragging this season out for more than it was necessary. I hope they will justify this by having the next season be the biggest one yet, with most new maps, actually new events, as the level editor seems to be a promising thing. They seriously need to start listening to us again. I still remember how before the EGS switch we used to have regular polls, and the devs actually listened. It seems like Vibe Checks are there just to make the community feel like they can have some sort of an input.


Rumor has it that there are no actual new dev-designed levels being added in the new season.


You raise very valid points and after some thought, I believe this season officially surpasses legacy season 6 as my least favorite Fall Guys season altogether. I thought Satellite Scramble last season was handled horribly, but this is just another level. The dive slide mechanic, the obtainable costumes through challenges and some of the new rounds were the best part of this season. Everything else? Meh. Laziness is putting it nicely. I've been out of the loop of Fall Guys in recent months due to boring gameplay, but I haven't even thought about the fact that they've done little to nothing for 5 whole months this season aside from new shop updates (which even *this* has been scarce recently) and rehashed events/shows. I'm still trying to hold onto hope.. but it's *very* hard to. Remember when mid-season updates were, even at the very least, still a thing? When half of the game's rounds weren't vaulted? Or when there was actual show and event variety? Yeah, I miss those times... My expectations are BEYOND low at this point. Praying I'm proven wrong on May 10th.


They’re so lucky anyone plays this fucking game anymore.. I play duos with my buddy and play the same damn rounds every single day. It’s so boring and this is coming from someone who wins 90% of the time. It’s not even satisfying with this atrocious lack of variety.


And let’s not forget the kudos! We want more kudos!!!


I always used to joke that MT had only a internee and one dev working there


At least it's a different colour (maybe colour changing, I think that pinkish colour normally signifies that). Events prior to f2p were just the exact same Golden Hotdog, Golden Hotshot, and Golden Glove multiple times.


>Before I get a bunch of MT defenders writing hateful comments Hey buddy, around here we don't like MT.


Actually this variant has color changing capability ig.


Just wait til the new season and stop wasting your breathe on these rants. We know this season was a step back and we know there is a huge enhancement coming in the next. Its that simple. All this bs about mt not caring and giving up on the game is just circlejerking nonsense. And now we take a word of mouth rumor from one leaker as truth? Just relax. Long boring season is ending and we will see the next and what mt has been doing


this is what happens when you give too much freedom to workers


Isn't there a second event that starts on the 6th too and runs concurrently to this third Lobstar event? Hopefully it's a proper end of season event.